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Workforce Development

Oct. 9 • A new poster on the Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training, (iGETT) program is available for downloading by educators for their use. iGETT enables community college and Tribal college faculty to integrate land remote sensing and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) technologies with their existing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) programs.

The iGETT poster, titled: "iGETT: Enabling Community and Tribal College Faculty to Meet Geospatial Workforce Needs, 2007-2010," is being presented at the National Council for Geographic Education's Annual Meeting in Dearborn, MI on Oct. 9, 2008 by iGETT-PI Dr. Osa Brand. It is also being presented at the National Science Foundation's Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference from Oct. 29–31 in Washington D.C.

+ Download poster (PDF, 2.1 Mb)

CONTACT: Jeannie Allen, SSAI at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.


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