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National Aeronautics and Space Administration Global Climate Change National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Earth Science Week 2012
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During October 14-20, 2012, NASA introduced students of all ages to an incredible group of NASA Earth explorers - from scientists and engineers, to multimedia producers, educators and writers. Under the theme "Discovering Careers in the Earth Sciences," Earth Science Week 2012 focused on the stories of the Earth Explorers who contribute to our understanding of the planet.
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Blog Highlights Blog Highlights
Check out these posts from Earth Explorers

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REEL Science Communication Contest REEL Science Communication Contest
Ginger Butcher challenges students to share their video production talents

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Believing in Your Research Believing in Your Research
Brian Kahn discusses the challenges of writing research proposals.

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Earth Science Week 2012
Global Climate Change is produced by the Earth Science Communications Team at

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology
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