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Public Release of a New Aura-OMI Global Atmospheric NO2 Product

Total and Tropospheric NO2 vertical column densities at 0.25x0.25 degree global grids based on improved OMI NO2 algorithm

Public Release of a New Aura-OMI Global Atmospheric NO2 Product

Global image of OMI Tropospheric NO2 for Sep 10-12, 2012 . In the image above, the high values of NO2 in the northern hemisphere are mostly due to industrial and automobile combustion processes and in the South mostly due to seasonal biomass burning.

Public Release of a New Aura-OMI Global Atmospheric NO2 Product

The Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC), in collaboration with OMI Principal Investigators Nickolay Krotkov (GSFC-NASA, US) & Pepijn J. Veefkind (KNMI, Netherlands), is pleased to announce the release of  a new OMI daily global gridded Level-3 nitrogen dioxide (NO2) product, ‘OMNO2d’. The Ozone Monitoring instrument (OMI) is a contribution of the Netherlands Space Office (NSO) in collaboration with Finish Meteorological Institute (FMI) to the NASA EOS-Aura Mission.

Atmospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is an important trace gas in the Earth’s atmosphere. NO2 occurs naturally in the free troposphere (due to lightning) and in the stratosphere. It plays a major role in the destruction of ozone in the middle stratosphere and is a major precursor of tropospheric smog (high surface ozone and particulate levels).

In the stratosphere, NO2 is mainly produced by photo-dissociation of NO2 reservoir species. In the lower troposphere and near surface, the primary sources of NO2 production are industrial and automobile combustion processes and biomass burning. These sources, together with emission from the soil, account for most of the NO2 in the atmosphere.


 The OMNO2d data product provides daily total and tropospheric cloud screened NO2 column data, a weighted average over 0.25° x 0.25o latitude-longitude global grids. ( ).


This Global Gridded NO2 product is most recent addition to other OMI Level-3 atmospheric products that have been released earlier, and which contain many climate and air quality related parameters, such as Total Column Ozone, Aerosol Optical Thickness, Aerosol Index, Sulfur Dioxide, UV-B Surface Irradiance and Erythemal Daily Dose. Information for all OMI data products is available from the GES DISC OMI web site,


For the full set of Aura data products available from the GES DISC, please see the link: On-line data analysis capabilities have also been made available in the GES DISC Giovanni (

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Last updated: Feb 15, 2013 11:15 AM ET