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Small Grants Program

Cultural and NGO Grants

Through a small-grant program, the U.S. Embassy in Prague provides partial support for artistic and cultural performances and non-governmental organization (NGO) projects whose aim is to promote and deepen the understanding and appreciation of American culture and NGO practices in the Czech Republic and foster mutual cooperation.

The Embassy elicits proposals with outstanding cultural, charitable and educational merit. In deciding which projects to support, the Embassy will give consideration to the full range and diversity of Czech organizations and their cultural and NGO projects and will seek to target geographically and demographically diverse audiences in the Czech Republic. Preference will be given to Czech individuals and institutions with a proven track record of executing superior cultural and NGO events and programs. New grantees will be generally given priority over previous grantees.

The deadlines for proposal submissions: March 15, 2013 and June 15, 2013.

Typically, grants range from $500 to $3,000, but do not exceed $10,000.

The proposals should be submitted via email or mail and should include a written narrative in English, and follow these guidelines:

  1. Name of the organization, address, phone/fax number/e-mail address, name and title of director (or person who is to sign the grant) and other significant staff members, particularly those who will be involved in the project and budget specifics.
  2. Types and amounts of funding your organization has received for the current project.  Please include also all previous grants from the U.S. Embassy and/or U.S. government agencies.
  3. Program Description. What is the nature of the project? The proposal should contain sufficient information that anyone not familiar with it would understand exactly what the applicant wants to do. The more specific, detailed, and clear the program description, the better. Please do not exceed one page.
  4. Project Justification. This is a very important aspect of the proposal and applicants should pay particular attention to it. What are the unique merits of the project? What new or underrepresented aspect of U.S. culture does it bring to Czech audiences? What difference does it make for Czech understanding and knowledge of U.S. culture and society?  Please do not exceed one page.
  5. Proposed dates and venues. Please include precise dates, times, and locations of performances or events planned.
  6. As detailed budget as possible. In order to be sure that the Embassy understands why there is a need for money, the applicant should prepare a line-by-line list of expenses that will be generated by this project. The budget should be prepared in a logical manner and offer enough detail that a reviewer will be able to understand exactly what the figures mean and how they were determined.

    Budgets must be calculated in CZK (Czech applicants) or U.S. dollars (U.S. applicants). Please note that the Fly America Act requires that anyone whose air travel is financed by U.S. Government funds to utilize the economy class services of a U.S. flag carrier.

Please also note that Embassy cultural grants CANNOT be used to fund religious organizations or partisan political activity; individual trips abroad (i.e. out of the ČR); trade activities; fundraising campaigns; commercial projects; scientific research; projects whose primary aim is the institutional development of the organization; or representational expenses (lunch, alcoholic beverages, etc.).

Proposals should be submitted in either electronic format or in written form at any time and will be reviewed periodically.

The deadlines for proposal submissions: December 15, 2012, March 15, 2013 and June 15, 2013.

To apply:

Please, fill-in this application form (DOC) and send it in electronic format to 

We will notify you upon receiving your application.

Alternatively, mail proposals to:

Public Affairs Section
U.S. Embassy Prague
Tržiště 15
118 01 Prague 1

Grant proposals should include all of the information requested in the application guidelines. Proposals will not be considered until all information is received in either hard copy or electronic form. Proposals must be in English or accompanied by an English translation. Supporting documents may be in Czech. Questions should be addressed to

Successful applicants will receive official grant forms and detailed instructions how to follow the administrative procedure.

Reporting Requirements

The recipient must submit a Federal Financial Report SF-425 and Narrative Report within 90 calendar days of the end of the period of performance delineated in the award.

Failure to comply with the reporting requirements may jeopardize eligibility for future awards or will result in suspension of any future payments under this award until such time as this deficiency has been corrected.

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Reporting Requirements

  • The recipient must submit a Federal Financial Report SF-425 and Narrative Report within 90 calendar days of the end of the period of performance delineated in the award.

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