NEH Connections

NEH Connections offers a convenient path for discovering NEH-funded resources for teaching and learning both inside and outside the classroom.  Please click on any header to start exploring the rich array of resources brought to you by the National Endowment for the Humanities!

  • Books and Articles

    Humanities November/December cover 2010

    Be a Reader! Explore Humanities, the bimonthly magazine of the National Endowment for the Humanities; sample award-winning NEH-supported books; catch up on K-12 reading from NEH's We the People Bookshelf.

  • Databases and Educational Gaming

    Mission US image

    Let your students fill the shoes of 14-year-old printer's apprentice Nat Wheeler... Immerse them in primary document exploration through online databases... Teach critical thinking skills, polish world language knowledge...

  • Exhibitions

    Afghan pendant

    Teach the humanities through words, sounds, and images by going to an exhibition. The National Endowment for the Humanities funds both short- and long-term exhibitions nationwide, as well as abroad. Discover what's open in your area right now or visit a digital version anytime. 

  • NEH Professional Development Events

    Professor David Palliser leading a lecture/visit to Fountains Abbey in North Yor

    Each year the NEH’s Division of Education Programs offers teachers opportunities to study a variety of humanities topics during the summer. Teachers selected for the programs can receive stipends from $1200 to $4500 depending on program and duration.

  • Sound, Film, and Video

    Apache warrior in field

    Discover how NEH-funded documentary series, podcasts, radio shows, and classic films can enrich your students' knowledge and understanding of the humanities.

  • Websites for Teachers and Learners

    From American Journeys website: Lewis and Clark

    The National Endowment for the Humanities has funded hundreds of projects with websites, many of them with teachers and students in mind. Check out this NEH state-by-state index to some of these projects.