Marines Magazine

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Archive for December, 2010

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    Project Runway

    FORWARD OPERATING BASE DELARAM 2, Afghanistan – Anticipation permeated the dust-filled air here as five Marines waited – 180 half-pound sticks of dynamite sealed in holes bored into the earth were 30 seconds away from  [Read more...]

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    All About the Basics: Tips from the Pros

    MARINE CORPS BASE QUANTICO, Va. – The phrase, “every Marine a rifleman,” can be attributed to the level of skill a Marine possesses with a rifle. Not everyone is born a rifleman, but with proper  [Read more...]

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    LONG BEACH, N.Y. — Tara Hutchinson smiled more than you’d expect for someone who could barely stand on a surfboard. She had wiped out more times than anyone else in the water, and yet she paddled back  [Read more...]

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    Afghans Helping Afghans

    AYNAK SCHOOL, Afghanistan — As squads of Marines and Afghan National Army soldiers marched their way past the line of small Afghan stores, shopkeeper Mohammad Wali wondered what was happening. It could have been just  [Read more...]

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    During World War II, when the enemy would rather take his own life than surrender, Pfc. Guy Louis Gabaldon managed to single handedly capture about 1,500 Japanese prisoners. But he did not get the commendation  [Read more...]

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    Combat Ready in a Combat Zone

    Physical fitness and deployments play a significant part the Marine Corps lifestyle. How does a Marine deployed to a remote combat outpost or forward operating base, where gyms are a shell of what Marines are  [Read more...]

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    Impact of Poverty in Africa

    TENGA, Mozambique — Hundreds of Mozambican villagers lined a dusty dirt road at dawn Aug. 5 to receive medical care from U.S. service members and medics with the Armed Forces for the Defenses of Mozambique  [Read more...]

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    Green Bullets

    According to Marine Corps Systems Command the Corps expends about 100 million 5.56 mm rifle cartridges in live-fire training each year. Taking an eco-friendly approach, the Corps is looking into a new round that does  [Read more...]

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    A Spork fit for Combat

    Today’s unconventional battlefield has lead to the adoption of some unusual looking tools to get the job done. Officially named the improved spork, this battlefield oddity simplifies the operation of the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected  [Read more...]

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    Big Things Come in SMAW Packages

    Fielded in 1984, the Mk. 153 Shoulder-launched Multi-purpose Assault Weapon (SMAW) was specifically developed with the Marine Corps in mind. It is fed by a sealed canister containing the missile, which is manually connected to  [Read more...]

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    Q & A: Rear Adm. Margaret G. Kibben

    On July 9, REAR ADM. MARGARET KIBBEN became the first female chaplain of the Marine Corps. Serving on the commandant’s staff in Washington, her duties include advising the commandant on the delivery of religious ministry  [Read more...]

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    11th Marine Expeditionary Unit

    Marine Expeditionary Units uphold the Marine Corps’ pledge of “First to fight,” and the 11th MEU is no exception. Some of the first Marines in Iraq in 2003 were assigned to the Pride of the  [Read more...]

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    Faces in the Ranks

    Lance Cpl. Daniel Hermann Jasper, Ga. Age: 23 Occupation: Motor transportation utilities mechanic Unit: Marine Wing Communications Squadron 28, Marine Air Control Group 28 In late February, Hermann went to see a movie with some  [Read more...]

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    General James T. Conway Reflects on Four Years, Two Wars

    ARLINGTON, Va. – In late 2006, the United States was engaged in a two-front war with Marines deploying every seven months. Their families were forced to deal with the high deployment tempo and the consequences  [Read more...]

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    PHOTO SET: JULY – SEPT. 2010

    Marines and their families have endured the brunt of a two-front war for more than nine years. With less than 100 Marines left in Iraq, the Corps looks toward Afghanistan determined to achieve the same  [Read more...]