January, 2011

A Year of Saving Lives Through Smart Investments

Year in Review: The Americas

Economic Growth and Security in 2011: My New Year's Resolutions

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Attends Inauguration of President-Elect Rousseff

Year in Review: Protecting the World's Most Vulnerable Populations

Year in Review: 100 Years of Active Engagement in East Asia and the Pacific

USAID: 2010 in Review

Year in Review: Partnering To Fight Hunger and Undernutrition

U.S. Helps Pakistan Achieve Best Year in Mango Exports

In Sudan, Saving Lives Through Weapons Destruction Programs

Stabilization Teams Support Referendum Process in Sudan

Year in Review: Reducing Global Nuclear Dangers and Improving U.S. Security

Year in Review: Ending Human Trafficking

Expectations and Implications: A Discussion on the Southern Sudan Referendum

Secretary Clinton Meets With Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Seiji Maehara

Press Briefing on Haiti

Program in Sudan Fosters Peace-Building One Community at a Time

#CulturalDiplomacy @ Work: Association of Performing Arts Presenters

Assistant Secretary Feltman Underscores U.S. Commitment to Peace and Prosperity in the Middle East

Photo of the Week: USAID Supports Reconstruction Efforts in Haiti

U.S., Pakistan Sign Cooperative Dam Project

Year in Review: Advancing Partnerships in South and Central Asia

"In Sudan, an Election and a Beginning"

Joint Statement on the Start of Polling for the Southern Sudan Referendum

DipNote: The Week in Review

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Travels to United Arab Emirates, Oman and Qatar

Conversations With America: Haiti in 2011 -- The Way Forward

"Progress in Haiti is Slow, but Real"

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Speaks at the Masdar Institute in Abu Dhabi

Update on Southern Sudan Referendum

Scenes From a Haitian Market

Reflections on 2010, Resolutions for 2011: Strengthening Gains for Women and Girls

Ambassador Eikenberry Visits Mes Aynak Cultural Site

Building on What Works: U.S. HIV/AIDS Programs Forge Haiti Earthquake Response

U.S. Helps Flood-Affected Farmers in Pakistan

Haiti: One Year Later

Senior Officials Hold Press Briefing on the Southern Sudan Referendum

One Year Commemoration of Haiti's Earthquake

Inspiration in Haiti: The Spirit of Trafficking Survivors

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Speaks at Town Hall With Omani Civil Society

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Meets With Qatari Prime Minister Al Thani

U.S.-Funded Road Upgrade Improves Daily Life in Peshawar

Finding Hope in Haiti

Supporting Criminal Justice Training and Education in Sudan

Learning What Works: Best Practices in Program Evaluation

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton's Remarks at the Forum for the Future Partnership Dialogue

Afghan Partnership Opens Modern Carpet Processing Facility

2010: Global Partnerships in Review

Photo of the Week: "You Can Help Build a Future That Your Young People Will Believe In"

Secretary Clinton Speaks on U.S.-China Relations

Civilian Response: Lessons From Bangladesh

White House Blog Previews "Dispatches From Sudan"

Using Science and Research to Save Lives: The PEPFAR Scientific Advisory Board

Haiti: Getting It Right for the Long-Term

Year in Review: DipNote Editors' Selections From 2010, Part One

The Role of Teachers and Textbooks in a Democracy

Secretary Clinton's Statement on Recent Events in Tunisia

Honoring Ambassador Richard C. Holbrooke

Celebrating Southern Sudanese Freedom To Determine Their Future

Supporting Religious Freedom in Guyana

U.S. Observes Religious Freedom Day

A Conversation at the Mosques of Seoul

Secretary Clinton Calls Tunisian Foreign Minister

Year in Review: DipNote Editors' Selections From 2010, Part Two

DipNote: The Week in Review

Colombian Students Learn About the Life and Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.

U.S. Celebrates 25th Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service

Brazil: Celebrating Our African Heritage on MLK Day

In France, MLK Day Advances Mutual Understanding

Successful Completion of Polling in the Southern Sudan Referendum

Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr.

On MLK Day, Remembering a Dream for All People

Celebrating the International Year for People of African Descent

First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks on the "100,000 Strong" China Study Abroad Initiative

The China State Visit

President Obama and Chinese President Hu Hold Joint Press Conference

Vice President Biden, Secretary Clinton Host Lunch in Honor of President Hu of China

U.S. Helps Vaccinate Seven Million Pakistani Children Against Measles and Polio

Highlighting "100K Strong," First Lady Michelle Obama Encourages American Students To Study Abroad

Photo of the Week: President Obama Welcomes President Hu of China

The Power of Remittances

Evaluating U.S. Assistance for Refugees in Africa's Great Lakes Region

Fair Competition in a World of Competing Capitalisms

DipNote: The Week in Review

Secretary Clinton Calls Tunisian Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi

Albanian-American Enterprise Fund Returns $15 Million to U.S. Treasury

President Obama, Secretary Clinton Condemn Attack at Moscow's Domodedovo Airport

Join a Discussion on Recent Trends in Anti-Semitism Around the World

A Digital Bridge Across the Pacific

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Meets With Mexican Foreign Secretary Espinosa

Secretary Clinton Meets With Spanish Foreign Minister Jimenez

President Obama Delivers the 2011 State of the Union Address

U.S. Helps Rebuild Libraries, Opens Harold Courlander American Corner in Haiti

U.S. Embassy Islamabad Supports Entrepreneurship and Job Growth

Commodore Franchetti Expresses Gratitude to State Department for Pacific Partnership 2010 Assistance

Secretary Clinton Meets With Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Karti

Ambassador Beyrle Pays Respect to Victims of Bomb Attack at Domodedovo Airport

Secretary Clinton Meets With Jordanian Foreign Minister Judeh

Pakistan TV To Broadcast Town Hall With Ambassador Munter, Dr. Wyatt and Students

Microfinance Empowers Entrepreneurs in Tanzania

Assistant Secretary Feltman Visits Tunisia, Shows Support for Free, Fair and Inclusive Elections

American Writers in the Pink City

Reaction to the Death of Ugandan LGBT Activist David Kato

Conversations With America: Recent Trends in Anti-Semitism Around the World

U.S., Russia Partner To Eradicate Polio Around the World

Secretary Clinton: "Reform Is Absolutely Critical to the Well-Being of Egypt"

Secretary Clinton Meets With Colombian Vice President Garzon

New Midwives and Nurses Join Efforts To Improve Maternal and Child Health in Kabul

Photo of the Week: Ambassador Ford Presents Credentials to Syrian President Assad

DipNote: The Week in Review

Secretary Clinton Addresses the Situation in Egypt

Egypt: Public Service Announcement for U.S. Citizens

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton in Haiti

"The People of Belarus Deserve Better"

Deputy Secretary Steinberg Leads U.S. Delegation at African Union Summit

February, 2011

In Turkmenistan, Exchange Alumni Demonstrate Spirit of Volunteerism

President Obama on Egypt's Future: "Suppression is Not Going to Work"

In Cambodia, Working To Create Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security

U.S., Pakistan Advance Cooperation on Bioengagement

‘Hiplomats’ HaviKoro (Top)Rock India

Next Steps in Egypt

Egypt: Updated Public Service Announcement for U.S. Citizens

President's Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

Status of U.S. Citizen Evacuations From Egypt

President Obama Speaks on the Situation in Egypt

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at First-Ever Global Chiefs of Mission Conference

Join a Discussion on U.S. Efforts To Combat Human Trafficking

"Lest We Forget: UNESCO Remembers"

Admiral Mullen Delivers Remarks at Global Chiefs of Missions Conference

"Dispatches From Sudan"

Secretary Clinton Calls Egyptian Vice President Omar Soliman

Update on the Status of U.S. Citizen Evacuations From Egypt

President Obama Signs New START

USAID Administrator Shah Addresses Global Chiefs of Mission Conference

Secretary Clinton Condemns Attacks on Demonstrators and Journalists in Egypt

U.S., Croatia Sign Open Skies Air Services Agreement

Photo of the Week: American Diplomats Assist U.S. Citizens in Egypt

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Travels to Munich Security Conference

Facilitating State, Local Government Conversation With the Deputy Special Envoy for Climate Change

You've Been Asked To Assist With an Evacuation. Now What?

