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3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division regenerates combat power and deploys on order to conduct Full Spectrum Operations to defeat enemy forces, control land areas, and secure populations and resources in support of US national interests.

Command Corner
COL Johnnie L. Johnson, Jr.


  3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division regenerates combat power and deploys on order to conduct Full Spectrum Operations to defeat enemy forces, control land areas, and secure populations and resources in support of US national interests."




The heritage of the 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division at Kelley Hill is a unique blend of two proud lineages. The unit traces its roots to the foundation of the 3rd Infantry Division and to a long-term affiliation with Fort Benning and the former home of the Infantry.

The 3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division was constituted on November 12, 1917 in the regular army as headquarters, 6th Infantry Brigade. The brigade was organized on December 1, 1917 at Camp Greene, North Carolina. From there, the brigade deployed to the First World War's European battlefields and received battle streamers for participation in the Asine, Champagne-Marne, Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, and Champagne campaigns.

The brigade was disbanded on October 12, 1939 at Fort Douglas, Utah. During WWII, each regiment represented in the 3rd Brigade fought as part of the 3rd Infantry Division, where they were known as the Blue and White Devils. The unit was reconstituted on April 18, 1963, as 3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division in Aschaffenburg, Germany, where it served until relocating to Fort Benning, Georgia in 1996.

The brigade's special association with Fort Benning began when the 197th Separate Infantry Brigade was organized in September 1962 as a separate brigade to support the Infantry school. The brigade was later assigned a worldwide rapid deployment mission as part of the XVIII Airborne Corps. In October 1990, the 197th deployed to Operation Desert Shield / Desert Storm as part of the 24th Infantry Division. The 3rd Brigade of the 3rd Infantry division was attached to the 1st Armored Division alongside the 197th and together they spearheaded the coalition attack to the Euphrates River.

In June 1991, upon return from Operation Desert Storm, the 197th was re-designated as the 3rd Brigade, 24th Infantry Division. In 1996, the 3rd Infantry Division colors came home from Germany to Fort Stewart, Georgia. On April 24, 1996 the Brigade Combat Team at Kelley Hill assumed the proud lineage of the 3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division.

In January 2003, the 3rd Brigade Combat Team deployed to Kuwait in support of the Global War On Terrorism. On March 20, 2003, the Sledgehammer brigade spearheaded the coalition ground attack into Iraq, leading the 3rd Division's attack during three major battles. Over 21 days and 600km of continuous offensive combat operations, 3rd Brigade's drive culminated in the isolation and seizure of northwest Baghdad, setting the conditions for the removal of Saddam Hussein's regime. The Sledgehammer Brigade redeployed to Fort Benning in June 2003 and almost immediately transformed into a unit of action.

The 3rd Brigade Combat Team deployed to Diyala Province in Iraq during January 2005 in support of the 42nd Infantry Division. The Sledgehammer Brigade contributed to the success of the constitutional referendum and Iraq's first free national elections in December of 2005.

After redeploying in January 2006, the 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team again prepared to deploy, fight and win for the third time in support of the Global War On Terrorism. In February 2007, the Brigade conducted a National Training Center rotation at Fort Irwin, California and immediately began preparations for its third deployment to Iraq as part of the "surge" of forces, two months ahead of its planned deployment date. This time, the Brigade occupied an area of operations where no other Brigade had operated, and established Forward Operating Base Hammer and seven combat outposts or patrol bases and 4 joint security centers in the Mada'in Qada - an area comparable in size to the Washington, D.C metro area, and populated by an estimated 1.2 million Iraqi citizens, composed of a mix of both Sunni and Shia. In May of 2008 the BCT conducted a Transition of Authority to the 2 Brigade, 1st Armored Division and redeployed home to the greatest Community in our Country. Fort Benning, Columbus, and Phenix City.

In October 2009, the 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team was re-designated as the 3rd Advise and Assist Brigade and deployed to Iraq for OIF VII. The Brigade occupied five provinces in the mid-Euphrates region. The area of operations was roughly the size of the State of Kentucky. Sledgehammer soldiers conducted advise and assist operations supporting the Iraqi military, the Iraqi police, and the Provincial Reconstruction Teams. The Brigade worked tirelessly to provide intelligence, training, and logistic support in order to enable the development of a sovereign and stable Iraq. The Brigade conducted a transfer of authority with 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment in September 2010 and returned back to Fort Benning.

