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5-Step Examination and Assignment for New Explosives New explosives must be examined and assigned a recommended shipping description, classification, and compatibility group.  
A Comparison of Risk Accidental Deaths - United States - 1999-2003 Jan 1, 2004
Additional Item Names Added to Valid EX Approval The Firework Program permits additional item name(s) to be added to a valid EX Approval number, currently held by a manufacturer.  
Annex to MOU between PHMSA and TSA View the complete annex.  
Authorized DOT Cylinder Requalifiers (International) Persons authorized to requalify DOT cylinders under 49 CFR 173.34 are listed. The requalifier identification number, the name and address, the classes of cylinders authorized for requalification, the date of the most recent authorization and current status of the requalifier is provided. Jun 18, 2008
Basic Requirements for Fully Wrapped Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Lined Cylinders Used by OHM as the basis for evaluating fully wrapped carbon-fiber reinforced cylinders. Mar 1, 2007
COMAT: Safe To Fly? COmpany MATerials for Air Carriers Nov 1, 2000
Comparative Risks of Hazardous Materials and Non-Hazardous Materials Truck Shipment Accidents/ Incidents This risk assessment was performed for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration by Battelle. Mar 1, 2001
Confirmation of Filling Densities Listed in the United Nation (UN) Model Regulations, Volume I, Thirteenth revised edition. Nov 1, 2002
Criteria and Procedures:
Termination Proceedings
Criteria for Determining When Termination Proceedings Against any Holder of an Approval are Appropriate and Procedures for Implementing Termination Proceedings May 18, 2000
DOT FRP-1 Standard, Basic Requirements For Fiber Reinforced Plastic Type 3FC Composite Cylinders Used by OHM as the basis for evaluating Type 3FC Composite Cylinders. Feb 17, 1987
DOT FRP-2 Standard, Basic Requirements For Fiber Reinforced Plastic Type 3HW Composite Cylinders Used by OHM as the basis for evaluating Type 3HW Composite Cylinders. Jan 14, 1987
Designated Agencies (HMEP) Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Grants Designated Agencies  
Do You Know If You’re Shipping Hazardous Materials? To raise awareness of hazardous materials shipping requirements among small and entry-level hazardous materials shippers who may not be aware of the Hazardous Materials Regulations. Jul 2, 2007
Does Your Hazmat Training Measure Up? Training for the Safe Transpor tation of Hazardous Materials Apr 1, 2003
ERG 2012 Summary of Changes Changes to ERG 2012 from 2008 Apr 18, 2012
ERG2008 Mobile Software Downloads PHMSA is partnering with the National Library of Medicine to provide mobile versions of the ERG2012 later this summer. Mar 19, 2009
Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) ...Helps You Find Emergency Procedures Quickly  
Evaluation of Nondestructive Examination for Re-qualification Of Composite Gas This R&D has been performed to evaluate several NDE methods based on their potential ability to detect common flaws such as impact damage in composite gas cylinders. Sep 30, 2002
Explosives Approvals - Regulatory Guidelines for Shipping and Transporting Fireworks Regulatory Guidelines for Shipping and Transporting Fireworks. Oct 18, 2010
Federal Hazardous Materials Transportation Law: An Overview This guide summarizes federal hazmat transportation law, including regulatory authorities, scope, and enforcement procedures. Jan 14, 2008
Forbidden Materials 49 CFR 172.101 and 173.21 Sep 25, 2000
Full HMPE Report   Mar 1, 2000
Fumigant Marking Requirement Marking Requirements for a transport vehicle or freight container in which the lading has been fumigated Sep 1, 2005
Guidance for Conducting Hazardous Materials Flow Studies Provides step-wise guidance for conducting commodity flow studies for hazardous materials moving by highway.  
Guidance on Applicability of Quantity Limits Material on the Interpretation of 49 CFR 175.75 and U.S. Variation 13(d) to the ICAO Technical Instructions  
Guide for Preparing Shipping Papers One of the most frequently cited safety violations is the failure of the shipper to properly describe the hazardous material on the shipping paper. Dec 1, 2006
Guidelines for Transporting Anthrax and Anthrax-contaminated Objects and Materials Overview of questions and answers regarding transportation of anthrax. Dec 3, 2001
HMEP Grants 2008-2009 List of grantees and amounts Dec 4, 2008
HMPE Executive Summary Mar 1, 2000
Hazardous Materials Commonly Found in Vehicles YES, It's Hazmat! Jan 1, 2008
Hazardous Materials Shipments   Oct 1, 1998
Hazardous Materials Table (HMT) Title 49 CFR 172.101 Table (List of Hazardous Materials) Jan 18, 2012
How to Handle Radioactive Materials Packages A guide for cargo handlers Sep 1, 2006
How to Use the HMR 30 page training document on 49 CFR Parts 100-185  
In Suport of Small Business For Brokers, Carriers, Cylinder Retesters, Packaging Manufacturers, Shippers, Third-party Certifiers Dec 1, 1999
Information For The Designation of a U.S. Agent of Service (Sample Letter included) Instructions for Designating a U.S. Agent of Service as Required by 49CFR § 105.40  
Inspection Guidance for Hazardous Materials Shipments (under revision) Law enforcement pocket guide on what to check for when explosives (EX) (fireworks) are being transported.  
Intermodal Explosive Working Group Report examines the process used when petitioned to issue a permit for transportation and loading or unloading of commercial explosives through U.S. ports Feb 3, 2003
International List of Competent Authorities and/or Contacts for the Transport of Dangerous Goods This list is provided for informational purposes only and is not all-inclusive. This list may contain contacts which are for reference purposes only and are not officially recognized by ICAO or IMO. Jul 14, 2008
Kid Zone Pamphlet for kids on home safety and identifying hazardous materials in your home.  
