Resource Library (all documents)

Toolkits and Guides

  • FS Series #12: Developing Government Bond Markets [869.64 KB - PDF] - Published: October 1, 2010
    Author: Commonwealth Secretariat and Chemonics International
      This FS Share paper was developed in collaboration with the Commonwealth Secretariat. It was written by Baudouin Richard and Arindam Roy with the Commonwealth Secretariat and reviewed by FS Share on behalf of Chemonics International.
  • FS Series #2: Health Sector Financing in Developing Countries [1.03 MB - PDF] - Published: March 2, 2009
    Author: Chemonics International Inc.
     FS Series #2: Health Sector Financing in Developing Countries provides an overview of health financing, including the core functions of health financing, common mechanisms and approaches, and financing issues frequently faced in low- and...
  • FS Series #3: Supporting the Establishment of Credit Bureaus [1.23 MB - PDF] - Published: November 2, 2009
    Author: Baja Group Consulting; Chemonics International
     The objective of FS Series #3: Supporting the Establishment of Credit Bureaus&nb
  • FS Series #4: Enabling Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprise Access to Finance [1.49 MB - PDF] - Published: September 1, 2009
    Author: Crimson Capital; Shorebank International Ltd.; Chemonics International
    The objective of this FS Series is to provide U.S. government (USG) program designerswith a basis of technical understanding of approaches to enable access to financing for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in emerging markets. The FS...
  • FS Series #5: Value Chain Finance [1.74 MB - PDF] - Published: September 1, 2009
    Author: Chemonics International Inc.
    The objective of this FS Series, Value Chain Finance, is to provide U.S. government (USG) program designers with a basic technical understanding of value chain finance (VCF) and how to design approaches to increase access to financial services that...
  • FS Series #6: Developing Corporate Bond Markets in Emerging Economies [1.98 MB - PDF] - Published: December 1, 2009
    Author: Pragma Corporation; Chemonics International Inc.
    FS Share produced FS Series #6: Developing Corporate Bond Markets in Emerging Economies to provide U.S. government (USG) program designers with a basis of technical understanding of corporate bond issuances and approaches to developing a sustainable...
  • FS Series #7: Enhancing the Leasing Enabling Environment [658.3 KB - PDF] - Published: March 1, 2010
    Author: QED Group LLC; Chemonics International
    FS Share produced FS Series #7: Enhancing the Leasing Enabling Environment, including a primer, diagnostic checklist and model scopes of work, to provide U.S.
  • FS Series #8: Rural and Agricultural Finance for Food Security [1.26 MB - PDF] - Published: April 1, 2010
    Author: AZMJ LLC; Chemonics International
    FS Share produced FS Series #8: Rural and Agricultural Finance for Food Security, including a primer, diagnostic checklist and model scope of work, to provide U.S. government (USG) program designers with a tool to develop effective programming...
  • FS Series #9: Enabling Mobile Money Interventions [1.12 MB - PDF] - Published: April 1, 2010
    Author: Chemonics International Inc.
    FS Share produced FS Series #9: Enabling Mobile Money Interventions, including a primer, diagnostic checklist and model scopes of work, to provide U.S. government (USG) program designers with a basic technical understanding of mobile phone...
  • FS Series Branchless Banking [870.66 KB - PDF] - Published: June 1, 2010
    Author: Chemonics International Inc.
    FS Share produced a draft FS Series on Innovations in Financial Services Delivery: Branchless Banking, including a primer, diagnostic checklist and model scopes of work to provide U.S. government (USG) program designers with a basic...

FSShare, Toolkits and Guides

  • FS Series #1: Enabling Sub-Sovereign Bond Issuances [879.84 KB - PDF] - Published: February 2, 2009
    Author: Chemonics International Inc.
    FS Series #1: Enabling Sub-sovereign Bond Issuances provides a summary of sub-sovereign bonds as an important instrument to consider when exploring models of sustainable long-term financing for local governments.

