Action Plan for Liver Disease Research - Development of Action Plan

  • The guiding principles have been applied to development of the Action Plan for Liver Disease Research. The plan was directed by a Liver Disease Subcommittee of the statutory Digestive Diseases Interagency Coordinating Committee made up of representatives across NIH, working in collaboration with members of the liver disease research community to create a broad-based plan for pursuing future research priorities in liver disease supported by the NIH.

  • The Liver Disease Subcommittee held an open meeting on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 on the NIH campus to initiate the Action Plan for Liver Disease Research, which included the participation of representatives from NIH and other federal agencies, the research community, and health organizations and professional societies. For more information on this meeting, click here to review the minutes and slide presentations from the meeting.

  • The Action Plan addresses the broad range of liver and biliary disease research. The Action Plan is structured around 16 topic areas defined by the Liver Disease Subcommittee. For each topic area, a working group was constructed by the Subcommittee. Each working group met and prepared a document outlining the current status of knowledge and research in the area, the major gap areas and challenges to further advances, and specific goals for future research. The documents from the topic areas were then integrated and edited by the Subcommittee to prepare a final Action Plan document. The Action Plan will help guide initiatives in liver disease research and will be regularly reviewed for progress. To view the Action Plan Progress Reviews, click here.

  • The Action Plan is now available. click here

Page last updated: August 04, 2010

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