Select national and international flights in the National Airspace System shown through the Volpe Center's Traffic Situation Display. (Volpe Center Image)
  • Provides facility design and construction project management support for the FAA. Support includes schedule management, cost estimation and budgeting, and development and tracking of program metrics.
  • Provides comprehensive systems engineering, systems architecture, risk assessment, benefit and cost analysis, safety analysis, and operational performance analysis.
  • Performs analysis and prototyping of communications technologies and improvements. Designs, implements, and manages local and wide area networks. Conducts network vulnerability assessments and implements security improvements.
  • Provides project management and information technology support for performance analysis of the National Airspace System (NAS). Supports software development, network and infrastructure, system operations, and user training in support of NAS performance analysis requirements.
  • Provides information technology support and technical and financial review support to the FAA for processing telecommunications services requests and maintaining supporting agency data.
  • Provides financial analysis support, including: information technology support for financial systems; cost accounting and financial systems reporting support; budget planning, formulation, and execution support; financial capitalization support; Delphi financial management system support; reimbursable agreements (intra- and inter agency) support; systems engineering support; program and technical management support; acquisition support; and business process re-engineering support.
  • Conducts evaluations of federal programs to assess compliance with the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART). Supports strategic planning initiatives, development of program logic models, and implementation and tracking of program performance measures.


  • Project management
  • Schedule management
  • Financial analysis
  • Risk management
  • Systems engineering
  • Safety risk management assessment
  • Acquisition management support
  • Contract management
  • Software development & maintenance
  • Quality assurance
  • Earned value management (EVM)
  • Training quality assurance
  • Strategic planning

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