Network Services



This page is intended to provide new information and/or updates related to matters pertaining to the Defense Information Systems Network (DISN).

February 13, 2013: NEW: Announcing new combined Question and Answer (Q&A) Sessions on the topics of Topology Requirements, Cross Domain Solutions Accreditation Process, and the SIPRNet GIAP System User Guide. The Enterprise Connection Division will be hosting Mission Partner Training Q&A sessions for those seeking to establish or re-accredit their connection to the Defense Information Systems Network (DISN).  Please watch the Computer Based Trainings on these topics, and join a Q&A session afterward.

For attendance information, upcoming session dates and times, and the link to watch the Computer Based Trainings, click here.

For additional information, please visit the Enterprise Connection Approval Website. 

January 31, 2013: NEW: Announcing February Question and Answer (Q&A) Sessions for Mission Partners. The Enterprise Connection Division is hosting Mission Partner Training Q&A Sessions for those seeking to establish or re-accredit their connection to the Defense Information Systems Network (DISN), on the topics of Topology Requirements, Cross Domain Solutions Accreditation Process, SIPRNet GIAP System User Guide, and DSAWG Briefing Standards.

For attendance information, upcoming session dates and times, and the link to watch the Computer Based Trainings, click here.

For additional information, please visit the Enterprise Connection Approval Website.

January 10, 2013: NEW: Announcing SIPRNet GIAP System (SGS) Question and Answer (Q&A) Sessions for Mission Partners. The Enterprise Connection Division is hosting Mission Partner Training Q&A Sessions on the SIPRNet GIAP System (SGS) v5.3, for those seeking to establish or re-accredit their connection to the Defense Information Systems Network (DISN).

For attendance information, upcoming sessions, and the link to watch the SGS Computer Based Training, click here.

For additional information, please visit the Enterprise Connection Approval Website.

January 9, 2013: UPDATED: Telecommunications Service Level Agreement (SLA). The Network Services (NS) Telecommunications SLA available on the Service Level Agreement Webpage has been updated. The Customer Services Division coordinated a major update to the SLA, which provides the most current and accurate metrics and Management Thresholds (MTs), adds Secure Mobile Environment – Portable Electronic Device (SME-PED), Private Internet Protocol (IP) service, and additional technologies for Dedicated service in the Transport portfolio section. This new and updated document replaces the document available for download on DISA Direct. Any questions, please contact the DISN Global Support Center (DGSC) by accessing the Service Support section.

November 16, 2012:  NEW:  Notice of Implementation of DISN Private LAN and Label Transport Virtual Private Network (VPN) Services.  DISA is now offering DISN Private Local Area Network (LAN) and Label Transport VPN services. DISN Private LAN service provides customers the ability to shrink the world to one LAN regardless of their physical location around the world. Label Transport service enables customers to reduce long haul expenditures using IP as transport for data. The formal notice advising all customer agencies of the new services can be found in the Telecommunications Business Service Catalog (BSC) Customer Notice 2012-03, “Private LAN Service (Layer 2 VPN)” and in the Telecommunications BSC Customer Notice 2012-04 “Label Transport Service (Layer 2 CsC VPN).”

November 14, 2012:  UPDATED:  Establish a Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Connect to an Established Virtual Private Network (VPN) Customer Ordering Guides. Based on new and future VPN service offerings, Network Services has renamed and updated the VPN Customer Ordering Guides. These guides provide the process and detailed information to order this type of services, which requires two steps. The first document details the steps to Establish a VPN, and the second document details the steps to Connect to an Established VPN via DISA Direct Order Entry (DDOE) for Private IP Service (Layer 3 VPN), Private LAN Service (Layer 2 VPN), and Label Transport Service (Layer 2 CsC VPN). These updates replace the previous Private IP Customer Ordering Guides published on July 2, 2012.

November 1, 2012: NEW: Virtual Private Network (VPN) SNAP Registration Process.  VPN services are IP transport service only, as such, the connection process differs slightly from that normally required for connection to the SBU IP Data service (NIPRNet). Customers are required to register the VPN, and the connections to it, in the System/Network Approval Process (SNAP) database for tracking. The VPN SNAP Registration Process Guide is a step-by-step guide for the registration of VPN and circuit connections into the SNAP database.

August 16, 2012:  UPDATED:  Telecommunications Business Service Catalog (BSC). The catalog of services on the Network Services Homepage has been updated. This electronic version of the Telecommunications Business Service Catalog is now available making it easier for mission partners to find and share information regarding all service offerings including service performance, rate/pricing information, service support, and ordering information. The new and updated information on the Network Services website replaces the document available for download on DISA Direct. Any questions, please contact the DISN Global Support Center (DGSC) by accessing the Service Support section.

August 14, 2012:  NEW RELEASE:  Attention Enhanced Mobile Satellite Services (EMSS) Mission Partners.  On July 24, 2012, we activated an improvement to the EMSS ordering process on World-Wide On-line System (WWOLS). Although, it will affect only EMSS orders that involve activation/deactivation of service, the change will be seamless to the customers. The new improvement will decrease program costs associated with the labor force, decrease processing time, increase customer responsibility in assuring correct order placement, increase productivity by more quickly delivering product. Any questions, please contact the DISN Global Support Center (DGSC) by accessing the Service Support section.

July 2, 2012:  NEW:  Establish a Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Connect to an Established Virtual Private Network (VPN) Customer Ordering Guides.   Since early 2012, DISA has been offering Defense Information Systems Network (DISN) Private Internet Protocol (IP) Service.  Private IP is an enterprise Virtual Private Network (VPN) service providing data privacy to customers across the Sensitive but Unclassified (SBU) IP Data Network (formerly known as NIPRNet).  The process and detailed information to order this service, which requires two steps, are provided in the VPN Customer Ordering Guides.  The first document details the steps to Establish a VPN, and the second document details the steps to Connect to an Established VPN.

July 2, 2012:  RESCINDED:  Notice of Implementation of Defense Information Systems Network (DISN) Private Internet Protocol (IP) Service.   The Business Service Catalog (BSC) Customer Notice 2012-01, “Private Internet Protocol (IP) Service Order Process,” has been rescinded due to the newly released and published Private IP Customer Ordering Guides.

February 17, 2012: Notice of Unclassified but Sensitive Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet) Federated Gateway (NFG) circuit migration process. The process to migrate circuits to the NFG can be found in the Network Services Customer Notice 2012-02, "NIPRNet Federated Gateway Circuit Migration Process."

February 17, 2012: Notice of changes to DISA Circular 310-130-1, Chapter 2, Estimated Service Life on the Telecommunication Service Request (TSR). The changes to the DISA Circular can be found in the DISA Request Fulfillment Notice 12-11.