New START Treaty Enters Into Force

Investing in People: Improving Education in Southern Sudan

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at Munich Security Conference

Secretary Clinton on the Situation in the Middle East: "The Status Quo is Simply Not Sustainable"

International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation

Slam Dunk: People-to-People Diplomacy on the Basketball Court

Update on Events in Egypt

Croatia: U.S. Humanitarian Effort Turns Mines Into Vines

Secretary Clinton Congratulates Sudan on the Results of Southern Sudan Referendum

Thailand LIKES Ambassador Kenney: Using the Power of Social Media to Further U.S. Public Diplomacy

DipNote: The Week in Review

"The Fight Against Child Marriage"

Gateway to the World: Port Sudan's Great Potential

U.S., Pakistan Partnership Supports English Instruction for Teachers, Education for Youth

U.S. Intends To Recognize Southern Sudan as Sovereign, Independent State

Conversations With America: U.S. Efforts To Combat Human Trafficking

U.S. Helps Farmers Increase Agricultural Productivity in Afghanistan

U.S. Supports Estonian Demining Efforts

Ambassadors as CEOs

Safety Information for American Students Traveling Abroad

Year in Review: Conflict Prevention and Stabilization

Taking Your Questions on Twitter

"We Want To See the Universal Rights of the Egyptian People Respected"

Recent Developments in Egypt and Lebanon: Implications for U.S Policy in the Middle East

Join a Discussion on International Disability Rights

U.S., Brazil Foster Economic Partnerships

Commemorating 150 Years of "Foreign Relations of the United States"

President Obama: "The Voices of the Egyptian People Must Be Heard"

USAID Staff Exchange Program Deepens Relationship Between U.S., Brazil

President Obama: "The People of Egypt Have Spoken"

Tech@State: Open Source

"Internet Rights and Wrongs: Choices and Challenges in a Networked World"

DipNote: The Week in Review

Deputy Secretary Nides Briefs the Press on the State Department and USAID Budget

Afghanistan: U.S. Conventional Weapons Destruction Team Clears More Than Landmines

A New Way To Find Foreign Assistance Budget and Appropriation Data

Secretary Clinton Emphasizes U.S. Commitment To Broadening, Deepening U.S.-Ukraine Relationship

Opinion Space 3.0 Launches on State.Gov

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at First Strategic Dialogue With Civil Society

Three Days in Dhaka: An Introduction to the Challenges and Opportunities in Bangladesh

Conversations With America: A Discussion on the State Department's Internet Freedom Strategy

In Nepal, Contemplating the Worst in Order To Make the Future Better

Senior Advisor Tillemann Briefs on Strategic Dialogue With Civil Society

Citizen Diplomacy Makes a Difference "One Handshake at a Time"

"Social Media and the World Stage"

Entrepreneurship: A Growth Strategy for Combating Youth Unemployment

Conversations With America: A Discussion on International Disability Rights

Secretary Clinton Celebrates 50 Years of Citizen Diplomacy

Secretary Clinton Discusses Recent Events in Egypt and the Broader Middle East

One Hundred Years of Public Diplomacy in East Asia and the Pacific

Join a Discussion on the State Department's Internet Freedom Strategy

Zimbabwe: Kennedy Center Cultural Diplomacy Enhances Arts Management

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks on U.S. Policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Promoting Trade and a Better Environment: CAFTA-DR Environmental Cooperation

Photo of the Week: Community Building in the Philippines

Join a Discussion on Stabilization and Conflict Prevention

PEPFAR: Making Smart Investments To Save More Lives

New Training Program Focuses on Advancing Justice in Afghanistan

Indonesian Hospital Remembers U.S. Diplomat's Grandmother

DipNote: The Week in Review

Situation in Libya

Secretary Clinton: "Libya Has a Responsibility To Respect the Universal Rights of the People"

New Zealand: Christchurch Earthquake

Secretary Clinton To Participate in Online Dialogue With Egyptian Youth

Secretary Clinton on the Situation in the Middle East

“What Do Rising Food Prices Mean?”

Lincoln Learning Center Opens in Kunar Province, Afghanistan

UNESCO Promotes Women's Freedom of Expression Through Art

Secretary Clinton Speaks to Students From Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Deteriorating Human Rights Situation in Iran

President Obama on the Situation in Libya: "This Violence Must Stop"

Secretary Clinton Meets With Brazilian Foreign Minister Patriota

New Zealand: USAID Deploys Urban Search and Rescue Team to Christchurch

Conversations With America: A Discussion on Stabilization and Conflict Prevention

Online Now: “The American Experience in Southeast Asia, 1946-1975”

Human Security is National Security: Reflections From Liberia

Iraq in Transition: Dispatches From the Frontlines of Diplomacy

Photo of the Week: Urban Search and Rescue Team in Christchurch

Announcing CivilianResponseCorps.gov

Educational Exchanges Change Lives in Indonesia and Malaysia

Secretary Clinton Holds Social Media Dialogue With Egypt's Masrawy.com

U.S. Embassy Operations in Libya

U.S. Businessman Explores Trade and Investment Opportunities in Afghanistan

Pressing Toward Long-Term Peace and Security in Darfur

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Departs for Geneva

DipNote: The Week in Review

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Addresses United Nations Human Rights Council

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at Conference on Disarmament

March, 2011

Libya Suspended From Human Rights Council

U.S. Embassy Kabul Commemorates 50th Anniversary of the Peace Corps

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee

In Baghdad, Former "Volunteers" Celebrate 50 Years of the Peace Corps

Fulbright Program Now on LinkedIn

U.S. Governors and Chinese Provincial Leaders Enter New Era of Engagement

Afghan Law Students Compete for International Prestige

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks Before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

Dialogue in Uzbekistan: From Bilateral Meetings to a Chat With Uzbek Youth

Opening of American Corner Builds on Hope and Tradition in Jaffna, Sri Lanka

How History Helps To Inform the Present

A Roadshow About Jobs

Secretary Clinton Speaks Before the Senate Appropriations Committee

Secretary Clinton Meets With Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski

U.S. Committed To Creating a More Food-Secure World

President Obama Meets With Mexican President Calderon

Photo of the Week: Increasing Farmer Productivity in Haiti

"My Vote Fit Change Naija"

U.S. Supports International Efforts To Assist People Fleeing the Crisis in Libya

Supporting Good Governance and the Rule of Law in Haiti

DipNote: The Week in Review

"100 Women Initiative: Empowering Women and Girls Through International Exchanges"

U.S. Announces Pacific Partnership 2011

Secretary Clinton Celebrates 100th Anniversary of International Women's Day

New Passport Agency Opens in Vermont

Secretary Clinton Hosts 2011 International Women of Courage Awards Ceremony

Humanitarian Assistance for People Fleeing the Crisis in Libya

From Peace Corps Volunteer to Deputy Chief of Mission

State Department Hosts Sister Cities International

Haiti's Kanaval: A Diplomatic Dance

Op-Ed: "Women's Work-More, Earn-Less Plan Hurts"

NATO Meets To Address the Crisis in Libya

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission: Creating Better Health for Women, Children, and Families

Christchurch Earthquake: Teams in Motion

U.S., Australia: Allies Committed To Meeting 21st Century Challenges Together

President Obama, Secretary Clinton Meet With Kyrgyz President Otunbayeva

Fifty Years of USAID

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at APEC 2011 Forum's First Senior Officials Meeting

Zimbabwe: Serendipity and the Photojournalist

PEPFAR's Gender Strategy: Action at the Intersection of HIV Infection and Gender-Based Violence

PEPFAR Partners in Global Effort To Eliminate Sexual Violence Against Girls

President Obama Speaks to the People of Brazil

U.S. Humanitarian Support on Libya's Borders

Saving Lives at Birth: Launch of a Global Partnership on Maternal and Child Health

Afghanistan Inaugurates New Courthouse in Helmand Province

Holding Iran Accountable for its Human Rights Record

Profiles in International Women of Courage

Secretary Clinton Speaks Before the House Appropriations Subcommittee

Kabul Celebrates International Women's Day

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at Second Annual Women in the World Stories and Solutions

Deployment Stories: Supporting U.S. Assistance in the Kyrgyz Republic

Women's Tech.Del Travels to Liberia and Sierra Leone

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Alliance for Progress

U.S. Announces Additional Humanitarian Assistance in Response to Violence in Libya

PEPFAR's Gender Challenge Fund: At the Intersection of Gender and HIV

President Obama: The United States Stands Ready To Help the Japanese People

Secretary Clinton: U.S. Committed To Helping Japan Respond, Recover

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at the President’s Export Council

Op-Ed: In Libya, Our Aid Matters

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks on Japan Earthquake, Pacific Tsunami

Photo of the Week: International Women of Courage

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Meets With Japanese Foreign Minister Matsumoto

DipNote: The Week in Review

Ambassador Roos Provides Update on Response to Japanese Earthquakes, Tsunami

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Meets With United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Abdullah

Ambassador Roos: "Today Our Hearts Remain With Our Japanese Friends"

Troika Issues Joint Statement on Cessation of Talks in Sudan

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Meets With Egyptian Foreign Minister Al-Araby

Celebrating 50 Years of the Peace Corps

Building Telecommunications Capacity in Afghanistan

Moving Forward on Gender: PEPFAR's Plans

Ambassador Roos Provides Update on Humanitarian Relief Efforts in Japan

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton in Egypt

Join a Discussion on Global Water Issues

How You Can Help Japan

Along the Libya-Tunisia Border

"Erin Go Bragh"

Photo of the Week: U.S. Provides Disaster Relief to Japan

Arctic Council Meetings Enhance International Environmental Cooperation

An Update on the Situation in Japan

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton in Tunisia

Countering Piracy by Disrupting Its Financial Networks

U.S. Embassy Kabul Announces Contribution to National Museum of Afghanistan

President Obama Delivers Remarks on the Situation in Japan

UN Security Council Passes Resolution 1973

2011 Hours Against Hate Campaign in Azerbaijan

Expanding Access to the Internet for Women in Turkmenistan

"Our Opportunity in the Americas"

Secretary Clinton Meets With Irish Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Gilmore

President Obama on Libya: "Our Goal Is Focused, Our Cause Is Just, Our Coalition Is Strong"

Celebrating America's Young Science Superstars

Passing of Warren Christopher

Progress in Northern Ireland

PEPFAR Programs Support African Efforts to Fight Global AIDS

President Obama Meets With President Rousseff of Brazil

Secretary Clinton: "Colonel Qadhafi’s Campaign of Violence Against His Own People Must Stop"

Election Observers on the Ground in Haiti

DipNote: The Week in Review

Conversations With America: Global Water Issues

Dispatch From Darfur

President Obama: "We are all Americans. Todos somos Americanos."

