last update: October 13, 2009
  2 0 0 9   A n t i d u m p i n g   M a n u a l

This edition of the “Import Administration Antidumping Manual” incorporates references to relevant statutes, regulations, and agreements as of the date of publication. Included in the manual is content related to Title VII of the Tariff Act of 1930 (the Act) as amended by legislation through the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (URAA) of December 8, 1994. The manual also discusses procedural and technical information from the Statement of Administrative Action (SAA), as well as Section 351 of the Department of Commerce’s (DOC) antidumping regulations. This manual is for the internal training and guidance of Import Administration (IA) personnel only, and the practices set out herein are subject to change without notice.

This manual cannot be cited to establish DOC practice.

  About File Extensions:
  DOC: Microsoft Word 97/2003      - Download MSWord 2003 Viewer
  PDF: Portable Document Format  - Download Adobe Acrobat Reader
    Table of Contents Available File Formats
    Chapter 01: Introduction DOC PDF
    Chapter 02: Petitions DOC PDF
    Chapter 03: Access to Information DOC PDF
    Chapter 04: Questionnaires DOC PDF
    Chapter 05: Analysis of Responses DOC PDF
    Chapter 06: Fair Value Comparisons DOC PDF
    Chapter 07: Export Price and Constructed Export Price DOC PDF
    Chapter 08: Normal Value DOC PDF
    Chapter 09: Cost of Production and Constructed Value DOC PDF
    Chapter 10: Non-Market Economies (NME) DOC PDF
    Chapter 11: Computer Analysis DOC PDF
    Chapter 12: Critical Circumstances DOC PDF
    Chapter 13: Preliminary and Final Determinations DOC PDF
    Chapter 14: Postponements of Determinations DOC PDF
    Chapter 15: Verifications DOC PDF
    Chapter 16: Hearings and Briefs DOC PDF
    Chapter 17: Terminations and Suspensions of Investigations DOC PDF
    Chapter 18: International Trade Commission (ITC) Injury Determinations DOC PDF
    Chapter 19: Suspension of Liquidation and Antidumping Orders DOC PDF
    Chapter 20: IA-CBP Communications DOC PDF
    Chapter 21: Administrative Reviews and Other Activities DOC PDF
    Chapter 22: Differences Between Conducting Investigations and Administrative Reviews DOC PDF
    Chapter 23: Changed Circumstances Reviews DOC PDF
    Chapter 24: New Shipper Reviews DOC PDF
    Chapter 25: Section 751(c) Five-Year ("Sunset") Reviews DOC PDF
    Chapter 26: Scope Determinations and Circumvention DOC PDF
    Chapter 27: Revocations DOC PDF
    Chapter 28: Litigation DOC PDF
    Chapter 29: International Agreements DOC PDF
    Glossary of Terms DOC PDF
This Import Administration Antidumping Manual was last modified October 13, 2009

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United States Department of Commerce . International Trade Administration . Import Administration . 1401 Constitution Ave. N.W. Washington DC 20230
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