Small Business Opportunities

Through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, the Army gains access to the technological advances of small innovative firms with fewer than 500 employees. The Army sets aside specific funding, as established by Public Law 106-554, for high-quality research or research & development (R&D) proposals of innovative concepts to solve Army/Department of Defense (DoD) related scientific or engineering problems, especially those concepts that also show high potential for commercial use.

The goal of the SBIR program is to tap into the innovativeness and creativity of the small business community to help meet government R&D objectives. At the same time, these small companies develop technologies, products, and services which they can then commercialize through sales in the private sector or back to the government. Additional information about the Army SBIR program can be found at:

The DoD's SBIR program requests proposals from small businesses by advertising its opportunity topics in three solicitation cycles each year. The Army organizations may participate in any or all of the three cycles, and ARL participates in the first solicitation cycle to allow for an orderly award of contracts early in the following fiscal year. Information about the current SBIR solicitation can be found at:


Last Update / Reviewed: September 1, 2010