News List
  • The Fiscal Cliff Must be Avoided
    Nov 21, 2012 - On the dawn of New Year’s Day 2013, America will either wake up clear-headed and positive with better days on the horizon or start the New Year with a nauseating hangover called the fiscal cliff. Our nation, is indeed, facing a financial crisis of soaring magnitude. Right now, Congress is gridlocked... More
  • Need Cooperation to Address Fiscal Cliff
    Jul 25, 2012 - A version of this column ran earlier in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Click here to read it in that format. The Budget Control Act of 2011was drafted to match spending cuts with targeted revenue increases to prevent the federal government from defaulting on its debts. A short-term solution of $1... More
  • Payroll Tax Cut extended
    Feb 17, 2012 - Congress passed H.R. 3630, the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act. This bipartisan agreement extends the payroll tax cut for 160 million Americans; continues unemployment benefits for the millions of Americans who lost their jobs; and ensures seniors can continue to see the doctor of their... More
  • Government Shutdown?
    Apr 4, 2011 - What is the likelihood of a federal government shutdown and how would it affect you? A bipartisan group of Congressional leaders have been working for weeks to agree on details on funding for the 2011 budget. The current budget year has been funded in short-term increments with less than 6 months to... More
  • Summary of Tax Cuts
    Dec 21, 2010 - President Obama has signed the new tax cuts into law (Public Law No: 111-312). Congressman Scott spoke in favor of the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010, which extends unemployment insurance, cuts payroll taxes and extends existing tax rates for two yea... More
  • Scott Statement in Support of Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, & Job Creation Act of 2010
    Dec 16, 2010 - Today, Congressman David Scott (GA-13) addressed the House Floor to urge passage of the tax relief measure. You can watch a video of the speech at this link. Rep. Scott's Floor remarks appear below: Ladies and gentlemen of the Congress, the time is now for us to ask the one fundamental question befo... More
  • Making Government Efficient
    Jul 14, 2010 - Update July 27, 2010. Today, the House passed The Surface Transportation Earmark Rescission, Savings and Accountability Act, which rescinds $713 million in unobligated funding for 309 earmarks contained in previous surface transportation authorizations – thereby ensuring that these funds will not be... More
  • Tax Credits for Businesses that Hire Unemployed Workers
    Jul 13, 2010 - This year, businesses hired nearly 4.5million new workers who were eligible for HIRE Act tax exemptions. The HIRE Act exempts Social Security payroll taxes for businesses that hire workers who have been unemployed for 60 days or longer. In addition, the HIRE Act allows employers to claim a tax credi... More
  • Congressman Scott Votes to Improve Government Efficiency
    Jun 16, 2010 - Congressman Scott voted this week for the Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Performance Improvement Act of 2010. This measure will help Congress conduct more effective oversight, make better-informed authorization and appropriation decisions, identify and eliminate duplicative programs, and help improv... More
  • Home Buyer's Tax Credit for Overseas Military
    May 3, 2010 - The hombuyer's tax credit expired on April 30 for most purchasers. However, members of the military and certain other federal employees serving outside the U.S. have an extra year to buy a principal residence in the U.S. and qualify for the credit. An eligible taxpayer must enter into a binding cont... More