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Statements 2012

A Statement by U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Ryan Crocker

The U.S. is committed to the Lisbon timetable, which means that combat operations by international and Afghan forces are fully resourced and capable as necessary until the end of 2014 and beyond.  The timing of the expected transition in operations toward an Afghan lead in combat operations and an emphasis by international forces on advising, assisting, and training will be determined in the ongoing consultations that are underway with our Afghan and NATO counterparts.  That transition is based on the progress that is being made on the ground. This is not a change in policy or strategy but recognition of the progress we all agreed to achieve in Lisbon.  We are committed to ensuring that Afghanistan cannot again be a safe haven for al-Qaida or groups that threaten the interests of the Afghan people, the United States, and its allies.  We are also committed to an enduring partnership with Afghanistan to obtain greater peace and security in the region, which is in all our interests.