Congressman Keith Rothfus

Representing the 12th District of Pennsylvania

Full Biography

Keith Rothfus is a conservative who brings a wide range of experience and a deep commitment to Congress.

After graduating from Notre Dame Law School twenty years ago, Keith, his wife Elsie, and their young daughter moved to Southwestern Pennsylvania. Keith and Elsie reside in Allegheny County, in the same neighborhood where Elsie was raised, and that young daughter is now out of college and the oldest of six children.

Most of Keith’s professional life has been as an attorney in the private sector, working with large and small businesses as they strive to expand and create the jobs and opportunities that will shape the future of our country. He has seen firsthand the impact high taxes, onerous regulation and ill-conceived policies have on the lives of the people in the area.

From 2006 to 2007, Keith worked in the Department of Homeland Security, creating and heading the office that was set up to work with faith-based organizations to provide disaster relief after Hurricane Katrina and other natural disasters.

Keith’s approach to healthcare is shaped by his own experience as a cancer survivor. Keith benefited from having access to the world’s best health care right here in the United States, where innovation was allowed to flourish and develop the cure he received. Eighteen months after major abdominal surgery, he ran his first marathon. This result is a far cry from a government-run health care system would have produced.

Keith serves on the Board of Directors of the Veterans Leadership Program (VLP) of Western Pennsylvania. In May 2011 he ran in the Pittsburgh Marathon for VLP, raising $4,500 for the organization’s programs for local veterans. Keith also ran in a marathon in 2008 and raised more than $8,000 for the Fisher’s House charity.