Division of Genomic Sciences Staff

Jeffery A. Schloss, Ph.D.

Jeffery A. Schloss
Division of Genome Sciences

Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University, 1979

phone (301) 496-7531
fax (301) 480-2770
e-mail schlossj@exchange.nih.gov
5635 Fishers Ln
Room 4103, MSC 9305
Rockville, MD 20892-9305

Genome Technology Program

Centers of Excellence in Genomic Science

Human Microbiome Program

Nanomedicine Program

At the National Institutes of Health, when you want to know about the science behind breakthrough DNA sequencing technologies, you call Dr. Jeffery Schloss.

As program director for technology development coordination, Dr. Schloss serves as a resource on technology development for the extramural research program at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) and manages a portfolio of grants across a range of nucleic acids-related technologies - in particular the $1,000 genome sequencing technology development program. He also works with the Human Microbiome Program [commonfund.nih.gov], coordinates the Centers of Excellence in Genomic Science program and co-chairs the Common Fund Nanomedicine Initiative [commonfund.nih.gov].

Dr. Schloss has been selected as the director of the Division of Genome Sciences within the extramural research program based on his expansive knowledge and experience with various technology and genomic science programs.

"It's both a great honor and challenge to move into this new role," said Dr. Schloss. "This new structure will maintain cohesion among a diverse group of highly accomplished scientists who have made our extramural research program so successful, while accommodating administrative needs of a growing institute."

Three research domains within the new strategic plan for genomics will be the focus of the Division of Genome Sciences: understanding the structure of genomes; understanding the biology of genomes; and understanding the biology of disease.

"These domains have been at the core of NHGRI extramural activities for several years and they will certainly continue to be an essential and substantial portion of our portfolio moving forward to implement the strategic plan," said Dr. Schloss.

Dr. Schloss joined NHGRI in 1992 as a program director for centers that were building genetic and physical maps of human and model organism genomes, and then helped NHGRI initiate its large scale sequencing pilot projects. He then transitioned to the technology development program where he has run programs to accelerate the availability of genomics technologies, and coordinated interdisciplinary programs in bioengineering and nanotechnology research across the NIH and U.S. federal science agencies.

Dr. Schloss received the NIH Director's Award in 1997, twice in 1998, 2004, 2006 and 2008. He earned his undergraduate degree in biology from Case Western Reserve University in 1973, and a Ph.D. in cell biology from Carnegie Mellon University in 1979.

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Last Updated: October 2, 2012