For the more information about the geologic resources of the National Park Service, please visit

Geologic Resources Division


The Geologic Resources Division is a part of the Natural Resource Program Center, administered by the Associate Director for Natural Resource Stewardship and Science. The Natural Resource Program Center consists of eight divisions: Air Resources, Biological Resources Management, Environmental Quality, Geologic Resources, Inventory and Monitoring, Natural Sounds & Night Sky, Social Science, and Water Resources.

The Geologic Resources Division is located in Denver,Colorado,with a liaison office in Washington D.C. The Division's two Branches work collaboratively to support NPS managers by providing technical information,regulatory tools,and specialized services to effectively manage geologic and mineral resources.

Division Organization

Geoscience and Restoration Branch

  • Provides technical expertise to park staff on geologic features,processes,and geohazards.
  • Manages NPS disturbed lands restoration program, including abandoned mineral lands restoration.
  • Coordinates Servicewide cave and karst,coastal geology and paleontological resource management programs.
  • Assists parks with geologic hazard management concerns.

Energy and Minerals Branch

  • Develops NPS guidance on geologic resource management policy and regulatory concerns.
  • Evaluates geologic resource related legislative proposals.
  • Provides support to parks developing comprehensive park planning documents and minerals management plans.
  • Assists park staff with geologic research and mineral development permits inside parks and provides expertise on oil and gas,and solid minerals exploration and development proposals outside park boundaries.
  • Coordinates Servicewide geologic resource inventory and mapping efforts.


Key Contacts

Division Chief

Dave Steensen
(303) 969-2090
Fax (303) 987-6792

Dave Steensen

Senior Geologist / Washington Liaison

Vincent Santucci
(202) 513-7186 office
(202) 359-4124 cell

Vincent Santucci

Geoscience and Restoration Branch Chief

Harold (Hal) Pranger
(303) 969-2018
Fax (303) 987-6792

Harold (Hal) Pranger

Energy and Minerals Branch Chief

Lisa Norby
(303) 969-2318
Fax (303) 987-6792

GRD Mailing Address

National Park Service
Geologic Resources Division
P.O. Box 25287
Denver, Colorado 80225-0287


Related Links



Last Updated: March 30, 2012