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You are here: NRS Home / Scientists & Staff / John Brissette
Scientists & Staff

[image:] John Brissette John Brissette

Title: Project Leader / Research Forester
Unit: Center for Research on Ecosystem Change
Address: Northern Research Station
271 Mast Road
Durham, NH 03824
Phone: 603-868-7632
E-mail: Contact John Brissette

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  • Louisiana State University, Ph.D., 1990 
  • University of Michigan, MF, 1977
  • University of Michigan, BSF, 1975

Civic & Professional Affiliations

  • Member, Society of American Foresters, since 1976
  • Certified Forester, Society of American Foresters, since 2002

Current Research

My research focus is on natural regeneration and early stand dynamics in conifer and mixed conifer-hardwood ecosystems of the Acadian and Great Lakes forest regions. I am especially interested in how silvicultural treatments relate to natural disturbances in their effects on stand dynamics and stand growth, structure, and species composition. I am also interested in how light, temperature, and moisture affect gas exchange and water relations of conifer seedlings and saplings. As Project Leader I lead a talented team of scientists and support staff with the mission of understanding ecological processes in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of the northern forest, determining impacts of change on these ecosystems, and providing a scientific basis for managing ecosystems for long-term sustainability.

Why is This Important

My research is important because it gives land managers and land owners scientific knowledge and a level of certainty that their actions will supply desired products and critical ecological services over the long-term. The research done by the staff and cooperators of the Center for Research on Ecosystem Change is important because it provides scientific knowledge about (1) key ecological processes across a range of temporal and spatial scales; (2) ecosystem structure, function, and resiliency; (3) how ecosystems respond to environmental change; and (4) management for long-term sustainability.

Future Research

I plan to expand my current research, which is at the tree and stand levels, to greater spatial scales such as multiple stands and landscapes across the Northern Forest.

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Last Modified: 02/15/2012