General HSIP Information

HSIP Funding Flexibility

The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act – A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) provides additional flexibility for states to use HSIP funds for public awareness, education, and enforcement activities that are consistent with the state’s strategic highway safety plan (SHSP).

Under SAFETEA-LU, a state may use up to 10 percent of the amount of funds apportioned to the state under the Highway Safety Improvement Program for a fiscal year to carry out safety projects under any other section of Title 23, United States Code, as provided in the state’s SHSP if the state certifies that:

  1. The state has met its needs relating to railway-highway crossings; and
  2. The state has met its infrastructure safety needs relating to highway safety improvement projects

The following guidance on this flexibility is available at:

Program Contact

Erin Kenley


What's New

Web-based HSIP Courses
Five new web-based courses related to the HSIP are available from the National Highway Institute

Integrating Road Safety into NEPA Analysis: A Primer for Safety and Environmental Professionals:
    • Brochure
    • Report

HSIP Self Assessment Tool

Highway Safety Improvement Program - Project Eligibility

Strategic Highway Safety Plan - Leadership that Saves Lives

Strategic Highway Safety Plan - Get Involved!

HSIP Noteworthy Practice Series

P2P - Integrating Local Planning Organizations into a State HSIP

SHSP Implementation Process Model Interactive CD

HSIP Manual

HSIP Assessment Toolbox

SHSP IPM - The Essential Eight - Fundamental Elements and Effective Steps for SHSP Implementation

SHSP IPM Supplement Number 1 – Case Studies

A Primer on Safety Performance Measures for the Transportation Planning Process

Data and Safety Analysis Tools Brochure