January, 2008

Death of a Colleague in Sudan

Protecting the Environment in Africa’s Congo Basin

American Foreign Service Association Poll Results: An Inside Perspective

AFSA Survey Results: Comments on the U.S. Foreign Service and Secretary Rice's Leadership

Does the Popularity of the United States Matter and Should It Affect Policy Decisions?

AFSA Survey Falls Short

Behind the Scenes: President Bush Visits Middle East

24 or the Real World? The Threat of Nuclear Terrorism

Making the Most of "the Surge" in Iraq

Foreign Service Officers Make America Safer -- At Home and Abroad

Sudan: UN Hopes To Restore Stability, Refugees Still Miserable in Camps

Do the Palestinians and Israelis Really Want Peace?

Ambassador Brinker's Reflections of the Middle East

February, 2008

Secretary’s Historic Visit to Medellin Highlights Progress in Colombia for FTA CODEL

Will Tougher Sanctions Convince Iran To Abandon Their Nuclear Ambitions?

Evacuation: A Narrow Escape in Chad

Destroying Munitions in Northern Iraq

Rising Stars from Paraguay and Uruguay Meet With Assistant Secretary Shannon

Iraq: Perceptions Out of Date

A Note From the U.S. Ambassador to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean

Starbucks, Juan Valdez, and a $60 Million Day

Behind the Scenes: President Bush in Benin

Behind the Scenes: President Bush Visits Tanzania

Behind the Scenes: President Bush in Arusha, Tanzania

Fidel Castro Resigns... How Can the U.S. Assist Cuba's Tranisition to Democracy?

U.S. Embassy in Belgrade Attacked

Behind the Scenes: President Bush in Tanzania

Behind the Scenes: President Bush in Rwanda

Behind the Scenes: President Bush Visits Ghana

Behind the Scenes: President Bush Visits Liberia

Should Promoting Abstinence and Being Faithful be Part of U.S. AIDS Prevention Programs?

March, 2008

Behind the Scenes With Foreign Journalists in Texas

World Officials Meet To Mitigate Climate Change

Should the U.S. Engage Hamas in the Peace Process Between the Israelis and Palestinians?

North Korea Fails To Combat Trafficking of its Citizens

Texas Two-Stepping with Foreign Journalists

In the Middle of (Another) Super Tuesday – Texas Two-Stepping Part II

Meeting Elsa

From Polls to the Issues: The Immigration Debate

In Response to "Question of the Week" Regarding Engaging Hamas

What Responsibilities Do Ecuador and Venezuela Have To Fight Terrorism on Their Borders?

Men and Women for Others

How is Democracy Impeded When Women Are Excluded From the Political and Economic Arena?

Flying Against the Odds in Colombia

Your Passport File

U.S. Assists Victims of Natural Disasters in Ecuador

Public Diplomacy in Budapest

On the Ground in Iraq: What Works

...On Race in America and Promoting Democracy Around the Globe

Does the U.S. Spend Too Much or Too Little on Foreign Aid?

Policy Podcast: Making a Passport

April, 2008

Human Trafficking: The Basics

Talking About Food: Ambassador Vasquez in Bangladesh

Talking About Food II: Ambassador Vasquez in Bangladesh

Talking About Food III: Ambassador Vasquez in Bangladesh

Is Celebrity Engagement Helpful in Bringing Attention to Policy Matters?

Hidden Prosperity and the Banana Index in Iraq

Out of the Cold: Helping the People of Tajikistan

DipNote Poll: Is the Increased Emphasis on Africa...

What Are the Most Significant Underlying Factors Behind Recent Food Riots?

Behind the Scenes: Pope Benedict XVI Visits U.S.

U.S. Embassy in Beirut Tragedy: 25 Years Later

Behind the Scenes: Pope Benedict XVI Addresses the UN General Assembly

What Role Should Religious Leaders Play in World Politics?

Cambodia's Vietnam War-Era Debt to the U.S.: A Contentious Issue

Today's Top Issues

North American Leaders Summit: Supporting Diplomacy in Action

Today's Top Issues -- Tuesday, April 29

60 Years of Inter-American Cooperation at the Organization of American States

Today's Top Issues -- Wednesday, April 30

May, 2008

What Impact Would Press Freedom Have on People Without It?

Concerns About Adoptions From Vietnam

Afghanistan: Korengal Engagement

U.S. Embassy Helps Americans in Burma Cyclone

Colombia: An Opportunity for Lasting Success

How Far Should the International Community Go To Deliver Humanitarian Assistance?

U.S. Cyclone Relief Efforts in Burma

New Website Addresses Student Travel Safety

Introducing... DipNote's New Managing Editor

To What Extent Should U.S. Foreign Assistance Be Conditioned on the Behavior of the Recipient?