Secretary Clinton Signs Memorandum of Understanding With the World Bank on World Water Day

Volunteers Remove Litter Along the Singapore River for World Water Day

Under Secretary McHale To Discuss the Importance of Radio in Pakistan

Improving Access to Water and Sanitation in Afghanistan

Secretary Clinton Signs Book of Condolences at Japanese Embassy

World Water Day: From Detroit to Shanghai

In Latin America With President Obama

Ending Acts of Violence and Human Rights Violations Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Secretary Clinton Meets With Moroccan Foreign Minister Fassi Fihri

World Tuberculosis Day: Fighting the TB/HIV Epidemics Through PEPFAR

Students Examine Global Water Issues in Uzbekistan

The Campaign Comes to Cordoba: "2011 Horas Contra el Odio"

Secretary Clinton Reaffirms U.S. Commitment To Fighting Tuberculosis

Water Issues in India: Opportunities and Challenges

Radio Plays Important Educational Role in Pakistan

Ambassador Roos Tells People of Japan, "We Will Be Here for You Today, Tomorrow"

Implementing UN Security Council Resolutions on Libya

Water Conservation Efforts in Guangzhou

Remembering Yesterday's Workers, Protecting Workers Today

From a World Without Water to a Well-Watered World

Counter Piracy: Global Community Gathers To Take Action

U.S. Embassy Addis Ababa Launches Green Team

Assisting Libyans in Moving Forward

Passing of Geraldine Ferraro

DipNote: The Week in Review

Secretaries Clinton, Gates Discuss Situation in Libya on Sunday Morning News Shows

For Pacific Partnership 2011, Mission Remains Unchanged: Minimize Loss of Life When Tragedy Strikes

Making Women's Voices Count

World Water Day Buzz at the World Bank

Photo of the Week: Ambassador Roos Visits Disaster Relief Shelter in Japan

Renewed Focus on Women's Rights in North Africa and the Middle East

President Obama Addresses the Nation on Libya

Demand Change: Everyone Can Work To End Modern Slavery

Secretary Clinton Speaks at the International Conference on Libya

An Update on PEPFAR in Côte d'Ivoire

Progress in Libya

Ambassador Grossman Discusses Pakistan at the Brussels Forum

Connecting in Crisis: The Role of Social Media in Japan's Disaster Response

Key Accomplishments at the UN Human Rights Council

Afghan Students Learn About African-American History

UN Human Rights Council: U.S. Decides To Seek a Second Term

Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs in Iraq and Kuwait

U.S. Celebrates 100 Open Skies Agreements

Peace Corps Volunteers Are Leaders in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS

Empowering Youth To Be Agents of Change

Deputy Secretary Steinberg Testifies on "Libya: Defining U.S. National Security Interests"

Celebrating Women's Leadership in Southern Sudan

Assistant Secretary Campbell Provides Overview of U.S. Engagement in the Asia Pacific

Assistant Secretary Carson Provides Update on Situation in Côte d'Ivoire

Mentorship Program Advances Women's Entrepreneurship in Pakistan

April, 2011

Engaging Faith-Based Communities on Foreign Policy Objectives

Announcing Ambassador Lyman as New Special Envoy for Sudan

Miami Passport Agency Highlights Consular Services in Florida

DipNote: The Week in Review

Photo of the Week: Empowering Women

Strengthening Global Ties on the Ice

Sudan: A Sustained Commitment

The People of Côte d'Ivoire Deserve Peace

Guyana National Museum, U.S. Embassy Georgetown Partner on Photography Exhibit

International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action

San Diego Passport Agency Opens to the Public

Ambassador Roos Thanks U.S. Troops Assisting Relief Efforts in Japan

PEPFAR and Ukraine: A Partnership To Stop the Spread of HIV

Increasing African Capacity To Promote Peace and Security

Pacific Partnership 2011 Engages Civil Society at the East West Center

Secretary Clinton Marks the 60th Anniversary of the Refugee Convention

Development Assistance Is Critical To Advancing U.S. Interests, Solving Global Challenges

U.S. Partnership Helps Farmers in Pakistan Improve Their Livelihoods

President Obama on the Security Situation in Cote d'Ivoire

"No Action Today, No Cure Tomorrow"

U.S. Provides Humanitarian Assistance in Response to the Libya Crisis

Secretary Clinton Meets With Italian Foreign Minister Frattini

Proceedings of "Foreign Economic Policy, 1973-1976" Conference Available Online

Jewish and Arab Students Perform "West Side Story" in Israel

Secretary Clinton Releases Annual Human Rights Report

Applications Now Being Accepted To Represent the U.S. at UNESCO Youth Forum

World Health Day Focuses on Public Health Threat Posed by Antimicrobial Drug Resistance

Secretary Clinton Meets With UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon

U.S. Policy Towards Africa in 2011: Implications of Current Events

The 2010 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices

New Passport Agency Opens in El Paso, Texas

International Organizations Tackle Chronic Malnutrition in Niger and Chad

Modern Aboriginal Artwork Comes to the State Department

Photo of the Week: Women and Children Visit a Health Clinic in Haiti

Highlighting the U.S.-Mexico Partnership

Pacific Partnership 2011: Learning the Importance of Team-Building Aboard Ship

Remembering the Early Years of U.S.-Afghan Relations

U.S. Condemns Renewed Assault By Forces Loyal to Former President Gbagbo in Côte d'Ivoire

DipNote: The Week in Review

U.S. Welcomes Decisive Turn of Events in Côte d'Ivoire

Secretary Clinton Celebrates Achievements of U.S.-China Consultation on People-to-People Exchange

Secretary Clinton Honors Extraordinary Women at 10th Annual Vital Voices Global Leadership Awards

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at U.S.-Islamic World Forum

In Hyderabad, Taking Online Connections Offline

Advancing Clean Energy and Climate Change Cooperation in the Americas

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Travels to Berlin, Seoul, and Tokyo

U.S. Embassy in Wellington Embraces 21st Century Statecraft

Looking Forward to World Press Freedom Day 2011

Continued Attacks on Libyan Civilians

Joint Op-Ed by Presidents Obama, Sarkozy, and Prime Minister Cameron: "Libya's Pathway to Peace"

Hip Hop and Graffiti: Reaching Out to At-Risk Youth

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Meets With German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Celebrates the Life of Ambassador Holbrooke

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Holds Press Availability in Berlin

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Receives Walther Rathenau Prize

Salvadoran Students Draw Inspiration From U.S. First Lady

The Legacy of #42 Lives on Through Sports Diplomacy

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Meets With South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung-Hwan in Seoul

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Meets With Japanese Foreign Minister Matsumoto in Tokyo

Pacific Partnership 2011 Arrives to Tonga

Photo of the Week: Secretary Clinton Visits South Korea

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Discusses Korea Free Trade Agreement

During Year Abroad, Pakistani Students Will Exchange Ideas With American Young People

Commemorating "Ping Pong Diplomacy" in Shanghai

DipNote: The Week in Review

Assistant Secretary Gordon Delivers Remarks on NATO Ministerial Meeting in Berlin

PEPFAR Strengthens Civil Society Efforts To Fight HIV/AIDS

Training Women Health Workers To Save Lives and Improve Health in Pakistan

Observing Elections in Nigeria

U.S. Commitment To Assist Refugees Worldwide

UN General Assembly Declares 2011 as the International Year of Forests

Join a Discussion on the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement

"The Best Sister City Relationship I've Ever Seen"

Making the Transformative Power of a U.S.-Korea Trade Agreement a Reality

Secretary Clinton Meets With Haitian President-Elect Michel Martelly

"Conversations on Diplomacy"

Secretary Clinton Highlights Importance of Study Abroad to U.S.-China Relationship

Secretary Clinton Meets With Dutch Foreign Minister Rosenthal

Civil Society: Empowering Women and Girls Through International Exchanges

When Earth Day and Birthday Coincide: U.S. Embassy Green Team Celebrates One Year of Going Green

Building Stronger Ties Between the U.S. and Tajikistan

Helping the People of Laos Develop Their Economy and Preserve the Country's Natural Resources

Americans Join Pakistanis for Earth Day Clean Up at Islamabad's Margalla Hills

Women as Environmental Change Agents

Consulate Sydney Lowers Carbon Footprint, Slashes Electricity Usage

Ensuring the Harvest in Kyrgyzstan

Photo of the Week: Embassies and Consulates Celebrate Earth Day, Year of Forests

Getting Ready for World Press Freedom Day 2011

U.S. Condemns Violence Used by Syrian Government Against Its Own People

DipNote: The Week in Review

U.S. Hosts Delegation From Nepal

FOTOTIERRA! Digital Photography Contest Draws Thousands in South America

International Visitors Program Explores Cultural Heritage of the African Diaspora in the Americas

PSAid Helps Spread Message: Cash Is the Best Way To Help in Disaster-Affected Areas

World Malaria Day: Celebrating Progress Against a Preventable and Curable Disease

Exchange 2.0: Join the Conversation April 27

U.S. Supports Completion of Gomal Zam Dam in Pakistan

Officials Provide Update on Current U.S. Humanitarian Assistance Efforts in Libya

