APS Engineering Support Division Mission

The mission of APS Engineering Support Division (AES) is to provide the engineering, mechanical, and facility services and computing infrastructure to enable the world-class performance of the APS and ensure a safe environment for APS users and personnel.

In support of this mission, the APS Engineering Support Division provides:

  • Highly reliable, state-of-the-art computer infrastructure to meet the needs of the APS.
  • Leading-edge information technology infrastructure through support of the networks, servers, storage and desktop computers.
  • Information solutions for the APS including development of database applications, tools for the management of facility documents, and web production efforts.
  • Software and electronic hardware for synchrotron radiation beamlines that serve the common needs of APS researchers.
  • An accelerator controls system that maintains the high reliability of the APS accelerator facilities and plays a leading role in the advancement of accelerator control system technology.
  • Mechanical and operations support services for the accelerator facilities that help the APS achieve its goals for high reliability, high availability, and long mean time between failures.
  • Engineering design and drafting services in the support of highly reliable accelerator and x-ray experiment facilities and providing innovative designs to enhance the capabilities of both.
  • Precision survey and alignment services essential for the positioning and alignment of the accelerator and beamline components.
  • Responsibility for work on all radiation shielding safety systems at the APS.

In addition, AES:

  • Maintains a reliable safety interlock system for personnel access control and equipment protection of the APS accelerators and beamlines, to ensure a safe working environment.
  • Manages an efficient and effective beamline experiment safety review program, including independent safety oversight of user activities and the design and commissioning of beamline x-ray facilities at the APS.
  • Coordinates and manages the APS buildings, site services, conventional construction, and facility maintenance projects to provide effective and efficient site services.