1st Battalion, 15th Infantry Regt. Command Group

LTC Nelson G. Kraft Photograph CSM Angel M Ortiz Jr. Photograph

LTC Nelson G. Kraft

CSM Angel M Ortiz Jr.

1st Battalion, 15th Infantry Regt. History

The Fifteenth Infantry Regiment was established in 1798 and first saw combat in the War of 1812. During the Civil War, the Fifteenth Infantry fought 22 major engagements including Chattanooga, Chickamauga, Murfreesborough, and Atlanta. In 1911, the regiment deployed to China as part of an international peacekeeping mission to protect civilians during the Chinese revolution. The Dragon on the Regimental Crest and the Pidgin English Motto “Can Do” symbolize the China service. The Fifteenth Regiment left China in 1938 and became part of the Third Infantry Division in 1940. In November 1942, the Fifteenth Regiment entered World War II with the capture of Casablanca. The Fifteenth Regiment and the Third Infantry Division then invaded Sicily, fought in the Italian Peninsula, and conducted the amphibious assault at Anzio in January 1944. The entire division was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation for reducing the Colmar pocket from December 1944 to January 1945. The division fought for three years during the Korean War until the armistice in 1953. Then, for almost forty years, the Fifteenth Regiment was represented by 1-15th and 2-15th Infantry as they stood as part of the Third Division’s deterrence mission in Europe. In September 1994, Charlie Company deployed to Totskoye, Russia for the first peace keeping operation ever conducted on Russian soil. The Fifteenth Regiment returned to the United States in May 1996. The 1st Battalion, 15th Infantry continues to represent the 3d Brigade of the 3d Infantry Division. On 21 March 2003, the Fifteenth Regiment saw combat again as it attacked into Iraq as part of the Third Infantry Division. The Task Force redeployed to Fort Benning, Georgia in May 2003. In January 2005, Task Force 1-15 IN redeployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom III. TF 1-15 IN occupied two Forward Operating Bases, located over 45 Kilometers apart, and conducted countless Company, Battalion, and Brigade level missions over the next 12 months.

1-15 Infantry deployed in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM V on March, 9 2007 as the main effort of the 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division as a response to President Bush's call to "surge" 30,000 more troops into Baghdad and the surrounding areas. Supporting the Iraqi National Police was a key goal during OIF V to aid in transition; additionally, our mission was the interdiction of accelerants into Baghdad. Though Task Force 1-15's mission was to safeguard the Iraqi people and support the main effort in Baghdad, we were not content to merely help police the populace. Throughout OIF V, we sought to disrupt the enemy with offensive operations. These were often in coordination with the Iraqi National Police.

The "Marne" Division began OPERATION MARNE HUSKY at which time we initiated several Air Assault missions IOT control two key areas facilitating the development of the Commander's Intent. The most dramatically effective of these operations were the numerous air assaults targeting known or suspected enemy positions, and sometimes based on intelligence against a high value target (HVT). Throughout the late summer and early fall the Battalion continued there successful missions interdicting and disrupting the enemies movement and eliminating the extremists from the AO, all the while working in partnership with the National Police and their dedicated training teams. Even more helpful was the onset of the Sledgehammer Brigades Military Transition Team, attached to Task Force 1-15. With the help of the NP and ISF our focus could turn to civilian operations and the development of a highly successful Civil Affairs unit, which conducted numerous Operations targeting the buildup of the local infrastructure. Beyond a doubt, however, the culminating point in OIF V not only for our Battalion but for all of Iraq was the reconciliation movement which saw the local Sunni populace turn against Sunni extremists.

The Concerned Citizens program saw great success in Vinn Jann, al Ja'ara, and al Bawi, providing us with a valuable intelligence asset as well as allowing us to better control areas which saw limited ISF presence. The most spectacular example of these Concerned Citizen operations was dubbed Bawi Sunrise II. Conditions for this operation were set by an air assault which resulted in the destruction of an enemy safehouse filled with weapons and IED making material and the deaths of 11 insurgents. The air assault that set the conditions for Bawi Sunrise II was only one of a shining collection of successful air assaults conducted by 1-15 Infantry.