Fostering Strong, Multi-Country Relationships in the South Pacific

Engaging Youth To Combat Violence and Build Peace

Conversations With America: U.S. - Korea Free Trade Agreement

Protecting America's Innovative Advantage

Ambassador Cretz Delivers Remarks on Recent Developments in Libya

Building Bridges Between Bangladeshi Americans and Dhaka's Dynamic Business and Civil Society Sector

Ambassador Rice Delivers Remarks on the Situation in Syria

Under Secretary McHale Delivers Remarks at Exchange 2.0 Summit

Walking in the Footsteps of Millions

The Evolving U.S.-Mexican Partnership

Recent Elections in Nigeria

"Operation Pencil" Delivers 1,000 Book Bags to 1,000 Afghan Students for Global Youth Service Day

Ambassador Rice Welcomes UN Human Rights Council Resolution on Syria

Preventing HIV Infection in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Panama Trade Promotion Agreement: Leveling the Playing Field

Japan's Ongoing Efforts To Rebuild

Addressing Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

May, 2011

World Press Freedom Day Events Kick Off in Washington, DC

President Obama Delivers Remarks on Osama Bin Laden

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks on the Death of Osama bin Laden

DipNote: The Week in Review

Secretary Clinton Meets With Australian Foreign Minister Rudd

Secretary Clinton Unveils Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action

PEPFAR Comes Together to Focus on Partnership, Efficiency, and Innovation for Sustained Impact

Hopes and Challenges for the World's Newest Country

PEPFAR Support for a Country-Owned Continuum of Response to HIV/AIDS

The Power of the Pen

United Arab Emirates: Forging a Common Approach to Maritime Piracy

Special Representative Grossman Visits Afghanistan

Special Representative Grossman Attends Trilateral Meeting in Pakistan

Professional Fellows Program Promotes Strong Relationships Between Americans and Global Partners

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Meets With Italian Foreign Minister Frattini

Pacific Partnership 2011: Fostering Networks To Strengthen Civil Society

Slavic Soul Party! Performs in Zimbabwe's Mbare Township

Ensuring a Sound Basis for Global Competition: Competitive Neutrality

Engaging the Next Generation of African Leaders

PEPFAR's Partnership With the Global Fund Improves the Response to HIV/AIDS

U.S. Officials Preview Upcoming U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Highlights U.S. Commitment to Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security

U.S. and Paraguay Team Up To Boost Small-Scale Farmers

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at the Opening of the U.S.-China Strategic Dialogue

Joint Op-Ed By Secretary Clinton and Julia Roberts: 'Clean Stoves' Would Save Lives, Cut Pollution

Investing in the Future of Africa

Syrian People Have the Inherent Right To Exercise Universal Freedoms

Photo of the Week: Julia Roberts Joins Alliance for Clean Cookstoves as Global Ambassador

Empowering Expectant and New Mothers By Harnessing the Power of Mobile Technology

DipNote: The Week in Review

Pacific Partnership Celebrates Longstanding Friendship Between U.S., Vanuatu

Secretary Clinton Addresses Strategic Track Plenary Session of the U.S.-China S&ED

U.S., Colombia Sign Open Skies Agreement

U.S.-China Strategic & Economic Dialogue

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at the U.S.-China EcoPartnerships Signing Ceremony

Secretary Clinton: 100,000 Strong Initiative Is an Essential Building Block to U.S.-China Relations

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Travels to Greenland for Meeting of the Arctic Council

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at the 41st Conference on the Americas

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Signs the Arctic Search and Rescue Agreement

Strengthening Relationships With South Africa's Young Leaders

Photo of the Week: Embassy Bishkek Supports the Krasnaya Rechka Orphanage

Supporting 21st Century Partnerships in the Western Hemisphere

Young India Never Tires

Launching the APEC Women and the Economy Summit

Paraguay Proudly Celebrates 200 Years of Independence

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Fellows Experience Life at State Department

Women-LEAD: Forging Partnerships, Building Bridges for U.S. and Chinese Women Leaders

DipNote: The Week in Review

Bringing Pirates to Justice

Pacific Partnership 2011: New Zealand Joins Humanitarian Mission in Tonga and Vanuatu

Scaling Up Nutrition With ThousandDays.org

Fulbright Research Program Expands Opportunities for Collaboration in the Americas

Launching the U.S. International Strategy for Cyberspace

The Secretary of State's Global Diaspora Forum

Secretary Clinton Launches the "Secretary's Global Diaspora Forum"

Secretary Clinton Meets With EU High Representative Ashton

New Passport Agency Opens in Atlanta

An Update on the Global Fund Board Meeting

Haiti Inaugurates 56th President

Secretary Clinton Meets With New Zealand Foreign Minister McCully

Senior Officials Gather in Montana for APEC Meetings

Mexican Americans Strengthen U.S.-Mexico Relations

Achieving an Open, Interoperable, Reliable, and Secure Cyberspace

Ambassador Lyman and Administrator Shah Discuss Their Recent Trips to Sudan

Secretary Clinton Celebrates 50th Anniversary of the Operations Center

Fostering Dialogue With Young African Leaders

President Obama Delivers Remarks on Events in the Middle East and North Africa

Working With Diaspora Communities To Deliver Meaningful Results

Commemorating Memorial Day in the South Pacific

U.S. Engagement With Europe

U.S. Works With Haitian Government To Reduce Vulnerability of Future Earthquakes

Students Put Their Own Spin on Diplomacy

@StateDept Passes 100,000 Followers

Supporting Global Efforts To Respond to Food Price Volatility

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Travels to London and Paris

U.S. Condemns Offensive Operations Being Undertaken By Sudanese Armed Forces in Abyei

U.S., India Partnership Advances Clean Energy

DipNote: The Week in Review

Ambassador Lyman Holds Press Briefing on the Situation in Abyei

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Meets With British Foreign Secretary Hague in London

Advancing International Religious Freedom

Food Security: Progress and a Way Forward

Propelling Women’s Entrepreneurship in Pakistan Mentorship Program

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at OECD's 50th Anniversary Forum

Deputy Secretary Steinberg Discusses Latest Iran Sanctions

Helping Children Around the World Come Home

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Addresses the OECD Session on Development and Gender

Travel Diary: UNESCO Global Partnership for Girls' and Women's Education

Making the Grade: U.S. Government Progress in Global Agricultural Development

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks With OECD Secretary General Gurria

Travel Diary: Gender A Key Theme at the OECD's 50th Anniversary Forum

U.S. Embassy Islamabad Helps Pakistani Students Develop Critical Skills

Pakistani Students Prepare for Year at U.S. Community Colleges

Situation in Abyei

Coordinating U.S. Government Assistance to Migrants Fleeing Libya

U.S. Embassy Trinidad and Tobago Launches the Caribbean's First U.S. Science Corner

Diplomacy at 13,000 Feet

"Welcome to Shelbyville"

Travel Diary: 2011 Anniversary OECD Ministerial Council Meeting Chair's Summary

Mobile Money in Haiti: More Than Just a Concept, a New Way of Life

Responding to Urgent and Long-Term Needs in Sudan

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton, Admiral Mullen Address U.S.-Pakistan Relations

G-8 Summit in Deauville, France

Entrepreneurship: Empowering Women and Girls Through International Exchanges

Photo of the Week: President Obama Addresses the "Mother of Parliaments"

"Kampung Tekno Jakarta"

U.S. Citizens Urged To Depart Yemen

Exchange Alumni Build Stronger Ties With the U.S., Advance Volunteerism in Pakistan

"U.S.A. Weekend" Brings the United States to Bolivia

Pacific Partnership Humanitarian Mission Visits Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu

International Day of UN Peacekeepers

Memorial Day in Kabul

DipNote: The Week in Review

U.S. Choir "105 Voices of History" Makes International Debut in the Caribbean

June, 2011

Secretary Clinton Meets With Colombian Foreign Minister Holguin

U.S., Colombia Hold High-Level Partnership Dialogue

Launching the New J-1 Visa Exchange Visitor Program Website

Secretary Clinton Meets With Brazilian Foreign Minister Antonio de Aguiar Patriota

Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees

A Preview of the 2011 AGOA Forum in Zambia

USAID: Achieving Results in Pakistan

Secretary Clinton, M•A•C AIDS Fund Partner To Fight Rape, Sexual Assault in South Africa

Pacific Partnership Makes a "Homecoming" to Papua New Guinea

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at the Business Forum Promoting Commercial Opportunities in Iraq

Passing of Former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger

Shutdown of the Internet in Syria

New Initiative Empowers Women and Girls Through Soccer

Op-Ed: "Libya's Tale of Two Cities"

Secretary Clinton Marks the 30th Anniversary of HIV/AIDS

Women's World Cup Initiative: Empowering Women and Girls Through Sports

DipNote: The Week in Review

"Tech@State: Serious Games Conference" Unlocks Human Potential Through Play

Fostering the Talents of the Youth of the Middle East and North Africa

From Zagreb to Detroit: My American Journey

Out of Many, One

Secretary Clinton Meets With French Foreign Minister Juppe

State Luncheon in Honor of German Chancellor Angela Merkel

Join a Discussion on Helping the World's Refugees

Going Green in Hong Kong

The Partners for a New Beginning Summit

U.S. Department of State Participates in World IPv6 Day

Global HIV/AIDS: A Moment To Look Back, and To Move Ahead

Refugee's Journey Inspires Life of Public Service

"A Partnership Between Our Peoples"