Sample Designs

  • GBTI II Project Design [66.51 KB - PDF] - Published: January 26, 2005
    Author: USAID/EGAT
    The program design is a broad outline for approaches to economic growth, competitiveness, investment promotion and poverty reduction.

TCBoost, Worldwide, TCBoost

  • Gender and Economic Growth [621.2 KB - PDF] - Published: November 12, 2010
    Author: Wade Channell (TCBoost presenter)
    A PowerPoint presentation delivered at the USAID Trade and Investment Training: Programming for Greater Impact in Bangkok, Thailand by Wade Channell showing how more and better integration of women into development projects can be good for the...


  • General, Business, Trade and Investment II (GBTI II) IQC SOW [66.51 KB - PDF] - Published: December 1, 2006
    Author: USAID
    The objective of this IQC is to allow missions and bureaus to continue to engage in business, trade and investment work and related sector reform projects through a structured procurement process. The new IQC will build on initial SEGIR experience...
  • Georgia Business Climate Reform Project SOW [298.32 KB - PDF] - Published: September 1, 2005
    Author: USAID
    The project supported the Government of Georgia (GoG) in establishing a business environment conducive to economic growth and job creation. The project assisted the GoG in public management reform and streamlining of services for businesses and the...
  • Ghana Trade and Investment Programme for Competitive Export Economy (TIPCEE) SOW [225.98 KB - PDF] - Published: December 1, 2004
    Author: USAID
    The Trade and Investment Programme for Competitive Export Economy (TIPCEE) targeted smallholder farmers that already have begun to integrate into commercial marketing chains. It is important for the offer or to strengthen the role of women as owners...

TCBoost, Georgia, TCBoost

  • Georgia Economic Prosperity Initiative (EPI) SOW [241.27 KB - PDF] - Published: July 1, 2010
    Author: USAID
    Georgia EPI will seek to improve enterprise and industry competitiveness by identifying and targeting key external and internal factors to enhance growth rates and productivity of enterprises in the economy. EPI will improve the private sector...

Case Studies

AgCLIR, Country Reports, Ghana, Research & Analysis

  • Ghana AgCLIR Report [1.49 MB - PDF] - Published: November 1, 2008
    Author: BizCLIR
    This report addresses the conditions and opportunities for doing business in Ghana’s agriculture sector. Through close examination of the relevant laws, institutions, and social dynamics, it aims to inform assistance decisions by the United...

Ghana, Case Studies

  • Ghana and Wal Mart [140.84 KB - PDF] - Published: November 19, 2007
    Author: BGI
    This case tracks the relationship between a Ghanaian textile manufacturer (Belin Textiles) and end buyers in the United States. The case highlights the benefits suppliers potentially experience when taking advantage of preferential trade...
  • Ghana Handicrafts Case Study [119.32 KB - PDF] - Published: November 12, 2007
    Author: BGI
    This case tracks the relationship between Ghanaian handicraft manufacturers (Tekura Enterprise Ltd., and others) and end buyers (Pier One, MarMaxx and Target) in the United States. The case highlights the benefits suppliers experience when...

Studies in Enterprise Development, Ghana

  • Ghana Ecobank DCA Guarantee [1002.13 KB - PDF] - Published: March 25, 2008
    Author: Segura IP3
    This report details USAID's efforts to develop the banking sector in Ghana by implementing the Development Credit Authority, which guaranteed loans to a private bank, EcoBank. USAID implemented the program and then evaluated their results.

Economic Performance Assessments, Ghana, Research & Analysis

BGI Publications, Indonesia, Case Studies

  • Global Ready Indonesia [321.41 KB - PDF] - Published: May 11, 2010
    Author: BGI
    SRA International was selected by Qualcomm to establish and implement technology training centers in Indonesia. The purpose of the project was to demonstrate the value of wireless technology in connecting disadvantaged populations with high quality...