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About the Northeast CSC

Location University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Establishment Date 2012
Director and Point of Contact: Mary Ratnaswamy

The Northeast CSC (NE CSC) will be part of a network of eight regional CSCs created to provide scientific information, tools, and techniques that managers and other parties interested in land, water, wildlife and cultural resources can use to anticipate, monitor, and adapt to climate change.

The Northeast Climate Science Center is hosted by the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and also works with a consortium of institutions: the College of Menominee Nation, Columbia University, Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Minnesota, University of Missouri, Columbia, and the University of Wisconsin, Madison. In addition to the host and consortium institutions, the NE CSC will also collaborate with other important partner institutions.

The NE CSC consortium and partners will provide expertise in climate science, ecology, impacts assessment, modeling, urban environments, and advanced information technology.  This expertise is needed to deal with climate issues in the Northeast, where changes in temperature and precipitation could have significant effects on streams, forests, agricultural lands, and the Atlantic Coast, in addition to the fish, wildlife, and human communities supported by these environments.

Northeast CSC Fall 2012 Colloquium >>

