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Office of Administrative Law Judges


CCASE: VOLKMANN RAILROAD BUILDERS DDATE: 19940822 TTEXT: ~1 [1] WAGE APPEALS BOARD UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WASHINGTON, D. C. In the Matter of: VOLKMANN RAILROAD BUILDERS WAB CASE NO. 94-10 With respect to Contract No. DACA45-92-C-0152, for a railway maintenance project at Fort McCoy, Monroe County, Wisconsin BEFORE: David A. O'Brien, Chair Ruth E. Peters, Member Karl J. Sandstrom, Member DATED: August 22, 1994 DECISION OF THE WAGE APPEALS BOARD This matter is before the Wage Appeals Board on the petition of William Larson, an employee on a railway maintenance project at Fort McCoy, Monroe County, Wisconsin (Contract No. DACA45-92-C-0152), for review of an April 20, 1994 ruling by the Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division. The Administrator granted the conformance request of Volkmann Railroad Builders ("Volkmann") for the addition of railroad track laborer and railroad equipment operator classifications to Wage Determination No. WI91-19. For the reasons stated below the petition for review filed by Larson, a Volkmann employee, is denied and the ruling of the Administrator is affirmed.[1] ~2 [2] I. BACKGROUND Volkmann is the contractor on a railway maintenance project (Contract No. DACA45-92-C-0152) at Fort McCoy, Monroe County, Wisconsin. The wage determination applicable to that contract is Wage Determination No. WI91-19. By letter dated April 13, 1993 to the contracting agency (the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), Volkmann requested the addition of a railroad equipment operator classification, at the wage rate of $14.71 per hour plus 6 paid holidays, to the applicable wage determination. Volkmann also requested the addition of a railroad track laborer classification at the wage rate of $11.66 per hour plus 6 paid holidays. By letter dated April 30, 1993 to the Administrator, the contracting agency recommended that the railroad equipment operator classification be approved in part and denied in part, depending upon the type of equipment to be used by employees. The contracting agency recommended that the railroad track laborer classification be disapproved. By letter dated October 29, 1993 from Alan L. Moss, Director of Wage and Hour's Division of Wage Determinations, the railroad equipment operator classification was approved at the proposed wage rate. Moss stated, however, that the requested railroad track laborer classification could not be approved "because the work to be performed by this classification may be performed by a classification already included in the wage decision." The contracting agency relayed the Wage and Hour ruling to Volkmann by letter dated December 10, 1993. Volkmann requested reconsideration of Wage and Hour's decision, and the Administrator responded to that request by letter dated April 20, 1994. The Administrator stated that the request for the addition of a railroad track laborer classification initially had been denied "on the basis that the work to be performed by the proposed classification is performed by the laborer classification already included in the [wage determination]." She added that pursuant to Fry Brothers Corp., WAB Case No. 76-06 (June 14, 1977) ("Fry Brothers"), the appropriate classification for Davis-Bacon work is the classification utilized by firms whose wage rates were determined to be prevailing and were incorporated in the applicable wage determination. In this case, the Administrator stated, the rates listed in the wage determination reflected collectively bargained wage rates. Therefore, she stated, Wage and Hour examined union practice to determine which crafts performed the work in question. The Administrator stated that neither the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 139 ("IUOE Local 139") nor the Laborers International Union of North America, Local Union No. 140 ("Laborers Local 140"), "which have jurisdiction in this area," were able to provide data [2] ~3 [3] to demonstrate that their members performed railroad maintenance in the area prior to award of the contract. Therefore, we must change our initial determination." The Administrator approved the addition of the railroad track laborer classification at the requested wage rate. She further specified that the railroad equipment operator classification which was approved on October 29, 1993 "is applicable to all the power equipment operator classifications used strictly for railroad track rehabilitation. Any other work performed by power equipment operators on this project, must be paid in accordance with the power equipment operator classification and rates listed in the [wage determination]." II. DISCUSSION The DOL regulations that govern Davis-Bacon conformance procedures provide, at 29 C.F.R. 5.5(a)(1)(ii)(A), that "[t]he contracting officer shall require that any class of laborers or mechanics which is not listed in the wage determination and which is to be employed under the contract shall be classified in conformance with the wage determination." Furthermore, Section 5.5(a)(1)(ii)(A) provides that an additional classification and wage rate is to be approved only when three criteria have been met: (1) The work to be performed by