National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationNODC, National Oceanographic Data CenterDepartment of Commerce
NOAA Satellite and Information Service

About NODC

NOAA's National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) is an organization that provides scientific and public stewardship for national and international marine environmental and ecosystem data and information. With its regional branch assets and divisions, NODC is integrated to provide access to the world's most comprehensive sources of marine environmental data and information. NODC maintains and updates a national ocean archive with environmental data acquired from domestic and foreign activities and produces products and research from these data which help monitor global environmental changes. These data include physical, biological and chemical measurements derived from in situ oceanographic observations, satellite remote sensing of the oceans, and ocean model simulations. NODC manages and operates the World Data Center (WDC) for Oceanography, Silver Spring. Its personnel directly interact with Federal, state, academic, and industrial oceanographic activities, represent NOAA/NESDIS on various interagency domestic panels, committees and councils, and represent the United States in various international organizations, such as the International Oceanographic Data Exchange. The Data Center also represents NESDIS and NOAA to the general public, government agencies, private institutions, foreign governments, and the private sector on matters involving oceanographic data.

>> Complete NODC Overview

archival services for originators data
The National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) manages the acquisition, ingest processing, quality control and long-term preservation of oceanographic data. The data are scanned for viruses, and cryptographic checksums are generated and stored with the original data files so data integrity can be monitored and verified over extended time periods and across generations of storage technologies. A copy of the data is written to near-line mass storage and a copy is written to removable media for off-site storage.The NODC archive holdings include all the data acquired in its original form, as well as project and product files of data extractions. (...more about what happens to data submitted to NODC).

Every data acquisition is assigned a unique identification number called an accession number, to be used as a lifetime reference to that data. Each unique data set will contain a metadata description to aid in search and discovery processes. A copy of all original NODC digital data holdings is maintained in an online storage system for unattended access by our users.

Direct access to the NODC archive of originators' data can be obtained by using the NODC Ocean Archive System.

You can also submit your oceanographic data files to NODC's archives, or find ocean data that you already submitted.

quality controlled data products
The National Oceanographic Data Center holds global physical, chemical, and biological oceanographic data sets that are being used by researchers world-wide. Specifically NODC's Ocean Climate Laboratory is investigating interannual-to-decadal ocean climate variability using historical oceanographic data, and building scientifically, quality-controlled global oceanographic databases in their products known as the World Ocean Atlas and World Ocean Database.

For a complete list of data and products visit NODC's Access Data page.

operational ocean observing systems
NODC has several ocean-data Web applications that can be accessed through the Internet. Some of these observing systems contain near-realtime data, while others are long-term archives for a certain project. Here is a list of observing systems that NODC provides archive services for:
- Global Argo Data Repository - latest data
- Coastal Buoy Data
- Coastal Water Temperature Guide (CWTG)
- Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program (GTSPP)
- Joint Archive for Sea Level (JASL)*
- Joint Archive for Shipboard ADCP (JASADCP)*- [NODC's ADCP page]
- Ocean Time Series Data Base (TSDB)
- Satellite Oceanography
- Shipboard Sensor Database (SSD)

The National Coastal Data Development Center (a division of NODC) provides data management and data discovery mechanisms for several ocean and coastal observational systems. You may also want to visit our Environmental Themes page to see how NODC relates to these important topics.

For a complete list of data and products, visit NODC's Access Data page.

  Last modified:    Tue, 7-Aug-2012 15:25 UTC
Dept. of Commerce - NOAA - NESDIS - NODC
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   Government by following an external link. - The U.S. Government's Web Portal