Small Grants Initiative Empowers Women in Meaningful Ways

In Vancouver, Promoting International Understanding Through Exchanges

Ambassador Rice Addresses UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Travels to U.A.E., Zambia, Tanzania, and Ethiopia

Better Life, Better Future: UNESCO Advances Educational Opportunities for Women and Girls

U.S. Coaches Empower Nicaraguan Youth Through Soccer

Evaluating U.S. Foreign Assistance to Afghanistan

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Addresses Reporters After Libya Contact Group Meeting

A Bold New Plan To Eliminate Pediatric HIV Transmission and Keep Mothers Alive

Road Projects Promote Economic Empowerment in the South Pacific

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Speaks With African Women's Entrepreneurship Program Participants

"Echoes": American Cowboy Meets Afghan Chapandaz

Organization of American States Holds 41st General Assembly in El Salvador

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Delivers Closing Remarks at African Growth and Opportunity Forum

Notes from the Field: We Can Feed the Future

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at University Teaching Hospital in Zambia

Travel Diary: U.S.-Zambia Chamber of Commerce Launches in Lusaka

Travel Diary: Briefing En Route Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Visits Tanzania

DipNote: The Week in Review

The Proudest Moment of My Life

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at the African Union

Conversations With America: A Discussion on Helping the World's Refugees

Planting the Seeds To Feed the Future

Planning the Logistics for Pacific Partnership

Nutrition and Food Security: What Matters Most

A Refugee's Daughter

Deputy Secretary Nides Meets Fulbright Scholarship Alumni in Pakistan

Engaging U.S. State and Local Leaders in Advance of Rio+20

Blogging for Political and Social Change

Photo of the Week: Basketball Stars Samuel Dalembert and Nykesha Sales Visit Haiti

Day of the Child: 250 Million Kids To Receive Life-Saving Immunization

U.S. Department of State Releases New iPhone App for Travelers

Strengthening the U.S.-Kyrgyz Relationship

Fulfilling My Dream of Becoming a Diplomat

Celebrating the Deep Ties Between the United States and Caribbean

Secretary Clinton Highlights U.S. Partnership in Fighting AIDS

UNESCO Youth Forum Applications Make Their Mark

Fulbright Forward for the 21st Century

My Story: From Ukraine to the United States and Back

Former Refugee Embarks on Foreign Service Career

My Story As An Iranian Refugee

U.S. Assistance Advances Tajik-Afghan Partnership

State Department Shines Light on Women and Girls in Science

Inside Secretary Clinton's Meeting With Jamaican Prime Minister Golding

Coming to Grips With the Growing Global Threat of Non-Communicable Diseases

Op-Ed: "There Is No Going Back in Syria"

DipNote: The Week in Review

USAID Administrator Shah, Under Secretary Hormats Host 2011 World Food Prize Laureate Announcement

UN Human Rights Council Adopts Resolution on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

A Preview of Secretary Clinton's Trip to Guatemala and Jamaica

Assistance to Refugees: A Critical Component of Our Foreign Policy

Partnering With Central America To Combat Crime

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee Meeting

Innovating Our Way to a Second Green Revolution

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at Memorial Service for Former Secretary of State Eagleburger

The First Lady's Trip to Africa

Secretary Clinton Commends Agreement To Withdraw Forces From the Abyei Area of Sudan

In a New Era, Living Up to Old Ideals

President Obama Delivers Remarks on the Way Forward in Afghanistan

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at Central American Security Conference

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Participates in High-Level Caribbean-U.S. Conference

Pacific Partnership Makes Fourth Visit to Timor-Leste

Basketball Strengthens People-to-People Relationships in Venezuela

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Inspiration for a Future Free of HIV

Promoting Peer-to-Peer Dialogue With U.S. Mayors and Their Foreign Counterparts

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks on "The Human Rights of LGBT People and U.S. Foreign Policy"

Celebrating Caribbean-American Heritage Month and International Year for People of African Descent

UNESCO Now Available on iTunes University

Secretary Clinton Releases 2011 Trafficking in Persons Report

The Korean Peninsula at Night

A Preview of the Upcoming Community of Democracies Meeting in Lithuania

Marking Progress for LGBT Americans in Foreign Affairs

My New Life in a New World

Long-Standing Interests in the Pacific

Expeditionary Diplomacy in Southern Sudan

Why I Serve

DipNote: The Week in Review

U.S. Foreign Policy in the Caribbean

Working To End Modern-Day Slavery

Closing the Gender Gap in Agriculture: A Call to Action for Investing in Women

From the Killing Fields to Freedom

USAID Launches "Stop Human Trafficking App Challenge"

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Travels to Budapest, Vilnius and Madrid

U.S. Plays Key Role in Advancing Global Voluntary Guidelines for Land Use and Property Rights

Turning Tables: From At-Risk Youth to Generators of Change

High-Level Delegation Visits Samoa

Special Representative Grossman Attends International Contact Group Meeting in Kabul

Moving Forward in Kazakhstan, While Remembering the Past

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Meets With Hungarian Prime Minister Orban

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Participates in the Inauguration of the Lantos Institute

Pakistani Students Prepare for U.S. Fulbright Program

Join a Conversation on Open Government Partnership

Happy Canada Day!

In Community of Democracies, Women Driving Political Change

July, 2011

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Meets With Lithuanian President Grybauskaite

"Egypt: Forward Forum" Emphasizes a Future for Growth

Strengthening and Modernizing Conventional Arms Control in Europe for the 21st Century

One Year Later – Situation Improves But Scars Remain in Southern Kyrgyzstan

Community of Democracies: Broadening a Global Coalition for the Protection of Universal Freedoms

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Holds Strategic Dialogue With Civil Society in Lithuania

Travel Diary: Commemoration of 20th Anniversary of Re-Establishment of Baltic Independence

Special Envoy Princeton Lyman Addresses the Situation in Sudan

Travel Diary: Lifeline Fund Provides Emergency Assistance to Embattled NGOs

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Meets With Foreign Minister Jimenez in Madrid

U.S. Delegation to Pacific Islands Delivers on Diplomacy, Development and Defense

Marshall Islands Welcomes High-Level U.S. Delegation

A Salute to American Innovation

U.S. Celebrates Independence Day

DipNote: The Week in Review

"Sweet Home Jakarta" Celebrates the Fourth of July

In Zimbabwe, Starting July 4 With Tears and Ululation

The Fourth of July in Kabul

For July 4, U.S. Embassy Bishkek Celebrates 50 Years of the Peace Corps and USAID

The Heat Is On: Fourth of July in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

Celebrating U.S. Independence Day in Brasilia

A Christchurch Fourth

Pacific Partnership Commemorates U.S. Independence Day

U. S. Embassy Dakar Celebrates 50 Years of Freedom Through Development

Secretary Clinton Honors "TechWomen"

Assistant Secretary Brownfield Leads High-Level U.S. Delegation to Pakistan

North-South Negotiations on Sudan

Join a Conversation With USAID Administrator Raj Shah on Youth and International Development

Conversations With America: A Discussion on Open Government Partnership

U.S. Helps Pakistani Mango Farmers Boost Exports

Senior Officials Hold Special Press Briefing on the New Republic of South Sudan

UNESCO Youth Forum Finalists Announced

Social Programs Recognized as Key to Citizen Security in Central America

"Visa Festival" Assists Argentines With Their Future Travel to the U.S.

TechCamp: Vilnius

Why I Serve

"South Sudan: Lessons Learned at the Negotiating Table"

U.S. Response to Drought in Horn of Africa

U.S. Recognizes Republic of South Sudan As Sovereign, Independent State

Ambassador Rice Leads U.S. Delegation to South Sudan

Op-Ed: "Independence Day for South Sudan"

Talking With America’s Youth

Secretary Clinton Announces Open Government Partnership

DipNote: The Week in Review

Nicaraguan Dental Faculty Participate in U.S. Exchange Program

Secretary Clinton Meets With EU High Representative Ashton

Sports Diplomacy in Zimbabwe

Open Government -- Why It Matters

U.S. Launches "Women in Trade Initiative" in Pakistan

Join a Discussion on Opportunities and Challenges in the Western Hemisphere

The Impact of Diplomacy and Development on Economic Prosperity

Counter-Piracy Contact Group Meets in New York

Women Leaders as Agents of Change: Caribbean Regional Colloquium

Attacks in Mumbai, India

Secretary Clinton Meets With Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Lavrov

Update on Our Partnership With Haiti on Health

Conversations With America: A Discussion on Opportunities and Challenges in the Western Hemisphere

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Travels to Turkey, Greece, India, Indonesia and Hong Kong

U.S. Welcomes Republic of South Sudan as Newest Member of the United Nations

Providing Urgent Assistance to Refugees in Dolo Ado

Virtual Student Foreign Service Expands International Opportunities for U.S. Students

Sports Diplomacy With Mongolia

U.S. Signs Important Charter To Help Mitigate Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Promoting and Protecting the Rights of Indigenous People Worldwide

Twenty Years of the Women's Soccer World Cup and Empowering Women and Girls

Travel Diary: Finding New Paths to Bolster Fundamental Freedoms

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Addresses Reporters After Libya Contact Group Meeting in Istanbul

Women's World Cup Finals: Sports Diplomacy on the Soccer Field

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Meets With Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu

Scientific Advances and the Fight Against AIDS

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Meets With Greek Foreign Minister Lambrinidis

Travel Diary: U.S. and Greece Sign Agreement To Protect Greek Cultural Heritage

Women's World Cup Final: Dr. Jill Biden & U.S. Delegation Arrive in Frankfurt To Cheer on Team USA

Seeing the Real Impact of the Kimberley Process in a “For Sale” Sign

Paying it Forward: Training A New Generation of Landmine Clearance Leaders

U.S.-Swaziland Partner To Defeat HIV/AIDS

President and Mrs. Obama Celebrate Nelson Mandela Day

DipNote: The Week in Review

Team USA: An Inspiration to Girls Around the World

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at Opening Session of U.S.-India Strategic Dialogue

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton and Indian External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna Address Reporters

Humanitarian Crisis in the Horn of Africa

"Jovenes en Accion" Exchange Participants Attend Leadership, Community Service Training in the U.S.