Marine Pollutant Guidance Guidance on the Transportation of Marine Pollutants Issued Jointly by the United States Coast Guard and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration May 9, 2011
Metallurgical Evaluation / Analysis Reports Metallurgical Evaluation / Analysis Reports performed on DOT-3-AA Seamless Steel Cylinder. Jun 20, 2007
Metallurgical Evaluation of Anhydrous Ammonia Cargo Tank (Nurse Tank) The report is result of a failure analysis and metallurgical analysis of a cargo tank (commonly known as a Nurse Tank). Jun 20, 2007
Neck Threads Inspection: External Basic guidelines for the inspection and evaluation of DOT/TC cylinder (tube) mounting threads with outside diameter greater than or equal 18" Jul 31, 2007
Office of Hazardous Materials Safety Field Operations Enforcement Operations Manual This manual is an instrument of program management issued solely for the guidance of Office of Hazardous Materials Enforcement personnel.  
Online Hazmat Registration 2012 Read the rules and information  
Overview of the Hazardous Materials Regulations This is a synopsis of "Regulation of Hazardous Materials Transportation in Commerce" that was published in the Federal Register on June 14, 1996. Jun 14, 1996
PHMSA Policy on Rights of Small Entities in Hazardous Materials Enforcement Cases PHMSA's Enforcement programs are committed to fair treatment of all small businesses.  
Preemption of State & Local Laws Alphabetized subject matter index of issues arising under the preemption provisions of the Federal hazardous material transportation law (Federal hazmat law, 49 U.S.C. §§ 5101-5128. Sep 4, 2012
Procedure for Obtaining EX Numbers Under APA Standard 87-1 To expedite your application be sure to use the sample APA Fireworks Approval Application included.  
Procedure for Removal of Nonconforming Hazardous Materials Packagings from Service Used by OHM as the basis for removing nonconforming packagings from service. Jul 31, 2007
RAM Regulations Review December 2008 This review provides guidance on the Department of Transportation (DOT) Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) contained in Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR) Parts 171-185, which govern the packaging and shipment of radioactive material. Dec 1, 2008
Registration Information Get details including registration specifications, fees and placarding requirements.  
Requesting a Special Permit Required Information for Requesting a Special Permit under 49 CFR Subpart B - Special Permits  
Risk / Benefit-Cost Analysis Prohibiting Hazardous Materials in External Piping of MC 306 / 406 Cargo Tank Motor Vehicles, Preliminary Assessment Jan 25, 1999
Risk Management Process Process diagram  
Risk Management Program Briefing Consise overview of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Safety Program Jul 1, 1998
SISP National Policy Memo   Feb 29, 2008
SafeTravel with Electronic Devices and Batteries Quick Action Guide Mar 1, 2007
Shipping Batteries Safely by Air; What you need to know This guide describes the USDOT regulations for the classification criteria, packaging requirements, and hazard communication for the transportation of batteries shipped by aircraft under 49 CFR, Parts 100-185. Mar 2, 2009
Special Permits & Approvals: Similarities and Differences The main difference between a permit and an approval is the fact that an approval document can only be issued if there is a specific approval cite in the Regulations i.e., approved by the Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety. If there is no approval cited, one must apply for a permit.  
Submitting an Application for Approval: Fireworks Hazardous Materials Fireworks Approvals submission guidance.  
TCQ-1 Alternative Tank Car Qualification Program This alternative program establishes the minimum acceptable framework for an owner's qulification program for tank cars and components. Sep 29, 1998
Technical Support Relating to Gas Cylinders Design, Operation and Re-qualification in the UN Model Regulations, Volume I, Thirteenth revised edition. pertaining. Nov 1, 2002
Terminated Explosive Approvals These Approvals were Issued to the APA, AFSL or for Shells Greater than 10"  
These Fly...These May Not Common items used every day in the home or workplace may seem harmless; however, when transported by air, they can become dangerous. This brochure provides passengers guidance on restricted and forbidden items.  
Training Modules Brochure and link to Training  
Transporting Agricultural Products Safely Many fertilizers, pesticides, and soil amendments, as well as gasoline, diesel fuel, and propane used in farming are hazardous materials. Nov 1, 2006
Transporting Infectious Substances Safely A guide to the HM-226A rule Oct 1, 2006
UN Cylinders: What You Need To Know Guide to HM-220E Final Rule Sep 11, 2006
Wetlines Awareness for Emergency Responders This brochure, developed in partnership with the National Tank Truck Carriers, Inc., the National Association of State Fire Marshals, and the International Association of Fire Chiefs, provides general awareness to emergency responders regarding wetlines. Wetlines are external piping located beneath a cargo tank designed to break off in the event of an accident. Sep 1, 2006
What Are Materials of Trade, and What Regulations Apply? When certain hazardous materials are transported in small quantities as part of a business, they are subject to less regulation because of the limited hazard they pose. Sep 1, 2005
What You Should Know: A Guide to Developing a Hazardous Materials Training Program This guide explains the training requirements in the Hazardous Materials Regulations, identifies those employees who must be trained, and provides a tool to help hazmat employers determine what type of training and training environment may be best for their employees. Jul 15, 2009
When you Transport Hazardous Materials Internationally What do you need to know or do  
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Emergency Response Guidebook 2008 cover

The Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) is for use by first responders at the scene of a transportation incident involving hazardous materials.
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