Network Services



The DISA Defense Working Capital Fund (DWCF) execution prices and pricing guidance for the DWCF rate-based and cost reimbursable telecommunications programs are approved for release by the DISA Comptroller and published each fiscal year.

Prices appearing in this publication are available on-line via the DISA Direct Web Page at

All DISA telecommunications services are supported by the Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization (DITCO), therefore the 2% DITCO contract service fee is added to customer bills for DWCF telecommunications services.

Pricing for a customer requirement not specified within this publication will be provided by the DISN Business Office once the requirement has been submitted to a DISA provisioning organization and a solution has been developed.

In addition to DWCF rates, there are specific rates for the Joint Hawaii Information Transfer System (JHITS) service.  This service is not a DISN subscription services.  A complete listing of JHITS rates may be found in the JHITS  Billing Rates document that is also posted on DISA Direct link:  For additional information customers may contact the JHITS Program Management office at Commercial (808) 472-2100/472-2200 or DSN (315) 472-2100/472-2200.