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks on Working Women's Forum

Pacific Partnership Concludes 2011 Mission in the Federated States of Micronesia

Travel Diary: "India and the United States -- A Vision for the 21st Century"

U.S. Response to Declaration of Famine in Somalia and Drought in the Horn of Africa

USAID Responds to the Horn of Africa Drought

Sustainable Urban Housing: Collaborating for Livable and Inclusive Cities

U.S.-China Governors Forum Marks Historic Step in Subnational Engagement

Launch of the Utah-Qinghai EcoPartnership

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at U.S.-Lower Mekong Ministerial Meeting

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Meets With Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi in Indonesia

East Africa Workshop To Address Cyber Security

Attacks in Norway

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at Opening of U.S.-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Participates in ASEAN Regional Entrepreneurship Summit

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Addresses Principles for Prosperity in the Asia Pacific

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Meets With Indonesian Foreign Minister Natalegawa

Ambassador Munter Inaugurates New Mango Processing Line in Pakistan

Passport to India Increases Internship Opportunities for U.S. Students

Ambassador Crocker Presents Diplomatic Credentials to Afghan President Karzai

New START Treaty Implementation: Off and Running

DipNote: The Week in Review

U.S., Pakistani Officials Celebrate Success of U.S. Education Project in Pakistan

Career Opportunities at the United Nations

Promoting Religious Tolerance Around the World

U.S. Participates in Emergency Meeting on Horn of Africa at UN Food and Agriculture Organization

U.S.-India Space Cooperation in Bangalore

U.S. Response to Humanitarian Crisis in the Horn of Africa

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at USAID's Saving Lives at Birth Development Awards Ceremony

@TravelGov Turns Three With 150,000 Followers

Encouraging News on the Scientific Front; Moving It Forward to Policy and Programs

U.S., Papua New Guinea, World Bank Host Women's Regional Policy Dialogue

August, 2011

Egyptian Band Massar Egbari Offers New Perspective on Changes in the Middle East and North Africa

Ongoing Violence in Syria

DipNote: The Week in Review

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at Swearing-In Ceremony for Ambassador Locke

Secretary Clinton on the Occassion of the Beginning of Ramadan

U.S. Representative to Transitional National Council Stevens Provides an Update on Libya

Why I Serve

Sustainable Assistance for Afghanistan

Secretary Clinton Meets With Syrian Activists

Horn of Africa Drought: Immediate Crisis Requires Long-Term Solutions

UN Security Council Condemns Violence by Syrian Regime

Building the U.S. - Russia Relationship With Basketball

Responding to Drought and Famine in the Horn of Africa

Secretary Clinton Meets With Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird

Observing Post-Conflict Elections in the Kyrgyz Republic

Embassy Harare Book Club Bridges Cultural, Political Divide Between U.S. and Zimbabwe

Preventing Mass Atrocities and Serious Human Rights Violations

Smithsonian Exhibit Explores the Plight of Rescued Chilean Miners

Secretary Clinton: U.S. Is Deeply Concerned By Deaths of Four UN Peacekeepers in Abyei

Eco-Friendly, Profit-Friendly Efficiency

Ambassador Ford Addresses the Situation in Syria

President Obama Delivers Remarks on 13th Anniversary of the Embassy Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania

In Brazil, Uniting Different Faiths Through an Iftar Dinner

Art Workshops Assist Troubled Youths in Lima, Peru

DipNote: The Week in Review

Pakistani and Indian Students Experience the Advanced Space Academy

President Obama Announces Additional Funds for Horn of Africa Famine

On the Ground in the Horn of Africa

Citizen Diplomats Support Foreign Policy by Hosting International Exchange Students

Assistant Secretary Schwartz Highlights Dr. Biden's Visit to Kenya

Secretary Clinton Celebrates International Sports Exchanges With Japan

Ambassador Rice Delivers Remarks at UN Security Council Stakeout on Somalia, Syria, Eritrea, Sudan

Day Two: On the Ground in the Horn of Africa

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks on Humanitarian Crisis in the Horn of Africa

Breaking New Ground: Female Humanitarian Demining Teams Foster Recovery in Sri Lanka

Flying Aboard an Open Skies Mission

Secretary Clinton Meets With Norwegian Foreign Minister Stoere

A Well-Informed Student Is Our Best Traveler

Musician will.i.am Supports the 100,000 Strong Initiative

Mobilizing Life-Saving Resources To Assist Those in Dadaab

Celebrating International Youth Day

DipNote: The Week in Review

National Defense University Hosts "Clinton-Panetta Conversation"

U.S. Research Collaboration Targets Breast Cancer in Latin America

New Roads in South Sudan

Partnering To Address Global Energy Issues Through the LAUNCH Energy Challenge

In Pakistan, U.S. Helps Boost Mango Exports

Renovations to Women’s Hospital in Pakistan Bring Life-Saving Changes

"For the Sake of the Syrian People, the Time Has Come for President Asad To Step Aside"

U.S. Contributes to Multilateral Effort To Combat the Dangers of Unclean Cookstoves

Secretary Clinton Honors Sacrifice of Aid Workers on World Humanitarian Day

On World Humanitarian Day, 100 Ways You Can Help Victims of the East Africa Drought

Bombing in Pakistan

DipNote: The Week in Review

Detained Americans Sentenced in Iran

A "Tipping Point" in Libya

Ambassador Donahoe: The Syrian People Cannot Wait

President Obama Delivers Remarks on the Situation in Libya

My Journey Teaching and Learning Across Central Nepal

Secretary Clinton Releases Statement on the Human Rights Council's Special Session on Syria

World Summit Celebrates People of African Descent in the Americas

U.S., Kenya and UNHCR Work Together To Assist Refugees

Liberian Women Lead a Revolution in Agriculture

Innovating in Afghanistan

Join a Discussion on the Role of Diaspora in Fostering Friendship Between Homeland and Hostland

Deputy Secretary Burns Leads U.S. Delegation to Libya Contact Group Meeting

A Message to U.S. Citizens About Hurricane and Typhoon Season

Secretary Clinton: "U.S. Will Stand With the Libyan People"

Unfreezing Assets To Meet the Critical Humanitarian Needs of the Libyan People

Ten Things You Should Know About the State Department and USAID

Attack on United Nations Offices in Nigeria

U.S. Embassy Kabul Hosts Iftar in Honor of Ramadan

The Untapped Power of the Somali Diaspora

DipNote: The Week in Review

Vice President Biden's Trip to China, Mongolia, and Japan

Libya: Securing Stockpiles Promotes Security

President and First Lady Obama Send Eid Greetings to Muslims Around the World

"African Solutions for African Problems"

A Unified Security Budget for the U.S.

September, 2011

Foreign Service Worth Its Expense

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton To Participate in Senior-Level Meeting of the Contact Group on Libya

Ambassador Ray Holds Webchat With "Zim Youth Making a Difference"

U.S. Increases Assistance to the Horn of Africa

Following Up on Our Pledge to the Libyan People

Travel Diary: New Future Dawning in Libya

Youth Ambassadors From Haiti Meet With State Department Counselor Cheryl Mills

Escalating Violence in Blue Nile State of Sudan

Women Police in UN Peacekeeping: A Promising Trend

Strengthening International Labor Rights as Human Rights

DipNote: The Week in Review

Famine Spreads in Somalia

National Children's Study Examines Origins of Non-Communicable Diseases

Sustaining America's Global Leadership: U.S. Priorities at the United Nations

U.S. Embassy Kabul Celebrates International Literacy Day

An Update on the U.S. Response to the Humanitarian Crisis in the Horn of Africa

Recognizing Statelessness

Ambassador Rice Delivers Remarks After UN Security Council Briefing on the Iran Sanctions Committee

The State Department's Jobs Agenda

Eid Reception Recognizes American Muslims' Achievements in Athletics

Join a Discussion on Multilateral Diplomacy and U.S. Global Leadership

Secretary Clinton Encourages Service on 9/11

Ambassador Rice Delivers Remarks at UN Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks

Fellowship Program Prepares Next Generation of Diplomats To Address Arms Control Issues

Secretary Clinton at the Opening Bell of the New York Stock Exchange

Smart Power Approach to Counterterrorism

A Day of Remembrance

Detention of Sub-Saharan African Refugees and Migrants in Libya

DipNote: The Week in Review

Secretary Clinton Releases Report on International Religious Freedom

Secretary Clinton and Romanian Foreign Minister Baconschi Sign Ballistic Missile Defense Agreement

U.S. Responds to Flooding in Pakistan

Attack on U.S. Embassy Kabul

Chef José Andrés Joins Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves as Culinary Ambassador

Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon Partnership Fights Cancer in Africa and Latin America

