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Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration

Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center

Research Work Unit NRS-14

Black walnut treeOur research mission

is to develop genetic, molecular, and tissue culture technologies and forest and nursery management guidelines for improvement of central hardwood forest productivity. more>>

Our Research Areas

We are :

 Developing hardwood (oak and walnut) molecular markers for use in determination of genetic quality and population structure of current natural forests and plantations, and quantitative genes in superior hardwood trees. more>>

 Developing vegetative and tissue culture propagation technologies for use in genomics research and mass propagation systems for superior trees. more>>

 Developing nursery guides for production of quality seedlings and forest management guides for regeneration and reforestation of degraded agricultural land and riparian zones. more>>

 Developing breeding and selection programs for black walnut, black cherry and northern red oak. more>>

Our Latest Products

 Espinosa, A.C.; Pijut, P.M.; Michler, C.H. 2006. Adventitious shoot regeneration and rooting of Prunus serotina in vitro cultures. Horticultural Science. 41(1):193-201.

 Victory, Erin R.; Glaubitz, Jeffrey C.; Rhodes, Olin E., Jr.; Woeste, Keith E. 2006. Genetic homogeneity in Juglans nigra (Juglandaceae) at nuclear microsatellites. 2006. American Journal of Botany. 93(1):118-126. 74.

 Michler, C.H.; Meilan, R.; Woeste, K.E.; Pijut, P.M.; Jacobs, D.; Aldrich, P.; Glaubitz, J. 2005. Hardwood Genetics and Tree Improvement - A Midwest USA Perspective, Proceedings. The thin green line: A symposium on the state-of-the-art in reforestation Proceedings. Thunder Bay, ON. 26-28 July 2005. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Ontario Forest Research Institute Sault Ste. Marie, ON. For. Res. Inf. Pap. No. 160: 69-74.

Last Modified: 08/20/2009

What is HTIRC?
The Hardwood Tree Improvement & Regeneration Center (HTIRC)

... is a collaborative regional research, development and technology transfer effort between industry, university, private, state and federal entities to advance tree improvement of central hardwoods for increased forest productivity in hardwood restoration and reforestation programs.

Visit our Purdue University partner site.

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