Senator Levin's Record - A Balanced Approach to Deficit Reduction

  • Feb. 7, 2012 – Sens. Levin, Conrad introduce CUT Loopholes Act

    Sen. Levin and Sen. Kent Conrad introduce the Cut Unjustified Tax Loopholes Act, which would close a number of tax loopholes that increase the deficit and the tax burden carried by middle-class Americans by allowing individuals and corporations to dodge the taxes they owe.

  • March 8, 2012 – Levin-Conrad amendment cracks down on offshore tax loopholes

    The Senate adopts an amendment offered by Sen. Levin, Sen. Kent Conrad and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse that adds important new tools to the fight against offshore tax abuses that increase the budget deficit and disadvantage middle-class taxpayers.

  • Feb. 29, 2012 – Levin speaks out against ‘Facebook loophole’

    In a speech on the Senate floor, Sen. Levin outlines how Facebook will avoid billions of dollars in corporate taxes using a loophole related to the granting of stock options to employees. Levin has long sought the closing of this stock-option loophole to reduce the budget deficit.

  • Feb. 17, 2012 – Sen. Levin supports extension of middle-class tax relief

    The Senate passes legislation supported by Sen. Levin to extend for a full year a cut in federal payroll taxes and extending emergency unemployment benefits. Sen. Levin calls the extension "important tax relief that is focused on middle-class families who have suffered greatly during the Great Recession."

  • Feb. 15, 2012 – Sen. Levin receives Center for National Interest Distinguished Service Award

    Sen. Levin receives the Distinguished Service Award from the Center for the National Interest, a nonpartisan national security think tank. In remarks to the awards dinner, he calls for a return to Michigan Sen. Arthur Vandenberg’s philosophy of bipartisanship, seeking "national security ahead of partisan advantage."

  • Jan. 23, 2012 -- Levin introduces bill to close tax loophole

    Sen. Levin introduces the Closing the Derivatives Blended Rate Loophole Act, which would end a tax loophole that adds to the deficit and subsidizes short-term trading in complex financial derivatives.

  • Dec. 17, 2011 – Levin votes to continue payroll tax relief, but says measure falls short

    Sen. Levin votes for legislation to prevent an end to payroll tax relief and emergency unemployment benefits, saying the bill is misguided in several ways but that the extensions are vitally important.

  • Nov. 21, 2011 – Levin says “supercommittee” failure shows need for compromise

    In a statement after the co-chairs of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction announce that they have failed to reach agreement by their statutory deadline, Sen. Levin issues a statement renewing his call for balanced deficit reduction that includes revenue as well as spending cuts and says members of Congress must compromise to avoid the devastating automatic cuts that will take effect if there is no bipartisan agreement.

  • Oct. 14, 2011 – Levin makes recommendations to deficit committee

    Sen. Levin, as chairman of the Armed Services Committee, sends a set of deficit reduction recommendations to the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction. Levin recommends against further cuts in discretionary military spending such as weapons modernization, citing deep cuts already in place. He recommends the committee consider establishing a commission to examine all areas of military compensation.

  • Oct. 10, 2011 – Levin report finds repatriation tax holiday failed to create jobs

    Sen. Levin releases a report by the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations that raises serious questions about proposals to give multinational corporations a “repatriation tax holiday” that would cut taxes on revenue brought back to the United States from overseas. The report finds that a previous holiday, in 2004, did not succeed in creating jobs or boosting investment, and that companies that took advantage of the tax holiday increased stock repurchases and executive compensation despite legal prohibitions against using repatriated funds for such purposes.