the classification requested is not performed by a classification in the wage determination; and (2) The classification is utilized in the area by the construction industry; and (3) The proposed wage rate, including any bona fide fringe benefits, bears a reasonable relationship to the wage rates contained in the wage determination. Upon review, the Board concludes that the Administrator properly granted the conformance request, because all three criteria have been met in this case. The first criterion to be met is that the work to be done by the proposed classification is not performed by the classification listed in the applicable wage determination. As the Administrator noted in her ruling in this case, where -- as here -- the applicable wage determination reflects collectively bargained wage rates, the Board's decision in Fry Brothers states that the practices of firms that are signatory to the collective bargaining agreements are to be followed on the Davis-Bacon project. Accordingly, in this case Wage and Hour analyzed union practice to ascertain whether any existing classifications performed the work in question. Wage and Hour determined that neither IUOE Local 139 nor Laborers Local 140 claimed were able to provide information that their members performed railroad maintenance during the relevant time period. In the absence of a showing that classifications -- laborers and power equipment operators -- [3] ~4 [4] listed in the wage determination did the work in question, the Administrator properly determined that the first criterion of the conformance test was satisfied. Contrary to Petitioner's contention, the fact that the Laborers Local 140 collective bargaining agreement encompassed railroad work does not suffice to defeat Volkmann's compliance with the first prong of the conformance test with respect to the railroad track laborer classification. While it need not be demonstrated that performance of the disputed work by a classification in the wage determination is the prevailing practice in the area, it must be demonstrated that an existing classification actually performs the work in question. See More Drywall, Inc., WAB Case No. 90-20 (Apr. 29, 1991); Miller Insulation Company, Inc., WAB Case No. 94-01 (May 2, 1994), slip op. at pp. 4-5. As to the railroad equipment operator classification, the collectively bargained wage rates of IUOE Local 139 are reflected in the power equipment operator classification in the wage determination. That union did not claim jurisdiction over the railroad work in question, and Wage and Hour found no evidence that railroad work was performed by IUOE Local 139 during the relevant rime period. The second criterion to be met by a contractor requesting an additional classification through the conformance process is that there be an indication that the proposed classification is "utilized in the area by the construction industry." The Board concludes that Volkmann also satisfied this criterion. Evidence submitted to Wage and Hour during the conformance process showed that the National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association, Inc., and various Laborers and Operating Engineers local unions have been parties to Rail Transportation and Operation Agreements ("ROTA") that cover all types of railway construction, including both new construction and track maintenance and rehabilitation work. As noted by the Administrator (Statement on Behalf of the Administrator ("Statement"), at p. 9), the ROTA agreements "reflect the treatment of railway work as a component of the construction industry." Thus, the ROTA agreements "effectively rebut[] Petitioner's argument that the conformed classifications are utilized by the railway industry and not the construction industry, as required by the second conformance criterion" (Id.) (footnote omitted). The final criterion is that the proposed wage rates bear a reasonable relationship to the wage rates listed in the applicable wage determination. With respect to the railroad track laborer classification, Petitioner contends that the proposed wage rate for that classification lacks the requisite reasonable relationship with the rates in the wage determination because the proposed wage rate is lower than the rate listed for unskilled laborers. Petitioner also disputes the wage rate for the railroad equipment operator classification, which is lower than the lowest wage rate listed in the applicable wage determination for power equipment operators. However, as noted by the Administrator (Statement, at p. 11), there is a "recognized separate and specialized treatment of railroad repair [4] ~5 [5] work within the construction industry." Given these unique circumstances, the Board is unwilling to second-guess the Administrator's approval of the proposed wage rates for the railroad track laborer and railroad equipment operator classifications. Cf. Hillside Gardens, Inc., WAB Case No. 90-32 (June 26, 1991) (re approval of a proposed landscape laborers classification with a wage rate lower than that listed for construction laborers). In sum, the ruling of the Administrator is affirmed. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD: David A. O'Brien, Chair Ruth E. Peters, Member Karl J. Sandstrom, Member Gerald F. Krizan, Esq. Executive Secretary [5]