U.S. and Pakistan Combat Foot and Mouth Disease

Ambassador Crocker on the Attacks in Kabul

Going Abroad? Get Your Passport on Passport Day

Engaging South African Local Government

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton To Participate in AUSMIN and APEC Meetings in California

International Day of Democracy

Assistant Secretary Feltman Discusses Trip to Libya

Implementing Missile Defense in Europe

Conversations With America: A Discussion on Multilateral Diplomacy and U.S. Global Leadership

U.S., Pakistan Committed to Energy Solutions

Op-Ed: Fighting AIDS -- At the Tipping Point

Travel Diary: U.S.-Australia Ministerial Consultations 2011 Joint Statement on Cyberspace

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at APEC Women and Economy Summit

Travel Diary: Celebrating 60 Years of the U.S.-Australia Alliance

UNESCO’s Role in Advancing and Promoting Peace

U.S.-Russia Computer Marathon Empowers Citizens To Improve Government Transparency

DipNote: The Week in Review

UN General Assembly Convenes High-Level Meetings of 66th Session in New York

Our Continuing Commitment to the People of Haiti

FWD the Facts About Famine, War, and Drought in the Horn of Africa

Afghan Women: A Vital Force for Peace, Stability, and Economic Progress

Women and Agriculture: Improving Global Food Security

Unleashing the Potential of Women as Agricultural Producers and Entrepreneurs

The Open Government Partnership: Making Government More Open, Effective, and Accountable

President Obama Addresses High-Level Meeting on Libya

Making Gender Equality in Politics a Reality

Empowering Women and Girls Through International Exchanges

Delivering Quality, Affordable, and Equitable Care To Improve Health

Investing in Women To Change the World

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at High-Level Meeting on Nutrition

Scaling Up Nutrition: Supporting Country-Led Efforts To Promote Healthier Lives

No Mother Should Die Giving Life, Every Child Deserves a Healthy Start

President Obama Addresses the United Nations General Assembly

Collective Action To Advance the Health of Women and Newborns

President Obama, Secretary Clinton Welcome Release of Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal

Millennium Development Goals Countdown: Celebrating Successes and Innovation

Non-Communicable Diseases Take Center Stage at the UN General Assembly

President Obama at the UN General Assembly

Secretary Clinton Addresses High-Level Meeting on Nuclear Safety

American Experts Teach Afghan Carpet Weavers To Access U.S. Market

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at the Launch of the Global Counterterrorism Forum

U.S. Non-Profit Working To Reduce Youth Violence Nominated for UNESCO Award

U.S. Embassy Re-Opens in Libya

U.S. Engagement in the Pacific: Strengthening Historic Ties

Secretary Clinton Co-Chairs the New Silk Road Ministerial Meeting

U.S. Engagement at the UN: A Smart Investment

Partnering for Haiti’s Future

The New Silk Road: Promoting a Better Future for Afghanistan

Middle East Quartet Convenes in New York

Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves – Year One Progress Report

Secretary Clinton Addresses UN High-Level Meeting on Somalia

People-to-People Diplomacy at Social Media Week in Colombia

National Export Initiative Advances U.S.-Singapore Economic Ties

"Spirit of Volunteerism" International Exchange Celebrates 50th Anniversary of the Peace Corps

The Passing of Dr. Wangari Maathai

APEC Leaders Discover New Innovations in California

DipNote: The Week in Review

Embassy Islamabad Promotes IT Skills for Pakistani Women

International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Program Helps Train New Police Women in Afghanistan

President Obama's Message on the Occasion of Rosh Hashanah

U.S., Ukraine Sign Memorandum of Understanding on Nuclear Security Cooperation

Secretary Clinton Meets With Portuguese Foreign Minister Portas

Join a Discussion on the Response to the Crisis in the Horn of Africa

The Fight Against Global Corruption

Embassy New Delhi Hosts Workshop on "Women in Science"

Secretary Clinton Meets With Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr

White House Announces #WHTweetup for Arrival Ceremony of Republic of Korea President Lee Myung-bak

U.S. Acknowledges World Heart Day Through Global and Domestic Initiatives

Saving Lives, Securing Interests: Reflections on Humanitarian Response and U.S. Foreign Policy

Secretary Clinton Meets With Nigerian Foreign Minister Ashiru

Iran's Continuing Human Rights Violations

Ambassadors Visit America's Heartland and Major Cities To Promote U.S. Exports to Latin America

October, 2011

Renewing America's Global Leadership

Office of the Historian Launches Oral History Program

Reintegrating Arms Control Into a Comprehensive Approach

DipNote: The Week in Review

Secretary Clinton Discusses Transition in Egypt With Sharif Amer of Al-Hayat TV

Secretary Clinton Honors Participants in the African Women's Entrepreneurship Program

U.S. Commitment to the Complete Destruction of U.S. Chemical Weapons

Conversations With America: Responding to the Crisis in the Horn of Africa

President Obama, Secretary Clinton Issue Statements on Korea, Colombia, and Panama Trade Agreements

Free Trade Agreements: Essential for U.S. Economic and National Security

Western Hemisphere Alumni Join Forces To Tackle Regional Issues

When It Comes to Economic Growth and Opportunity, African Women Entrepreneurs Mean Business

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton To Participate in Pathways to Prosperity in the Dominican Republic

Secretary Clinton Hosts President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness

Ambassador Rice Addresses the Veto of a UN Security Council Resolution on Syria

Washington, D.C. and Ankara Sign Sister City Agreement

UNRWA Summer Games: Indispensable Counterweight to Extremism

Registration Opens for Diversity Visa Program

Travel Diary: Pathways to Prosperity Ministerial Convenes in the Dominican Republic

Pursuing U.S. Values and Self-Interest

Ghanaian Students "RISE" to Robotics Challenge

SIFE World Cup: Showcasing the Impact of Young Social Entrepreneurs

Tech@State Convenes Data Visualization Conference

Efforts of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at the U.S.-Japan Council Annual Conference

A New View of Her Future

Promoting Peacekeeping in the Asia-Pacific

Peru: Decade of U.S. Support Builds Self-Sufficient Humanitarian Mine Action Program

President Obama Meets With Tunisian Prime Minister Essebsi

Japan: Creating a "Tomodachi Generation"

Foreign Direct Investment Supports U.S. Jobs

DipNote: The Week in Review

Exchange Alumni Give Back to Pakistan

Violence in Egypt

Secretary Clinton on "America's Pacific Century"

Pacific Partnership 2012 Prepares for Annual Humanitarian and Civic Assistance Mission

New Website Introduces Audiences to Diplomacy

Fashion Helps Haiti Move Forward

Celebrating the U.S.-Brunei Partnership

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks on American Global Leadership

Passage of Colombia, Panama, and South Korea Trade Agreements

Philippe Cousteau Jr. To Design USA Pavilion at Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea

White House Tweetup: State Visit of Republic of Korea President Lee Myung-bak

Progress at the IAEA

U.S.-India Higher Education Summit: A 21st Century Conversation

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks on Economic Statecraft

Fighting Global Hunger: The Possibilities of Biotechnology

America's Investment in Global Leadership Advances U.S. National Security and Economic Prosperity

Advancing U.S. Engagement in the Pacific

Making Progress in the Fight Against Hunger: World Food Day 2011

Commemorating World Food Day 2011

DipNote: The Week in Review

New Lease on Life: U.S. Embassy Bangui Rescues Abandoned Chimp

Nepal: Promoting Entrepreneurship by Strengthening Diaspora Ties

TechCamp Goes to Montevideo, Uruguay

Deputy Secretary Nides Addresses the Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Travels to Malta and Libya

Bahamian Art Exhibit Promotes Mutual Understanding

U.S. Participates in the Pacific Island Forum

Gabon: Former Refugees Can Move Forward With Their Lives

Travel Diary: New Future for Libya

Together for Girls Partnership: Ending Sexual Violence Against Girls

Travel Diary: Townterview in Islamabad

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Visits Malta

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Connects With Libyans

Join a Discussion on Ending Hunger Through Development

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Visits Afghanistan

President Obama Delivers Remarks on Muammar Qaddafi

Public-Private Partnership Week: Opening the Path for a Brighter Future

President Obama on Ending the War in Iraq

Nuke Talks at the UN: A Global Call for Nuclear Disarmament

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Visits Tajikistan

Earthquake in Turkey

A Development Innovation Venture That Unleashes the Potential of Small Business

U.S. Congratulates People of Libya on Historic Declaration of Liberation

Secretary Clinton Appears on Sunday Morning News Shows

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Visits Uzbekistan

U.S. Congratulates Tunisians on Their First Democratic Elections

DipNote: The Week in Review

Join a Discussion on Bridging Divides: Youth, Peace, and Reconciliation

UNESCO Youth Forum Spotlights a Generation Dedicated to Positive Change

Conversations With America: Ending Hunger Through Development

Celebrating Diwali, the Festival of Lights

USAID Launches Public Awareness Videos on the Horn of Africa Crisis: FWD the Facts

"Walking the Talk" in Zimbabwe

Conversations With America: Bridging Divides - Youth, Peace, and Reconciliation

Afghanistan and Pakistan: Transition and the Way Forward

Partnering To Reduce Global Hunger and Promote Food Security

Secretary Clinton Meets With Greek Foreign Minister Lambrinidis

Japan: Deputy Secretary Burns Focuses on the Future

Plantains and Apple Pie: Promoting the Global Diaspora Initiative With Dominican-Americans

