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[image:] Richard Hallett Richard Hallett

Title: Research Ecologist
Unit: Center for Research on Ecosystem Change
Address: Northern Research Station
271 Mast Road
Durham, NH 03824
Phone: 603-868-7657
E-mail: Contact Richard Hallett

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  • Ph.D. in Natural Resources, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, May 1996
  • M.S. in Forestry, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, May 1991
  • B.S. in Forest Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, December, 1984

Current Research

My overall goal is to take information gained from plot level studies on forest health, productivity, and ecosystem function and design studies that examine these same issues at a landscape or regional scale. This means being able to work across paradigms, such as individuals and institutions that only trust ground-level data gathered at the tree itself, and those that want to incorporate the most advanced technology to view forests and ecological systems for thousands of miles with no human contact involved. This has been challenging work. To accomplish this shift in scale I work to devise, develop, or modify techniques that allow us to expand our studies spatially while maintaining the necessary scientific rigor. This provides valuable information and new knowledge about the impacts of large scale phenomena such as acid rain, forest decline, and introduced pests and diseases.

Research Objectives

  • Characterize the linkage between forest canopy chemistry and stream water chemistry and map forest canopy level cation concentrations using hyperspectral remote sensing technology to map stream water quality across the landscape.
  • Discover the link that biogeochemistry has with sugar maple (and co-occurring species) health and growth across the northeastern United States and develop tools or information that can be used to make land management decisions.
  • Determine the role of Ca-oxalate in forested ecosystem plant available Ca supply.
  • Develop methodologies for utilizing commercially available hyperspectral remote sensing imagery for early detection of invasive insects and diseases in rural and urban forests.

Why is This Important

We live in a changing environment and "scaling" up our understanding of plot level dynamics involved in forest health issues to a landscape scale will allow us to detect forest health issues earlier and design management strategies for maintaining the health of our forests at a regional scale.

Future Research

I am interested in working in urban ecosystems in order to apply remote sensing technology and early stress detection techniques to urban forests. Urban forests are often the first place we see invasive insects which later become problems in our rural forests if they are not contained or controlled (e.g. Asian Longhorn Beetle, Emerald Ash Borer).

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Last Modified: 02/15/2012