Diamonds: From Bloodshed to Reconstruction

U.S.-China Relations in the Era of Globalization

Demonstrating Solidarity With the Cuban People

Panama Catches Baseball Diplomacy Fever

A Conversation With Secretary Rice at Google Headquarters

Other Than Sports, Can You Think of a Means by Which To Bring People and Nations Together?

U.S. Offers Assistance After China Earthquake

Serving in Iraq: Why I Went

Should the International Community Relieve Iraq's Debts?

June, 2008

Sudan: SPLM Convention Marks Milestone

Looked at a Passport Lately?

Why Does Snake-Shy Indiana Jones Care About Tigers?

What Issue Should Transatlantic Leaders Make a Priority at the U.S.-EU Summit?

Secretary Rice on Foreign Policy in the Last Eight Years

Combating Modern-Day Slavery

How Does the Strain on Natural Resources Affect U.S. Foreign Policy?

Bahrain Conference Highlights At-Risk Youth

U.S. Supports Refugees Worldwide

How Would You Define America’s National Interest?

Learning To Use One's Mind Instead of One's Fist

Iraq: PRTs, ePRTs and the Holistic Approach

Bahrain Conference Concludes with Commitment to Youth

How Should the International Community Respond to the Elections in Zimbabwe?

Persistence and Luck Pay Off in Iraq

What They Said Couldn't Be Done

July, 2008

The Merida Initiative: Partnership for Change

What Helps Emerging Democracies Safeguard Against Threats to Democratic Gains?

U.S. Diplomats Around the World Celebrate Fourth of July

A Great Day To Be an American

Independence Day Message Resonates Abroad

U.S. Policy Toward Iran

Kosovo: A New Chapter Begins

Would the G-8 Be More or Less Effective if Expanded To Include Other Countries?

U.S. Department of State and Social Media: Tell Us What You Think

U.S. Foreign Press Center Celebrates 40 Years

How Will America's Diplomatic Leverage Be Affected by the Economic Rise of Others?

Speaking the Language Helps: Lessons from AGOA

Behind the Scenes: Secretary Rice Attending ASEAN Meeting in Singapore

Sean McCormack: Away From the Podium

Keeping Promises Among Partners

How Would the Opening of Diplomatic Relations Between Lebanon and Syria Affect the Middle East?

Diplomacy in the Land Down Under

Ninety Summers for An Icon

Sudan Policy Engages China

Counterterrorism: Recovery, Justice, Prevention

August, 2008

Youth Questions Lead to Environmental Action

How Will a Change in Israeli Leadership Affect Prospects for Middle East Peace?

Last Seen in Iran: Robert Levinson

Secretary Rice Speaks With The Politico and Yahoo! News

To What Extent Are the Olympic Games More Than an Athletic Competition?

What I Saw in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Honoring Yoshi's Memory

What Role Should the International Community Play in the Russia-Georgia Conflict?

Diplomacy, Development, Defense -- the Focus of the Regional Strategic Initiative

The New U.S. Passport Card Is Now Available

Behind the Scenes: Secretary Rice Arrives in Baghdad

Behind the Scenes: Blackberries and Wireless Networks in Baghdad

Merry Chaos: Two Presidents Welcome the U.S. Olympic Team

Secretary Rice: Leadership Through Negotiation in Georgia

Behind the Scenes: Israel and Palestine

The Peace Pact That Wasn't

Security Overseas Seminar Teaches 'Be Prepared'

What Rights Should a Country Have When Another Country is Trying To Defend Itself and its Allies?

September, 2008

Africa: U.S. Foreign and Domestic Policies Converge

Significant Events in U.S.-Libyan Relations: A Timeline

Libya: The Path Toward Reengagement

What Lessons Can Be Learned From the U.S.-Libyan Relationship?

Just in From Tripoli: Shaking Qadhafi's Hand

Four Cities on a Saturday

Libya's New Role in the International Community

Primer on Ramadan

U.S.-Russia Relations in the Aftermath of the Georgia Crisis

U.S. Embassy Team Observes Historic Angolan Elections

Diplomacy in the Middle of the Arctic Ocean

Is It the Leader or the System That Creates a Closed Society?

New City, New Job: A Visa Chief's First Day in India

Imagine This: You Have No Country, No Country Will Claim You

Listen to This: Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy Hosts Bloggers' Call

Why Does Defining the U.S. Extended Continental Shelf Matter?

Russia's Future Is in Russia's Hands

What Message Would You Deliver at the United Nations General Assembly?

From Aboard the Healy: What Kinds of Data Are We Collecting?

Welcome to UNGA

Cooperation with Our Northern Neighbor

Inside UNGA: The Importance of Trade

Inside UNGA: Sudan and Darfur

DipNote Turns One Today

Does Less Attention by the Public and Media Have an Effect on the Foreign Policy Agenda?

