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Office of Administrative Law Judges


CCASE: WASHINGTON NATIONAL AIRPORT, ARLINGTON, VA DDATE: 19760426 TTEXT: ~1 [1] TELEGRAPHIC MESSAGE NAME OF AGENCY: U.S. Department of Labor Labor Relations and Civil Rights [Office of the Solicitor] ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION: 6165-2-2-N-500-72500-2330-000 DATE PREPARED: 4/26/76 NAME: Terry R. Yellig RE: WASHINGTON NATIONAL AIRPORT, ARLINGTON, VA CASE NO. WAB 76-05 This proceeding is before the Board pursuant to Order No. 21-70, as amended, of the Secretary of Labor on a petition for review filed by the Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration. Oral hearing was held on March 29, 1976 and opportunity was afforded to file post hearing statements not later th[a]n April 13, 1976. The petition asks review of Wage Decision 76-VA-90 issued by the Employment Standards Administration (ESA) on February 12, 1976 and applicable to certain rehabilitation work on Runway 3-21 at National Airport. This work is estimated to co[]st $650,000 of which ninety percent is for asphalt overlay of existing runway and ten percent is for striping and for adjustments to runway lights and drainage. The Board identifies three issues to be decided in this review each of which is discussed below. 1. The civil subdivision. The Davis-Bacon Act requires that the predetermined rates shall be those which prevail on projects of a character similar to the contract work in the city, town, village or other subdivision of the State in which the work is to be performed. Petitioner contends that the appropriate civil subdivision in this instance is Arlington County, Virginia -- a contention with which Counsel for ESA expressed no disagreement. Counsel for the Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL- CIO contends that as National Airport is owned by the Federal government and is under exclusive Federal control it is a "well- defined political division of the United States, separate and apart from both Virginia and the District of Columbia". The [1] ~2 [2] Board views the consequences of Federal ownership and control of National Airport as not dissimilar to the situation at Federally owned bases, reservations and similar properties. The issue in this proceeding is not who controls National Airport but rather what is the geographic area to look to for wage determination purposes. The civil subdivision for wage decision purposes normally is the civil division which the Federal property is contiguously and geographically associated. We agree with petitioner and with ESA Counsel that for National Airport the appropriate civil subdivision is Arlington County, Virginia. 2. The "carve out". Counsel for ESA contends that an "exception" has been "carved out" at National Airport "as a result of area wage practice" and that for this reason the appropriate predetermined rates are not those reflected by similar projects in Arlington County. The Board cannot accept this argument. The "carve out" principle recognized by the Board and by ESA in Washington area wage decisions relates to entire classes of construction, e.g., "all residential projects", "single family housing and garden type apartments up to and including 4 stories", etc. Such a "carve out" principle has not been and cannot be applied to a single project or a single contract. 3. Similar projects. Petitioner and ESA are in agreement that projects similar to the rehabilitation of Runway 3-21 are highway construction projects. The Board does not view the contract for this work as a contract for highway construction -- nor does it view this contract as one for building construction. The Board continues to recognize a well established administrative [2] ~3 [3] practice and interpretation adopted at the beginning of the interstate highway program under which, in the absence of special circumstances and compelling reasons to do otherwise, non-highway rates will not b e used as a base for wage decisions on highway contracts and highway wage rates will not be used as a base for wage decision on non-highway work. Upon review of all of the materials and arguments present in this matter the Board concludes that Decision 76-VA-90 should be withdrawn and replaced by a new wage decision based upon a current survey of "heavy" construction projects in Arlington County but not including contracts for the construction of streets, highways, buildings residences, etc.. The record before the Board contains no information in respect to wage rates on "heavy" projects in Arlington County, e.g., whether they correspond to building schedules or highway schedules or whether they differ from both of these. ESA should proceed promptly with such a survey and issue a new wage decision with due regard for the time urgency attached by Petitioner to Runway 3-21 construction. SO ORDERED Oscar S. Smith, Chairman Stuart Rothman, Member Clarence D. Barker, Member [3]