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[image:] Robert A. Haack Robert A. Haack

Title: Research Entomologist
Unit: Ecology and Management of Invasive Species and Forest Ecosystems
Address: Northern Research Station
Stephen S. Nisbet Bldg., 1407 S. Harrison Road, Room 220
East Lansing, MI 48823
Phone: 517-355-7740; ext. 108
E-mail: Contact Robert A. Haack

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  • University of Florida, Ph.D. Entomology, 1984
  • University of Wisconsin, M.S. Entomology, 1980
  • University of Wisconsin, B.S. Science Education, 1975
  • University of Wisconsin, B.S. Forest Science, 1974

Civic & Professional Affiliations

  • Entomological Society of America
  • International Forestry Quarantine Research Group
  • International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (several insect Working Parties)
  • Michigan Entomological Society
  • Adjunct Professor, Departments of Entomology and Forestry, Michigan State University

Current Research

I work primarily on exotic forest insects in the areas of

  1. biology and management,
  2. improved trapping and monitoring strategies,
  3. risk assessment and pathway analysis, and
  4. treatments for solid wood packing material.

I have worked on several of the recently discovered exotic bark- and wood-boring insects such as Asian longhorned beetle, emerald ash borer (EAB), and pine shoot beetle. Some of the current studies that we?re wrapping up deal with EAB host range and survival in firewood; optimal trapping density for bark beetles; and post-treatment insect colonization of wood packing material, especially when bark is present. I am currently participating in several national and international projects such as the USDA Early Detection and Rapid Response program for exotic bark and ambrosia beetles, the Exotic Forest Pest Information System for North America project, and the International Forestry Quarantine Research Group

Why is This Important

Forest insect pests, especially exotic (non-native) species, can have tremendous negative impacts on tree health and related forest industries. When new exotic insects are first detected, the USDA often imposes a federal quarantine in an attempt to stop human-assisted movement of the pest. Currently in the USA, there are federal quarantines for three recently discovered exotic borers: Asian longhorned beetle, emerald ash borer, and pine shoot beetle. Research on newly discovered exotic forest insects is important to ensure that quarantines are biologically sound and minimize economic impacts. In addition, research on risk assessments and treatments of wood packing materials is important to reduce the risk of new pest introductions worldwide.

Future Research

I?m currently initiating or planning major research efforts in

  1. conducting an international analysis of solid wood packing material as a pathway for movement of bark- and wood-associated insects,
  2. determining the most outbreak prone forest insects in countries that are currently our major trading partners (e.g., China) or emerging economic powers (e.g., Brazil and India), and
  3. preparing a worldwide list of major forest insect pests that have impacted North American tree species when planted in foreign countries.

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Last Modified: 02/15/2012