last update: December 31, 2012

A N T I D U M P I N G   A N D   C O U N T E R V A I L I N G   D U T Y   C A S E   I N F O R M A T I O N

AD/CVD Investigations (Federal Register History) (01/01/1980 - 12/31/1999)   (01/01/2000 - 12/31/2012)  

Historical Information (Orders Revoked Before 1980) AD:   1921 to 1980 CVD:   1897 to 1980

5 Year Sunset Reviews (Completed) Revocations Continuations

AD/CVD Orders In Effect     (USITC Website) Trade Agreements Administered by Import Administration
  These two tables, although incomplete, include all data available for cases revoked prior to 1980.        

For US Government Statistics and Statistical Agencies visit   For US Government Statistics and Statistical Agencies visit FedStats Logo URL

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United States Department of Commerce . International Trade Administration . Import Administration . 1401 Constitution Ave. N.W. Washington DC 20230
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