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Christina River Watershed (Red Clay Creek), Pennsylvania & Delaware

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UPDATED: December 2012

CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS: Reps. Carney (DE-AL), Meehan (PA-7), Pitts (PA-16)

APPROPRIATION / PHASE: General Investigations / Feasibility

BUSINESS PROGRAM: Watershed Planning

AUTHORITY: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Resolution, dated October 29, 1997.

LOCATION: The Christina River watershed is located in New Castle County in Delaware; Delaware, Chester and Lancaster Counties in Pennsylvania; and Cecil County in Maryland. The watershed drains an approximate area of 565 square miles.

DESCRIPTION: The Christina River Watershed has been heavily urbanized since the mid-19th century and many wetland areas were filled in for industrial purposes. A Reconnaissance Study was completed in August 2002. The study identified impaired areas of the watershed and recommended potential solutions. Based on the Reconnaissance study, opportunities within the Christina River Watershed include reducing flood damage, ecosystem restoration, improving fish & wildlife habitat, providing public access to streams and dedicated greenway corridors, and improving water quality. Various solutions to address these problems for specific locations within the watershed will be considered in depth during the feasibility phase, such as riparian buffer enhancement, stream bank stabilization, natural stream channel restoration, construction of fish passages, wetland creation & restoration, and structural flood damage reduction measures (e.g. dam removal).

STATUS: The Reconnaissance Report was completed in FY02. FY03-FY05 funding was used to develop a plan of study, and Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement (FCSA) for a smaller study within the Christina Watershed focusing on Red Clay Creek in Delaware. The FCSA was executed in February 2005. FY07 funds were used for Feasibility Study activities, including economic modeling, hydrologic/hydraulic modeling, and preparations for the stream assessment.  FY08 and FY09 funds were used to continue the Feasibility Study activities including stream assessment, hydraulic modeling, and economic modeling.  FY10 funds were intended to continue feasibility study efforts including problem identification, screening of alternatives, and developing the recommended plan of improvement.  The Feasibility Study remains inactive because the non-Federal Sponsor had their funding rescinded, and have not received new funding for the Feasibility Study.  However, the Philadelphia District is currently assisting the Sponsor in determining the suitability of removing dams along Red Clay Creek. 


DATA ($000)





DATA ($000)







FY 04








FY 06








FY 07








FY 08








FY 09








FY 10
















FY 12











SPONSOR: The non-Federal sponsor for the feasibility phase is the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC). 

COMMENTS:   The non-Federal Sponsor does not have funds available to continue the Red Clay Creek Feasibility Study at this time. 

CRITICAL ISSUES:   Lack of non-Federal Sponsor funding

PROJECT MANAGER: William Mulloy, P.E., (215) 656-6583, william.j.mulloy@usace.army.mil