In the Dragon operational environment, air assault raids proved a magnificent tool to maintain an offensive against our enemies and give them no peace. Air assaults were conducted across the AO, including in the Styiyah peninsula, the Salman Pak area, Bawi, and in Al Qaeda safe havens such as Dura'iaya and Kanasa. Success in these raids ranged from the recovery or weapons and propaganda to major engagements resulting in numerous enemies killed or captured. The most notable such air assault was Operation Varsity March II, conducted across the Tigris River in the town of Sayafiyah which resulted in the capture of the Division #1 High Value Target (HVT) Abu Yaqin. In the late months of the deployment, the BN was ordered to establish yet another Combat Outpost. This task was completed in record time, demonstrating the Can Do nature of TF 1-15.

In October 2009, Task Force 1-15 Infantry Battalion and the CAN DO Soldiers deployed from Fort Benning for the fourth time in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. During the year-long deployment, the Task Force Soldiers meticulously conducted more than 800 counter IED missions in the Najaf and Diwaniyah provinces, 550 counter IDF missions, 220 escort and security missions in support Najaf and Diwaniyah provincial reconstruction team missions, and conducted over 120 partnered operations with battalions from the 8th Iraqi Army Division. Although the Battalion conducted combat missions ensuring that OE Dragon was stable, secure, economically thriving, we were also tasked to develop strategic partnerships with the ISF in order to advise, assist, and provide the ISF mission essential training. Consequently, Task Force 1-15 Infantry Battalion trained Iraqi commando’s, military police, medical platoon, and the 8th Iraqi Army Engineer Regiment. In addition, the Battalion assisted the Iraqi security forces by providing additional security and command nodes during the historical and wide watched second national democratic parliament elections, and numerous religious holidays. The 1st Battalion 15th Infantry continues to represent the 3rd Brigade of the 3rd Infantry Division, and more so the proud history and linage of the CAN DO Regiment!

When duty calls, the 15th Infantry “CAN DO”.

2nd Battalion, 69th Armor Command Group

LTC John E. Pirog Photograph CSM Dale A Sump Photograph

LTC John E. Pirog

CSM Dale A Sump

2nd Battalion, 69th Armor History

During the course of the Vietnam War, the 1st Battalion 69th Armor distinguished itself as the most heavily decorated Armor unit in the U.S. Army.

As part of the 197th Brigade (Separate), 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor led the assault of the 24th Infantry Division into Iraq during Operation Desert Storm in February 1991.

In 2002 the 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor deployed with 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division to Operation Desert Spring in preparation for future combat operations in a six month training mission.

In January 2003, 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor deployed to Kuwait awaiting orders to begin combat operations.

In March 2003, 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor was the tip of the spear, leading the famous "March to Baghdad."

In July 2003, following the downfall of the regime under Saddam Hussein, the Battalion redeployed to Fort Benning, Georgia.

In January 2005, the Battalion again deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor served with the 42nd ID, a National Guard Division based in NY. Operations were based in the Chalis Qada area.

In June 2005, 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor was called to again be the tip of the spear against the insurgent influence in the city of Ramadi in the Al Anbar province. A larger than company sized task force remained in Chalis Qada to serve with the Iraqi Army in that area.

Following great successes in Chalis Qada and Ar Ramadi, the Battalion redeployed to Fort Benning, Georgia in January 2006.

In March 2007, 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor was deployed as part of the Baghdad "surge." The Battalion served under Multi-National Division - Baghdad on the Karada Peninsula as well as the Al Muthana and Al Jedidah regions of Eastern Baghdad. The Battalion redeployed in May 2008 to Fort Benning, Georgia.

In October 2009, the Battalion deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom for a fourth time, operating as an Advise and Assist Battalion in Babil and Karbala Provinces building the economic capacity and governance capabilities of local Iraqi government. The Battalion played an important role by providing security assistance during the crucial Iraqi national elections in March 2010. The Battalion then redeployed to Fort Benning, Georgia in October 2010.

3rd Squadron, 1st U.S. Cavalry Command Group

LTC Andrew C. Hilmes Photograph CSM Alan K. Hummel Photograph

LTC Andrew C. Hilmes

CSM Alan K. Hummel

3rd Squadron, 1st U.S. Cavalry History

The Troopers of the 3rd Squadron, 1st U.S Cavalry Regiment conducted their Activation Ceremony August 9th 2006 at Sledgehammer Field. 3rd BCT was disappointed to see the colors of 1-30th Infantry leave Kelly Hill but was proud to welcome 3-1 CAV to the Brigade Combat Team. 3-1 CAV is the only Squadron sized Cavalry unit located at Ft Benning, GA.

