ASAP Unit Prevention Leader (UPL)

All downloads from these resources can be accessed through the download tab. Please utilize the tabs as they work best. Here is a direct link to the ACSAP Website

Unit Prevention Leader (UPL) resources:

(Click the download tab to download resources)

Drug Testing Program Lite Instruction

Smart Testing

Urinalysis Testing Codes

Unit Substance Abuse Program Standard Operating Procedure: AR 600-85

AR 600-85 Appendix E

UPL's Breifing

Observer's Briefing

NEW-Commanders/UPL Handbook (PDF)

Specimen Submission Discrepancy Codes

DTP Lite Reference Guide

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Date created: 4/25/2011 3:31:39 PM
Date last updated: 6/20/2011 8:46:44 AM