Life Aboard an Icebreaker

New Delhi Blasts Shatter Calm

U.S. and Trade Partners Expand Cooperation

October, 2008

Our Goal: To End Modern-Day Slavery

Heading Home: Arctic Journey Concludes

Living With Volatility

Colombia: Brighter Futures Through Entrepreneurship

U.S. at UN: More Multilateral Than One Might Think

Where Does the Vicious Cycle End?

What Are the Implications of the U.S.-India Agreement on Nuclear Energy?

State Department to World: 'Tell Me a Story'

Journey to America: A Refugee's Final Departure

Colombia: A Status Report

Iraq: After the Dust Washes Off

What Measures Can We Take Against Those Who Fund Terrorism but Do Not Directly Engage in It?

Our Goal: To End Modern-Day Slavery, Part II

Piracy Threatens Horn of Africa

Commemorating World Food Day

What Criteria Should Be Applied to Countries Seeking Non-Permanent Seats on the UN Security Council?

What Is the Forum for the Future?

Sudan: A Status Report

Your Chance To Ask a Question: Briefing 2.0

Secretary Rice: Education Is a National Security Issue

What Is the Most Effective Way To Encourage Democracy Within Repressive Regimes?

Civil Society Leaders Talk Freedom at Middle East Forum

New Era of Development Rooted in Powerful Partnerships

Recruitment of Foreign Health Workers: A Delicate Balance

Bloggers' Roundtable: Colombia Provides Lessons for the War of Ideas

What Foreign Policy Objective Should the Incoming Administration Make a Priority?

November, 2008

Briefing 2.0: Breaking Through 20th Century Walls

U.S. Citizens: Voting From Abroad?

Kenya Closely Watches U.S. Election

Focus on Baltic Youth

What Will It Take To Reach an Agreement Between the Israelis and Palestinians?

Secretary's Award Recognizes Good Corporate Citizenship

U.S. and Latvia: Creating Mutual Understanding

In Honor of Veterans' Day and the U.S. Marine Corps' Birthday

U.S. Democracy: A Model for Albania?

Visa Investigation Reveals Kindness of Strangers

Does U.S. Foreign Policy Push for Democracy Too Much or Too Little?

Special Envoy Seeks Dialogue Between People of Faith

Briefing 2.0: Make Your Voice Heard

Prostitution: To Legalize Or Not

On the Sidelines of History: Making the G20 Summit Happen

Twitter This: Public Diplomacy in Romania

And Twitter That: Public Diplomacy in Moldova

Human Trafficking in the Middle East

Study Abroad: Transforming Lives and Expanding Horizons

Does a Decline in Global Status Have a Broader Meaning Aside From National Pride?

U.S. Policy Toward Afghanistan and Pakistan

Empowering Youth To Push Back Against Violence

U.S. Citizens: Thailand Travel Alert

India Terror Attacks: Information Hotline

Happy Thanksgiving: Special Thanks to Americans Serving Overseas

Thanksgiving Day Reflections From Mexico City

How Should Zimbabwe's Neighbors Engage in the Process To Resolve the Crisis?

Zimbabwe: Neighboring Countries Need To Increase Pressure on Mugabe

December, 2008

Doha Conference Reviews Monterrey Consensus

Piracy Escalates Off Somali Coast

Empowering Youth Against Violence: You're Invited

World AIDS Day: Continuing the Fight

Public Diplomacy 2.0: A New Approach to Global Engagement

Doha Conference Renews Commitment to Monterrey Principles

Zimbabwe: A Season of Contradictions

Office of Children’s Issues Launches Intercountry Adoption Website

Do Nuclear Weapons Make the World More or Less Safe?

Join the Twitterati: Public Diplomacy in Real-Time

What Role Does the Private Sector Play in Human Rights?

U.S. Ambassador to Panama Barbara J. Stephenson: Panama Past and Present

Universal Declaration of Human Rights Turns Sixty

Zimbabwe: Time for Mugabe To Step Down

Burma: Human Rights Situation Desperate

Where Should the Secretary Make Her Final Official Visit?

Maldives: A Remarkable Path to Democracy

Silent No More: Congolese Rape Survivors Speak Out

Stabilization and Reconstruction: Lessons From Sri Lanka

Vulnerable Minorities: Eradicating Today’s Form of Slavery

To What Extent Does the World Financial Crisis Offer Opportunities for Greater Global Collaboration?

Irena Baruch Wiley: An Artist at Large in the Diplomatic World

U.S. Ambassador to Guatemala Stephen McFarland: U.S. - Guatemala Relations

2008: DipNote's Year in Review

What Means Are Available To Resume a Path Toward Israeli-Palestinian Peace?

More and More Americans Speak Out on Africa

2009 | 2008 | 2007