Numerical designations usually say very little about the unit they represent. The 1st Cavalry Regiment (1st Regiment of Dragoons) is more than just a numerical designation. It is a unit, which is first not only in numerical order, but also in time of service in the Cavalry (164 years), and in battle honors over any unit in the Army (89). The story of the Regiment's 164 years of service should be familiar to all of us who are charged with upholding its name.

For the beginning one must go back beyond the actual date of organization, back to 1776 and the American Revolution. During that period there were several groups of mounted fighters. A number of these were irregular militia such as those commanded by COL Francis Marion, the famous "Swamp Fox". Some, such as Light Horse Harry Lee's mounted troops from Virginia, had a more regular organization. They all, however, suffered from the fact that few men in the American Army really understood cavalry. General Washington wanted to replace what cavalry he had with dragoons, who only used their horses as transportation from one battlefield to another, doing the actual fighting on foot. It is therefore not surprising to find that after the Revolutionary War, the miniature army that was retained had no mounted forces at all.

It wasn't until 1792 when defeats suffered at the hands of Indians spurred a reintroduction of authorized light dragoons, and then only a single squadron. From that period on, the fortunes of the mounted forces of the U.S. Army fluctuated depending on the degree of danger felt by the government. The infantry seemed to suffice while America pushed westward through the eastern hills and forests. Soon they began to reach the Great Plains. Here the foot soldier could not hope to match the speed and agility of the Plains Indian mounted on his pony. What was needed here was the mounted soldier.

In 1831 some local militia in Illinois managed to cause enough trouble to bring about the Black Hawk War. Because there were no regular mounted troops in the Army, the government was forced to activate more mounted militia at a cost of more than ten times that required to maintain a similar body of regulars. "Guided by the sober light of experience, Congress authorized the President to raise, for the defense of the frontier a battalion of 600 mounted rangers to serve for one year, unless sooner discharged." These rangers were, for all practical purposes, militia hired by the Federal Government. Congress firmly believed that the rugged frontier produced men who only had to be collected to produce a force more formidable than any trained army. Economics of the situation finally convinced Congress to authorize a regular Regiment of Dragoons. It was considerably cheaper than the rangers or any militia. So on March 2, 1833 President Andrew Jackson approved a bill providing for the organization of the Regiment of United States Dragoons to replace the Battalion of Mounted Rangers, which was to be discharged.

In addition to fighting for our nation’s liberty in the American Revolutionary War, the 1st Cavalry Regiment has served with distinction in several other wars including the War with Mexico, the Indian Conflicts, and the Spanish American War. The 3rd Squadron, 1st US Cavalry has recently re-deployed from Iraq from it’s second deployment where it supported Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn.

1st Battalion, 10th Field Artillery Command Group

LTC James E. Willard Photograph
LTC James E. Willard
CSM Mark A. Aaron Photograph
CSM Mark A. Aaron

1st Battalion, 10th Field Artillery History

The 10th FA Regt was constituted July 1, 1916 in the Regular Army as the 10th FA. The 10th FA was organized and called to active duty at Douglas, Arizona, Jue 1, 1917. The 10th FA Regiment was assigned Nov. 12, 1917 to the 3rd Division (later redesignated the 3rd Infantry Division). The unit deployed for duty in Europe during WWI and was credited for participation in five campaigns: Champagne-Marne, St Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne and Champagne-Marne 1918. It was during WWI that the Regt adopted its motto “The Rock’s Support”. The motto finds its roots in the fact that the 10th FA Regiment served in the 3rd Division during the division’s legendary stand along the Marne River. The 10th FA Regiment found itself on the right of the division supporting the 38th Infantry. With the help of the 10th, the 38th held its ground along the muddy banks of the Marne. It was also during WWI that the 10th FA Regiment had its first Soldier awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. 1LT George P. Hays had seven horses shot out from under him and was severely wounded while directing fires during the battle of Greves Farm in France, 14 July 1918.

