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Our Jobs

NNSA's total workforce consists of about 3,000 Federal employees and 30,000 contractors who work in locations across the country and around the world. Our employees come from a broad variety of educational and professional backgrounds to fill many different types of jobs. At a scientific and technical agency like NNSA, you would expect to see scientists and engineers, and we have them, but we also are home to many other professions that an agency needs to operate smoothly and effectively. We invite you to explore our website for information on NNSA's Federal job opportunities.

Job Types
NNSA's workforce is comprised of a diverse and dynamic blend of individuals. We are a staff of top-performing program and technical experts with unbounded potential, a dedication to public service and a commitment to the stewardship of the nation’s important nuclear security assets. If this description appeals to you, check out the job categories we have listed below.


Opportunities for Students
Would you like to get a head start on your career and gain hands-on experience while you’re still in school?  NNSA offers a variety of opportunities for highly motivated students to earn a salary while continuing their studies. 


NNSA Graduate Program
Are you looking for a dynamic career that will make a difference in the safety and security of our nation? Do you have a strong academic record?  If so, NNSA could be the right career choice for you.



Entry-Level Positions
Are you looking for a way to share your ideas, follow your passions and develop professionally?  NNSA has entry-level positions that will allow you to gain valuable knowledge while helping to carry out an exciting and vital mission.


Mid-Career and Managerial Positions
If you are looking for a place that offers a challenging and rewarding environment for you to master your field, NNSA is the place for you. Whether you are in business management or a technical field and are looking to apply your problem-solving skills to complex projects, NNSA has positions that will challenge you and inspire you to succeed as an individual contributor or manager.


Executive Positions
If you are a visionary who can lead, manage, communicate and deliver results and who wants to make a difference in our global society, consider an executive position in NNSA.