About the US DOT SBIR Program


The FY13.1 DOT SBIR Solicitation is now available.

Open date: December 10, 2012 — Closing date: March 4, 2013   (Posted 12/10/12)

SUBMIT a PROPOSAL for the DOT SBIR FY13.1 Solicitation

Proposals may only be submitted online, and must be received no later than 11:59 P.M. EST on the closing date. Visit Section III: Proposal Preparation Instructions and Requirements, of the current solicitation for details. Be sure to read the entire Solicitation carefully before submitting your proposal. Instructions are included on the submission page.

SBIR Proposal Submit Form Button

The Small Business Innovation Development Act of 1982 (PL 97-219), reauthorizing legislation (PUB.L. 99-443) and PUB.L. 102-564 (Small Business Research and Development Act), seeks to encourage the initiative of the private sector and to use small business as effectively as possible in meeting Federal research and development objectives. To comply with statutory obligations of the Act, DOT has established a US DOT SBIR Program which conforms to guidelines and regulations provided by the Small Business Administration. Annually, small businesses are solicited to submit innovative research proposals that address high priority requirements of the Department and have potential for commercialization.

DOT SBIR Program Success Stories

Three new DOT SBIR Program success stories are now available on the new Small Business Administration (SBA) SBIR Program website, http://www.sbir.gov/success-stories-by-agency/128. Listed below are the DOT agencies that funded the research/research and development, the project title and the SBIR Company responsible for conducting the work:

  • Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), project entitled; FRA Deploys New Ultra-Portable Ride Inspection Tool, dFuzion Inc.;
  • Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), project entitled;MWM-Array Characterization of Mechanical Damage and Corrosion, JENTEK Sensors, Inc.; and
  • Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), project entitled; Military target tracking concepts applied to helping pedestrians cross the road safely, Migma Systems, Inc.

Manufacturing-related R&D Emphasis in SBIR

Executive Order (E.O.) 13329 requires Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) agencies, to the extent permitted by law and in a manner consistent with the mission of that department or agency, to give high priority within the SBIR programs to manufacturing-related research and development (R&D). "Manufacturing-related" is defined as "relating to manufacturing processes, equipment and systems; or manufacturing workforce skills and protection."

E.O. 13329 is intended to help ensure that federal agencies properly and effectively assist the private sector in its manufacturing innovation so as to sustain a strong manufacturing sector in the US economy by advancing innovation, including innovation in manufacturing, through small businesses.

It is DOT's intent to increase the proportion of its SBIR awards to manufacturing-related R&D projects.

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More Detailed Program Information

Visit: http://www.volpe.dot.gov/sbir/fraud.html to learn how to report fraud, waste, and abuse.

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