The unit was reorganized and redesignated Oct 1, 1940 as the 10th FA Battalion. The 10th FA Regiment again served with distinction in WWII, earning 10 campaign streamers. It was during the Second World War that the 10th FA Regiment’s second Medal of Honor recipient was recognized. Near Biesheim, France on Feb 3, 1945, Technician 5th Grade (Corporal) Forest E. Peden, a forward observer assigned to Battery C, 10th FA Regiment, ran 800 yards to the battalion command post through a hail of bullets, which pierced his jacket, to secure two tanks and bring them to the relief of his hard pressed comrades who were pinned down by fires from an enemy ambush. Corporal Peden was killed during the ensuing action and posthumously received the Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions.

Only five short years later, the 10th FA Regiment was again called to fight for freedom, this time on the Korean Peninsula. During the Korean War, the 10th FA Regiment was credited with participation in eight campaigns: CCF intervention, First United Nations Counteroffensive, UN Summer/Fall Offensive, Second Korean Winter, Korea-Summer/Fall 1952, Third Korean Winter and Korea-Summer 1953.

The Regiment was relieved July 1, 1957, from assignment to the 3rd Infantry Division and concurrently reorganized and redesignated as the 10th FA Regiment, a parent Regiment under the Combat Arms Regimental System. The unit was again redesignated September 1, 1971, as the 10th FA Regiment. On March 16, 1987, the unit was withdrawn from the Combat Arms Regimental System and was reorganized under the United States Army Regimental System. The 4th BN, 41st FA was reflagged and redesignated February 16, 1996 as the 1st Battalion 10th FA Regiment at Fort Benning GA. The battalion joined the 3rd Infantry Division Artillery as the direct support artillery battalion for the division’s 3rd Brigade, a mission it still retains. In November 2001 the battalion deployed Soldiers to the former Yugoslav Province of Kosovo, in support of Operation Joint Guardian. April of 2002, the remainder of the battalion deployed with 3rd Brigade to Southwest Asia to participate in Operation Desert Spring 02-02.

In January 2003, the 1-10 FA Battalion and 3rd Brigade again deployed to Southwest Asia in support of the Nation’s Global War on Terrorism and participated in Operation Iraqi Freedom. The battalion repeatedly distinguished itself during 26 days of sustained combat, fighting in every major engagement of the war, except one. After crossing the Kuwait-Iraq border on the night of March 20, 2003, the battalion traveled more than 750 kilometers in 20 days, culminating in the 3rd Infantry Division’s attack into Baghdad on April 6, 2003. The battalion undoubtedly lived up to its motto “The Rock’s Support” by firing a total of 6,283 rounds, in support of all three ground maneuver brigades of the Marne division. The battalion’s fires destroyed more than 800 enemy soldiers and 75 direct fire combat systems and the battalion processed 218 radar acquisitions that resulted in the confirmed destruction of more than 50 enemy indirect fire systems. Most importantly, the battalion lost no Soldiers in combat and sustained only one casualty during the war.

In January 2005, the battalion and 3rd Brigade again deployed to Iraq in support of OIF III. The battalion served as a maneuver and fires task force that controlled the city of Baquba in the Diyayla Province. It conducted its traditional Field Artillery role with Bravo Battery providing counter fire support to the maneuver task forces, and Alpha Battery executed operations as a motorized rifle company.

In March of 2007, 1-10 FA again deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom V. The Rock Battalion was initially deployed to Camp Buca where it was responsible for managing the Theater Internment Facility, the single largest detention center in Iraq. Following the Internment mission, the battalion reorganized into a Combined Arms Task Force with the addition of a Cavalry Troop from 3-1 CAV Regt. The Task Force was assigned 900 square kilometers of battle space which made up approximately 50 percent of the 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team’s Area of Operation.

From 12 October 2009 to 30 September 2010 the 1st Battalion, 10th Field Artillery (The Rock’s Support) distinguished itself by conducting operations out of COB Delta in Wasit Province, Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom VII and Operation New Dawn.

The mission of Task Force 1-10 Field Artillery was to train, advise, and assist Iraqi Police, Iraq Federal Police and the 8th Iraqi Army’s Division Transportation Directorate in neutralizing violent extremist networks in Wasit Province to ensure that they were a capable and sustainable Force able to provide security to the population and to enable the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) to facilitate governance and civil capacity building in order to provide sustainable security and governance for the population of Wasit Province.

