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You are here: NRS Home / Scientists & Staff / Dennis M. May
Scientists & Staff

Dennis M. May

Title: Program Manager, FIA
Unit: Forest Inventory & Analysis, National Inventory & Monitoring Applications Center
Address: Northern Research Station
1992 Folwell Ave
St. Paul, MN 55108
Phone: 651-649-5132
E-mail: Contact Dennis M. May

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  • University of Idaho, MS, 1982
  • University of Maine, BS, 1979

Civic & Professional Affiliations

Society of American Foresters

Current Research

Forest inventory, analysis, and monitoring for 11 Midwest States.

Future Research

Full delivery of the annual inventory program, and expansion of the grid across all lands with trees (filling the information gap).

Featured Publications

Additional Online Publications

Last Modified: 02/15/2012