U.S.-China Governors Forum Promotes Subnational Economic Cooperation

Food Security Contributes to National Security

Trade Agreement Strengthens U.S.-Panama Relations

Commemorating UN Day With the Houston Community

DipNote: The Week in Review

NATO's Success in Libya an Alliance Effort

The World at Seven Billion

Women Pave Pathways to Prosperity

Vice President Biden To Address the London Conference on Cyberspace

November, 2008

Chornobyl: Continued Progress

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks on U.S.-Turkey Relations

The Role of Women in Kyrgyz Elections

Mo Ibrahim Prize Recognizes the Leadership of Pedro Pires

Canada: Economic Statecraft Starts Here

Join a Discussion on Recent Trends in Anti-Semitism Around the World

London Conference on Cyberspace Promotes Cyber Issues as a Foreign Policy Priority

Secretary Clinton Congratulates USAID on 50 Years

‘A New Beginning’ Expands Networks for International Visitors

Afghan Women Corrections Professionals Complete Training in Nebraska

Embassy Wellington Highlights U.S.-New Zealand Strategic Partnership

President Obama at the G-20 Summit

Asia, the Americas, and U.S. Strategy for a New Century

DipNote: The Week in Review

Saving Lives and Limbs in Mozambique

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks on the Future of the Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic

Launching the Global Labor Working Group at the G-20 Summit

Secretary Clinton Delivers Keynote at National Democratic Institute's 2011 Democracy Awards Dinner

Azerbaijan: Humanitarian Demining Helps Communities Recover

UN Human Rights Council Responds to the Arab Awakening

Conversations With America: Recent Trends in Anti-Semitism Around the World

Volunteerism: Youth Are Making it Happen!

An Inspiring Vision: Creating an AIDS-Free Generation

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Travels to Hawaii, the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia

U.S., the Philippines Prepare for Pacific Partnership 2012

NATO Ambassadors Visit Georgia

Clean Cookstoves Global Ambassador Julia Roberts Recognizes World Pneumonia Day

Honoring Our Ambassadors in Blue

Partnering To LAUNCH Innovative Energy Technologies

Travel Diary: "America's Pacific Century"

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Discusses Women and the Economy at APEC CEO Summit

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at Opening of APEC Ministerial in Hawaii

LAUNCH: Energy Forum -- An Update From Mission Control

Travel Diary: Behind the Scenes at the APEC 2011 International Media Center

Arab League Suspends Syria

IdEA -- Unleashing the Power of Diaspora Entrepreneurs

Travel Diary: Hawaiian Hospitality Helps Make APEC 2011 a Success

Addressing the Impact of Lead Poisoning in Nigeria

LAUNCH: Energy Forum -- Fueling Ideas, Propelling Innovation

New Fulbright Fellowship Offers Exchange Opportunities in Public Policy

PEPFAR's Commitment To Addressing Gender-Based Violence

DipNote: The Week in Review

Forum Concludes With LAUNCH of New Ideas To Generate, Store, and Distribute Energy

Joining Together To Combat Conflict Minerals

Advancing Regional Cooperation in South Asia

Food Safety in a Global World

Sports Diplomacy: Lessons for the Basketball Court and Life

Business for Social Responsibility: Redefining Leadership

Tunisia Partnerships Forum: Delivering on the Arab Spring

Tunisia Partnerships Forum: A New Day for Tunisia

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton in the Philippines

Promoting Security and Defense Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region

U.S. Responds to Earthquakes in Turkey

Silicon Valley Presents New Opportunities and Tools for Subnational Engagement

President Obama's 2011 Asia Pacific Trip

Creating Jobs at Home Through Leadership Abroad

U.S. Department of State Establishes New Bureau of Energy Resources

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton in Indonesia

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton in Thailand

Promoting Global Entrepreneurship: Pakistan’s Textile Industry

Promoting Global Entrepreneurship: The Maghreb Region

"Dance With Us: Motion Across Cultures" Photo Contest Winners Announced

DipNote: The Week in Review

Building Better Ties Through Trade: A Day on an International Film Set

Social Media and Foreign Policy: An Update From Silicon Valley

Secretaries Clinton and Geithner Announce New Sanctions on Iran

U.S. Embassy Phnom Penh Prepares for Pacific Partnership 2012 Mission

A New Chapter in Iraq

U.S. Department of State Launches Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations

New Consulate Compound Opens in Mumbai

One Million Footprints on the Path to Freedom

Farmers Celebrate Pomegranate Harvest in Afghanistan

President Obama on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving: Celebrating Common Traditions in Canada

Thanksgiving Holds New Meaning for Libyan Colleagues

Recent Developments in Egypt

Previewing the U.S.-EU Summit in Washington

Video Contest Engages the Eastern Caribbean's Online Community

Hunger at Thanksgiving

Trending With #SecClinton: A Conversation in Manila

Honoring “Rising Stars” in Government Information Technology

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

DipNote: The Week in Review

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Travels to South Korea and Burma

Following the U.S. Delegation to HLF-4: A Guide to Our Message and Social Media

Afghan Students Speak Out Against Gender-Based Violence

Gender Equality for Development Effectiveness

Participating in the U.S. Delegation to HLF4: A First for Partnership for Growth

'Sesame Street' To Debut in Afghanistan

December, 2011

Don't Be a Scam Victim

In Defense of Smart Foreign Assistance

American Leadership To Reach an AIDS-Free Generation

Artists Promote an AIDS-Free Generation in Zimbabwe

Results for Whom?

Ambassador Donahoe: 'To the People of Syria, the World Stands by You'

U.S. Support for Humanitarian Demining

U.S. Center at COP-17: Historic Progress in U.S. Fuel Efficiency Standards

An AIDS-Free Generation in Reach

Celebrating the International Day of Persons With Disabilities

Foreign Assistance: A Strategic Investment

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton in Burma

DipNote: The Week in Review

Ambassador Grossman Previews International Afghanistan Conference

COP-17: U.S. Committed To Working With Partners To Make Durban a Success

Secretary Clinton Travels to Germany, Lithuania, Switzerland, Belgium, and the Netherlands

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at International Conference for Afghanistan

A New Beginning for Entrepreneurship

Youth Engaged in Bonn Conference

U.S.-Iraq Joint Coordination Committee Convenes at the Department of State

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton in Lithuania

U.S. Welcomes Indonesia's Ratification of Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

U.S. Launches Virtual Embassy Tehran

Free and Equal in Dignity and Rights: Reflections on Secretary Clinton's Remarks

Civil Society’s Voice Gets Audience in Busan

Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at Freedom Online Conference

Gender-Based Violence and Most-At-Risk Populations for HIV: A Critical Link

U.S. To Host Meeting on Istanbul Process for Combating Discrimination on Basis of Religion or Belief

Appreciating the Value of the UN Human Rights Council

Where Two Roads Connect

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton in Switzerland

U.S. Center at COP-17: Supporting African Solutions for Adaptation Challenges

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton in Belgium

Freedom Online -- Preserving an Open Internet

Gender-Based Violence and HIV: Moving From Commitment to Action

Protecting and Assisting Refugees: A U.S. Humanitarian Priority

Promoting Literacy in Nepal

International Human Rights Day

Toward a Safer, More Resilient Central America

Beyond 16 Days: Answering the Call To End Gender-Based Violence

Working With Partners To Advance Economic Progress and Democratic Values

Local Counterparts: Critical to Pacific Partnership Success in Indonesia

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton in the Netherlands

Serving Abroad Photo-Call Now Open

Mobile English: @StateDept Pilots Language Learning Program in Tunisia

U.S.-Funded Program Offers New Hope for Afghanistan's Landmine Survivors

Strengthening U.S.-EU Economic Ties By Promoting Innovation and Eliminating Barriers to Trade

Secretary Clinton Meets With U.K. Foreign Secretary Hague

"Innovation and the Global Marketplace"

New U.S. Embassy Compound Opens in Djibouti

Protecting Refugees From Gender-Based Violence

South Sudan: Engaging the World’s Newest Country

Making Progress With China on Cooperation in the Digital Age

President Obama on the End of the War in Iraq

Guatemala Media Tour Puts a Face on the Global Fight Against Hunger

U.S. Supports Education in the Marshall Islands

Women in Public Service

DipNote: The Week in Review

Promoting Security Through Conventional Weapons Destruction and Humanitarian Demining

Labor Migration: The Nexus of Foreign Policy and the Free Market

The Passing of Vaclav Havel

Women, Peace, and Security

Durban: An Important Step Forward in Combating Global Climate Change

Situation on the Korean Peninsula

Holiday Travel Tips

President and First Lady Obama Extend Hanukkah Wishes

DipNote: The Week in Review

Milestones in the Tunisian Transition

The Positive Power of Ping Pong and People

Reward Offer for Information on al-Qaida Terrorist Financier

Strengthening Law Enforcement Capacity in West Africa

Science Without Borders: Embassy Brasilia Prepares Students To Study in the United States

Afghanistan's Ghazi Stadium Enjoys Renaissance

Mission Geneva Decorates "UN Holiday Tree" To Commemorate International Year of Forests

A “New START” for Arms Control

Statement on Iraq

Violence in Syria

Revitalizing Arms Control Through Multilateral Engagement

Learning Foreign Policy in the Office of Central Asian Affairs

Living Cultural Diplomacy

Celebrating 20 Years of Friendship and Cooperation Between the Kyrgyz Republic and the United States

DipNote: The Week in Review

2011 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007