In March of 2010 the Task Force partnered with Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) to provide a secure environment for Iraqi Parliamentary Elections through a combined command, control and coordination node at the Wasit Provincial Police Headquarters in Al Kut, and combined checkpoints with military working dogs. The “Rock’s Support” battalion also escorted a team of international observers to seven different locations in Al Kut without incident to lend credibility to the Iraqi electoral process. The efforts of both the Task Force and the ISF resulted in a day when the province boasted one of the highest voter turnouts in the country without a single enemy engagement. The Task Force coordinated for the purchase and emplacement of over $333,000 in equipment to aid in security of the ballot warehouse and 276 polling locations.

While committed to the mission in Wasit, the unit remained vigilant in maintaining Soldier readiness and proficiency by training Soldiers on their individual and collective tasks, including Artillery Skills Proficiency Tests. The Table VIII field artillery live fire event, held from 18-21 June 2010 at the Bani Rabia range in Al Kut, was a culmination of the training held over the previous four weeks, resulting in Paladin qualification. During this qualification, four Fire Direction Centers and 16 Howitzer sections safely fired over 100 x 155mm rounds. Also, while deployed, the unit executed driver’s training for more than 150 Soldiers, qualified over 400 Soldiers on Individual Rifle Marksmanship, trained 150 Combat Life Savers, and maintained 240B proficiency. Additionally, the Rock’s Support Battalion turned in 64 pieces of rolling stock, 187 pieces of non rolling stock, retrograded 200 truckloads of CL IV and 475 containers as well as catalogued and turned in over $4M in excess parts and supplies. Finally, the Rock’s Support Battalion continued to care for Soldiers by holding NCO/Soldier of the Month and NCO/Soldier of the Quarter Boards as well as NCO induction ceremonies.

The Battalion distinguished itself throughout the deployment by remaining vigilant in creating an atmosphere of security and progress in the Wahid Province. Another proud chapter in the legacy of the Rock’s Support Battalion was written while supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom VII and Operation New Dawn. In October, 2010, the battalion redeployed to Fort Benning, Georgia.

3rd Brigade, Special Troops Battalion Command Group

LTC Steven M. George Photograph CSM Scott Guillory Photogrpah

LTC Steven M. George

CSM Scott Guillory

3rd Brigade, Special Troops Battalion History

In mid-2004, the 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized) began transformation to the US Army's new modular force structure. One of the most noticeable aspects of the reorganization was the changes in relationships between Division level support units and the division's line brigades. Habitually attached engineer, military intelligence, military police, and signal assets were inactivated and reflagged as elements of new Brigade Special Troops Battalions, organic to the similar reorganized and re-designated Brigade Combat Teams. The 317th Engineer Battalion, 103rd Military Intelligence Battalion, 3rd Military Police Company, and the 123rd Signal Battalion were all inactivated. HHC, 317th Engineer Battalion was reflagged as HHC, 3rd Brigade Special Troops Battalion. The Military Police Platoon in the HHC came from personnel previously assigned to the 3rd Military Police Company. C Company, 123rd Signal Battalion was reflagged as B Company, 3rd Brigade Special Troops Battalion and a company of the 103rd Military Intelligence Battalion was reflagged as Company A, 3rd Brigade Special Troops Battalion.

In September 2005, the Heraldry Institute approved a crest designed by the Soldiers of the 3rd Brigade Special Troops Battalion. The blue stripe on a white field symbolizes the Battalion's relationship with the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized). The Buffalo recalls the direct line back to the 317th Engineer Battalion, while the red compass and rose symbolizes the capabilities of the Military Intelligence Company. The yellow lightning bolt symbolizes the signal company and their role as the nucleus of the Battalion. The phrase "Vigilance and Honor" is a reflection of the spirit of the 3rd Brigade Special Troops Battalion Soldiers.

Since the organization of the 3rd Brigade Special Troops Battalion in 2004, the unit has deployed in support of OPERATION IRAQ FREEDOM (OIF) III from January 2006-January 2007, OIF V from March 2007-May 2008 and OIF VII from September 2009-October 2010. In December 2010 two of the engineer companies that were original to the 317th Engineer Battalion were merged from 1-15 IN and 2-69 AR battalions to form Charlie Company, 3rd Brigade Special Troops Battalion.

