ASAP Counseling Program

Counseling Program


To restore military and civilian healthcare beneficiaries who are impaired by alcohol and other drugs to an acceptable level or readiness or productive employment and a healthy lifestyle. All personnel involved in an alcohol or drug-related incident will be referred to the Counseling Center within 72 hours for evaluation. A completed DA Form 8003 must accompany the soldier when he/she goes to the Counseling Center.


An appointment for an initial evaluation within 5 days of receipt of the DA Form 8003.

Information to referred persons on their rights and responsibilities as patients, and on the organizations rights and responsibilities.

A comprehensive bio-psychosocial evaluation related to substance use.

One of the following recommendations to commanders or first sergeants within 12 days of request for appointment: Screened not Enrolled, Extended Evaluation, Prime for Life (previously known as ADAPT), or Rehabilitation.

A completed and returned DA Form 8003.

Dates, types, and locations of appointments.

A physical examination, diagnostic evaluation, patient and family member education, and weekly individual and/or group counseling for those enrolled in treatment.

Services to the family members of those involved in treatment, as permitted.

Notification of missed appointments.

Periodic evaluation of the soldier’s progress.



Complete a DA Form 8003 and schedule soldiers for an evaluation within 72 hours of their involvement in blotter-related incidents and/or suspected as having an alcohol and other drug (AOD) problems.

Contact the Counseling Center to schedule an appointment for the soldier.

Ensure that the completed DA Form 8003 arrives at the Counseling Center before or with the soldier.

Provide the counselor all pertinent information to assist in the evaluation and treatment processes.

If the soldier is enrolled in rehabilitation or outpatient treatment, be available to meet with the soldier and his or her counselor as part of a rehabilitation team meeting (RTM).

Have soldiers enrolled in treatment for alcohol use only submit a urine specimen at least once immediately after enrollment. Have those soldiers enrolled for drugs other than alcohol submit a urine specimen at least once a week for as long as the soldier is enrolled in treatment.

Lawfully order soldiers enrolled in treatment to remain abstinent from drinking alcohol and/or taking any other illicit drugs.

Order the soldier to attend all ASAP appointments, except when officially authorized to be absent.

Be willing to administer UCMJ actions to and/or to declare as rehabilitation failure soldiers enrolled who willfully use AODs, have repeated unauthorized absences from treatment activities, and/or willfully fail to comply with their respective treatment plans.

Periodically provide the counselors an evaluation of the soldier’s conduct and performance.

Timely provide the counselors with a copy of PCS and ETS orders for treated soldiers.



Self-referrals will sign a consent form to be evaluated.

Thoroughly complete the intake or evaluation documents.

Participate in the clinical interview.

Remain abstinent from alcohol use and the use of all illicit drugs throughout involvement with the ASAP.

Be asked to enter into a working alliance with his or her counselor(s) to accomplish treatment goals.

Comply with the established treatment plan.

Attend all scheduled appointments unless authorized to be absent.

Discuss with his or her counselor(s) challenges to achieving abstinence and remaining abstinent from AODs.

Be expected to grant approval for the counselor to have contact with his or her souse if married and the spouse is in the area.




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Date created: 4/25/2011 3:54:45 PM
Date last updated: 5/12/2011 12:43:19 PM