Accession Number PB2012-104187
Title Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture: 2012 User Comparative Database Report.
Publication Date Feb 2012
Media Count 206p
Personal Author D. Nelson J. Sorra N. Dyer S. A. Smith T. Famolaro
Abstract In response to requests from hospitals interested in comparing their results with those of other hospitals on the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) established the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture comparative database. Since the first annual user comparative database report, which was released in 2007 and included data from 382 U.S. hospitals, the number of hospitals and respondents included in the database has grown each year. The 2012 user comparative database report displays results from 1,128 hospitals and 567,703 hospital staff respondents. This report also includes a chapter on trending that presents results showing change over time for 650 hospitals that administered the survey and submitted data more than once. This user comparative database report was developed as a tool for the following purposes: Comparison: To allow hospitals to compare their patient safety culture survey results with those of other hospitals; Assessment and Learning: To provide data to hospitals to facilitate internal assessment and learning in the patient safety improvement process; Supplemental Information: To provide supplemental information to help hospitals identify their strengths and areas with potential for improvement in patient safety culture; and Trending: To provide data that describe changes in patient safety culture over time.
Keywords Culture
Data analysis
Data collection
Delivery of health care
Health care organizations
Management planning and control
Medical services
Total quality management
Product Source: AHRQ

Source Agency National Center for Health Services Research
NTIS Subject Category 44J - Health Delivery Plans, Projects & Studies
57E - Clinical Medicine
44D - Health Care Assessment & Quality Assurance
44U - Health Care Delivery Organization & Administration
Corporate Author Westat, Inc., Rockville, MD.
Document Type Technical report
Title Note N/A
NTIS Issue Number 1208
Contract Number HHSA-290200710024C

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