203rd Brigade, Support Battalion Command Group

LTC Monica L. Burnhauser Photgraph CSM Kent A. Galvin Photograph

LTC Monica L. Burnhauser

CSM Kent A. Galvin

203rd Brigade, Support Battalion History

The 203rd Support Battalion was originally constituted on, 12 November 1917, in the Regular Army as the Sanitary Train, 3rd Division. The battalion was organized at Fort Clark, Texas in December 1917. One company, Charlie Company, predates the division and participated in the Mexican Expedition of 1916-1917. The battalion accompanied the Third Infantry Division to France in April 1918. Baptized under fire at the second battle of the Marne in June 1918, the battalion participated in the great offensive of Saint Mihiel (my-shell) and Meuse-Argonne in the fall of 1918. The battalion returned to the United States in August 1919.

The battalion was reorganized and re-designated as the Third Medical Regiment on 19 February 1921. On 31 October 1922, the unit was inactivated at Camp Lewis, Washington. The unit was reactivated in February 1939, and was reorganized and re-designated as the Third Medical Battalion on 13 October 1939. The battalion accompanied the Marne Division in the first amphibious assault of World War II in North Africa, during the European Theater of Operations in October 1942. The battalion also earned hard fought arrow heads on its battle streamers for its participation in the landings at Sicily, Anzio, and Southern France. The battalion participated in a total of nine major campaigns during World War II. For its action in the Colmar Pocket during the Central European Campaign, the battalion earned the Presidential Unit Citation and the French Croix de Guerre (Corps de Gear) with palm.

When conflict arose in Korea, the battalion once again moved overseas in support of the Third Infantry Division and took part in the first U. N. Counteroffensive. During the spring and summer-fall offensive of 1951 and 1952, the battalion provided quality and continuous combat service support through three bitter Korean winters. For the exceptional heroism and dedication of its members, the battalion was awarded two Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citations for action in the Uijongbu (we-jon-bu) Corridor and the Iron Triangle. The battalion also earned the Chryssoun Aristion Andrrias (Croisson Ariston Andris) bravery gold medal for its participation in the Korean conflict.

In 1954 the battalion was moved yet again to Fort Benning, Georgia. The stay in the United States was brief as the battalion journeyed to Europe, in the spring of 1958, to support the Third Division in the forward defense of Western Europe. The battalion was reorganized and re-designated in October 1983 under the forward support concept as the 2nd Support Battalion (Forward). The battalion gained its present designation on 1 May 1987 as the 203rd Forward Support Battalion.

The Battalion received the call to deploy once more in Jan 2003. The battalion deployed to Kuwait for Operation Enduring Freedom on 1 Jan 2003 in support of the 3d Brigade Combat Team (3BCT), 3d ID (M). The unit began an intensive period of Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration to build the combat power of the 3BCT. On March 20, 2003, the 203d FSB provided support to the 3BCT as it spearheaded the Coalition ground attack into Iraq, leading the Third Infantry Division’s attack during 3 major battles, during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Over 21 days and 600 km of continuous offensive operations, the 203d FSB provided outstanding maintenance, medical and supply support as the 3BCT isolated and seized Northwest Baghdad, setting the conditions for the removal of Saddam Hussein’s regime. Upon conclusion of combat operations, the 203d quickly transitioned to Stability and Support Operations. While continuing to provide support for all classes of supply, direct support maintenance, and level II medical care, the battalion also took responsibility for healthcare management and transportation management within the 3BCT Area of Operations. The battalion redeployed to Kuwait in June 2003 and to Fort Benning in July 2003. For its action in Operation Iraqi Freedom, the battalion earned the Presidential Unit Citation (w/ OLC).

In January 2005, 203d BSB redeployed to Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom III, serving with 3d Brigade Combat Team under the 42d Infantry Division (Mechanized) in the Diyala Province. The battalion provided phenomenal support to the Brigade by pushing all classes of supply throughout the province to seven different Forward Operating Bases, and provided safe transportation for 7,000 soldiers going on R&R leave. The battalion returned to Fort Benning in January 2006, having lost no soldiers to accidents or combat-related injuries.

As part of the Operation Iraqi Freedom V Surge, in March 2007, 203d BSB deployed to Iraq for a 15 month deployment to the Dyiala Province. The battalion was awarded the Meritorious Unit Citation (w/OLC).

During OIV V, the 203D BSB established Combat Service Support and Force Health Protection logistical support on FOB Hammer providing sustainment and distribution operations through echeloned support, execution of combat patrols and coordinated Corps throughput. The men and women of 203rd have played a vital role in the construction of FOB Hammer. As the 3HBCT occupied a bare base, the battalion was the first on ground and provided energy and force in the construction and development and future planning of FOB Hammer, one of the only HBCTs established from the ground up during the coalition forces surge. The 203rd provided over 4,000 Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, civilians and local nationals with the basic life support while establishing adequate living conditions, water source, housing and operational basic load for all classes of supply. The Supply Support Activity (SSA) established a multi-class warehouse with minimum resources on a bare based compound, in order to issue critical CL IX repair parts, increasing the operational readiness rate of the 3rd HBCT. The 203rd BSB was able to successfully receive, process, and store 5,165 lines Authorized Stockage List (ASL) valued at $34M. As a result of extraordinary efforts to maintain the Brigade’s critical equipment, the SSA processed over 26,000 material release orders and managed 250 20 foot containers of CL I, V and IX that supported 128 customer units. The battalion managed a fuel system supply point (FSSP) that issued over 8M gallons of JP-8, DF2 and MOGAS. While conducting support missions, the POL Section delivered over 600K gallons of fuel and over 500K gallons of bulk water to the 3rd HBCT’s combat outposts and patrol bases. The water Section trained several Soldiers throughout the HBCT on the construction and operation of seven fire trucks in support of all combat patrols in order to decrease the risk of Soldiers receiving bodily damage during enemy attacks. The transportation section organized, trained and managed the HET recovery team and participated in 203d Brigade Support Battalion Unit History more than 35 successful recovery missions. The section line-hauled 60 various types of tracked and wheeled vehicles around the battlefield, transported 192 containers of cargo and 450 tons of Class IX. The 203rd designed, established and occupied the Brigade's ATHP while maintaining 100% accountability of all stocks on hand worth in excess of $20M. The ammo section issued over two million rounds of various types of ammunition to the 3HBCT in efforts to increase force protection throughout the Hammer AO. The CL I section issued over 200K bags of ice, 200K cases of bottled water, 12K cases of MRE's, 1312 MODs of heat and serve, and 6941 MODs of UGR-As. In addition to the logistical role the battalion played, it also was assigned the task of Base Defense Operations Center (BDOC). The 203rd BSB’s role was vital to the day to day security by providing a Quick Response Force (QRF) and for screening over 650 local national and third country national employees. Additionally, over 450 local national individuals were entered in the Biometric Automated Tool Set (BATS) and the Hand-held Inter-agency Identity Detection Equipment (HIIDE) systems in support of other brigade operations.

Once more, the Battalion received the call to deploy in October 2009 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom VII in support of the 3d Brigade Combat Team (3BCT), 3d ID (M). The unit deployed as one of the first Advise and Assist Brigades (AAB) designated to assist Provincial Reconstruction Teams in their missions, working directly with Military Transition Teams to train Iraqi Army units and with defense border teams that train the Iraqi Border Patrol and police. The brigade also worked closely with the State Department, U.S. Aid and other government agencies, as well as non-governmental organizations in their area. The Brigade assumed an area of operations consisting of five provinces, roughly the size of the state of Kentucky, stretching between both the western and eastern boundary of Iraq. In an effort to challenge the 203d BSB, the BSB was directed to not only provide direct support (DS) to organic units inside the brigade, the battalion was tasked to provide area support (AS) across five provinces, supporting over 10,000 Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and civilians for all classes of supply. The 203rd BSB is currently scheduled to redeploy in the fall of 2010. The Battalion gained the distinctive unit crest of the Third Medical Battalion. The three white stripes designate the three major operations the division participated in World War I. The blue field symbolizes the loyalty of those who gave their lives in defense of liberty and freedom. The staff of Aesculapius (Escapulas) represents the military nature of the battalion.

The 203d Brigade Support Battalion has earned, through the dedication and lives of those who came before, the distinction of being the "most decorated combat service support battalion in the United States Army." Today, even when not deployed, that tradition continues at Fort Benning, Georgia.

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