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Visas /American Citizens

Q1. Where should I send all my visa related complaints/requests to? Also, I am citizen, I need some help, where can I send my request to?

A1: First, check the Visas / American Citizens services pages. Then, send your requests on visas only to either (not both)

  1. Lagos:  serves the southern part of nigeria
  2. Abuja: serves the northern part of nigeria

Study in the United States

Q2: I need further information about study in the usa, who can i contact?

A2: First, check the Study in the USA page bfore you send your request to

  1. Lagos:  serves the southern part of nigeria
  2. Abuja: serves the northern part of nigeria

Media / News

Q3: As a journalist i need further clarification on any story put out by the Embassy, who should I contact?

A3: First, check the Embassy Website. If your questions are still unanswered then use the e-mail below. This e-mail is specifically for journalists. Please identify yourself and the organization you work for before you ask your question. Use


Q4: I understand you have some grants, where can i find information about these grants and other external grants?
A4: Yes! we have some grants are listed on this website. We also have external fellowships listed on this website. In case you want further clarification on these grants, please use send specific question to
In addition, there is also PEPFAR fund for specific projects. Currently, these have been awarded in two major areas: use corresponding contact information for further information only.

  1. Universities:
  2. Media:   

Broken Link

Q5: I noticed some broken links on this website. Where can I report it?

A5: Please end a mail with the specific broken linkt to

Advanced Fee Fraud

Q6: I have been bombarded by scam letters. What should I do?

A6: American citizens should contact their local U.S. Secret Service Office. Please check your telephone directory for the appropriate number. For further guidance, please check on the U.S. Secret Service

Information Resource Centers (IRCs)

Q7: I will like to know how I can use the IRC? DO I need to pay before I can use it?

A7: Please, read the details of how to make use of the IRCs in Abuja and Lagos and respective locations. You do not need to pay before you use it.

Joining the U.S. Military

Q8: How can I join the U.S. Military as a Nigerian?

A8: To join the U.S. Armed Forces you must be either a U.S. Naturalized Citizen or possess a Permanent Resident Visa (aka green card.) Listed below are the basic requirements:


  • Must be a U.S. citizen OR in the U.S. on a Permanent Resident Visa.
  • Must be under the age of 34.
  • Must have proof of age.
  • Must have no more than 2 dependents (i.e. a spouse and one child).
  • Must be a graduate of High School (12 Grades).
  • Must be able to pass the mental and physical tests.

Other Sources of information: