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Census Bureau Tip Sheet

A product of the U.S. Census Bureau's Public Information Office

July 2, 2010 TP10-14


2010 Census

2010 Census Blogs — Get the latest news about the census on the 2010 Census Director's Blog, which provides updates from Census Bureau Director Robert Groves. Recent postings focus on the updates about “The Completion of Nonresponse Follow-up” and “Enumerators at Work” (June 28). Internet address: <http://2010.census.gov/2010census/>.

2010 Census Operations News Briefing — On Wednesday, July 7, U.S. Census Bureau Director Robert Groves will update the media at the National Press Club in Washington on 2010 Census nonresponse follow-up operations under way across the country. (Media advisory: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/2010_census/cb10-cn66.html>.)

2010 Census Quality Assurance Operations Under Way — As the door-to-door phase of the census enumeration winds down, Census Bureau staff are engaged in extensive field operations to ensure that America has the most accurate and complete count possible. Further information: <http://2010.census.gov/2010census/>.)


Net Worth and Asset Ownership of Households: 2004 — Income and net worth are two important factors in determining economic well-being in the United States. This table package looks at net worth and asset ownership by various socioeconomic factors, including monthly income. The data come from the Survey of Income and Program Participation. (Scheduled for release in early July.)

State and Metropolitan Area Data Book: 2010 — With information on topics ranging from the prevalence of physicians in the Philadelphia area to the number of daily newspapers in New Mexico, this reference book serves as “Uncle Sam's Almanac” for subnational areas. Published periodically since 1979, it contains more than 1,600 data items on myriad subjects in the news, such as health care, immigration, transportation and commuting, and telecommunications. Data from nonprofits, private businesses and government statistical agencies, including the Census Bureau, are provided for the nation, states, metropolitan areas and their component counties and micropolitan areas. (Scheduled for release in early July.)

OnTheMap for Emergency Management: Hurricanes — The U.S. Census Bureau, in cooperation with the National Hurricane Center, is launching this new Web-based tool to provide real-time workforce information when a hurricane strikes land. This easy-to-use tool provides local workforce characteristics with one click of a link, providing information such as the affected industries, the ages of workers and workers' earnings. (Scheduled for release in early July.)

Fertility of American Women: 2008 — Utilizes data from two sources: the June 2008 Supplement to the Current Population Survey (CPS) and the 2008 American Community Survey (ACS). The CPS data, national-level only, provide a historical perspective showing the lifetime fertility experience of women, while the ACS data, provided at the state level, focus on the current fertility experiences of women with a birth in the last year. The data are shown by various demographic characteristics, such as race, Hispanic origin, educational attainment and nativity. New topics examined in this year's report include births to cohabitating women, lifetime fertility patterns for women with higher education and unemployment levels for new moms. (Scheduled for release in late July.)

Small Area Health Insurance Estimates — These 2007 estimates show the demographic characteristics of people with and without health insurance coverage for every state and county in the nation. They are based on models combining data from a variety of sources, including the Current Population Survey, 2000 Census, the Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program, County Business Patterns and administrative records. They are currently the only source of estimates of health insurance coverage status for all counties. (Scheduled for release in late July.)

The Black Population in the United States: 2007 and 2008 — A series of detailed tables with data on a wide range of demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the black population. Topics covered include marital status, educational attainment, nativity and citizenship status, labor force and employment status, occupation, earnings, poverty and housing tenure. The data, collected in the Current Population Survey, pertain to the noninstitutionalized population and are shown for the “black alone” population and the “black alone or in combination” population. (Scheduled for release in July.)

The Asian Population in the United States: 2007 and 2008 — A series of detailed tables with data on a wide range of demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the Asian population. Topics covered include marital status, educational attainment, nativity and citizenship status, labor force and employment status, occupation, earnings, poverty and housing tenure. The data, collected in the Current Population Survey, pertain to the noninstitutionalized population and are shown for the “Asian alone” population and the “Asian alone or in combination” population. (Scheduled for release in July.)

Who's Minding the Kids? Child Care Arrangements: Spring 2005/Summer 2006 — Tables provide data on child care arrangements of preschoolers and grade-schoolers according to various demographic characteristics of the mother for spring 2005 and child care arrangements in summer 2006. Tables provide data on different types and characteristics of child care arrangements for preschoolers and grade-schoolers, and focus in particular on child care arrangements in Summer 2006. Types of child care include relative care, organized care facilities and self care. (Scheduled for release in July.)

Seasonality of Moves and the Duration and Tenure of Residence: 2004 — Every year, millions of people in the United States pack up and move. How long do people stay in one place? What time of year are people likeliest to move? How far do they go? What are the characteristics of movers -- marital status, parenthood, citizenship, education, employment status, income, race and ethnicity? Are renters transitioning to home ownership or do they remain renters while owners remain owners? These data come from the 2004 Survey of Income and Program Participation and offer a glimpse into the mobility of the population. (Scheduled for release in July.)


Preliminary Estimates of Business Ownership by Gender, Hispanic or Latino Origin, and Race: 2007 — These data sets come from the 2007 Survey of Business Owners. The data show the number and percent of minority-, women- and veteran-owned businesses, sales and receipts and employment at the national, state and local levels. This is the first of 10 reports on the characteristics of minority- and women-owned businesses scheduled for release in the next year. (An audio news conference and a news release are scheduled for July 13.)

2008 County Business Patterns — This annual data set covers establishments with paid employees at the national and state levels, and in more than 3,100 counties. It provides the only source of annual, complete and consistent county-level data for U.S. business establishments, employees, and quarterly and annual payroll for about 1,100 industries. (Scheduled for release July 29.)

2008 State and Local Government Finances — These data sets include information on revenues, expenditures, debt and cash and security holdings for state and local governments. (Scheduled for release in July.)

Finances of Selected State and Local Government Employee Retirement Systems: 1st Quarter 2010 — This quarterly survey provides national summary data on the revenues, expenditures and composition of assets of the 100 largest state and local public employee retirement systems in the United States. These 100 systems comprise 89.4 percent of financial activity among such entities, based on the 2007 Census of Governments. This survey presents the most current data about investment decisions by state and local public employee retirement systems, which are among the largest types of institutional investors in the U.S. financial markets. These data tables are published four months after each calendar quarter and show national financial transactions and trends for the past five years. (Scheduled for release in July.)

Facts for Features

Labor Day (Sept. 6) — Labor Day is the yearly national tribute to the workers who have contributed to the well-being of our country. First observed in 1882, this federal holiday for many marks the end of summer. In observance of this holiday for workers, this fact sheet includes an array of demographic data about our nation's work force. (Scheduled for release July 7.)

Grandparents Day (Sept. 12) — On this day intended to honor the nation's grandparents, the Census Bureau provides an array of demographic data about the role these caregivers play in the lives our nation's youth. (Scheduled for release July 12.)

Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct. 15) — During this monthlong observance, our nation celebrates the culture and traditions of the 48 million U.S. residents who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico and the Spanish-speaking nations of Central America, South America and the Caribbean. The Census Bureau joins in the celebration with this fact sheet presenting a range of updated data describing the demographic state of the nation's Latino population, as well as brand-new data on Hispanic-owned businesses. (Scheduled for release July 15.)

Unmarried and Single Americans Week (Sept. 20-26) — The third full week of September recognizes the nation's unmarried Americans with an array of statistics about this group from the Census Bureau's demographic and economic subject areas. (Scheduled for release July 20.)



Profile America and Al Día (Spanish) for July — Upcoming segments include praising franks in earnest in “Hot Dogs” (July 8) and texting the 19th century way in "Transatlantic Telegraph" (July 25).

The daily features are available at <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio/>, with download options for MP3 (including podcast subscription) and WAV files, or zip files for the entire month (MP3).

Recently Released

(Since June 18, 2010)

2010 Census

Brooklyn Households May Get Additional Visit From Census Bureau — June 25 — The Census Bureau is quality checking some of the work in the Brooklyn North East local census office (LCO) due to replacement of the management and to ensure a complete and accurate count. At least minimum of 10,000 household interviews will have to be redone to ensure a complete and accurate count. Internet address: <http://2010.census.gov/news/releases/operations/brooklyn-households.html>.

Number of Temporary 2010 Census Workers Paid by Week and Census Region — June 23 — These tables provide the total number of unduplicated temporary 2010 Census workers that earned any pay during a specific weekly pay period by Census Bureau region. Temporary workers earning any pay during a week are only counted once. Totals include temporary workers in Puerto Rico. Internet address: <http://2010.census.gov/news/releases/jobs/temp-workers.html>.


2010 International Data Base Update — June 28 — This data series updates to the estimates and projections that serve as a consistent set of demographic indicators -- population size and growth, mortality, fertility and net migration -- for 227 countries and other areas of the world with populations of 5,000 or more. This release focuses on the expected growth in post-earthquake Haiti and the Dominican Republic.Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/international_population/cb10-95.html>.

Subcounty Population Estimates: July 1, 2009 — June 22 — Population estimates for each of the nation's incorporated places, including cities, boroughs and villages and minor civil divisions, such as towns and townships. The new estimates are not 2010 Census population counts. They are, however, the last estimates to use 2000 Census results as a base. Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/population/cb10-90.html>.


2010 1st Quarter Summary of State and Local Government Tax Revenue — June 29 — Tax revenues grew in the first quarter, marking the second straight quarter of growth. Individual income tax and general sales tax revenues increased, while corporate income tax and property tax revenue declined. The decline in property tax revenue is the first decline since 2003. This summary shows quarterly tax revenue data on property, sales, license, income and other taxes. Data are shown for individual state governments as well as national-level estimates of total state and local taxes, including 12-month calculations. This quarterly survey has been conducted continuously since 1962. Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/govs/qtax/>.

Public Education Finances: 2008 — June 28 — These data tables are a source for revenues, expenditures, debt and assets (cash and security holdings) of elementary and secondary public school systems for the nation, state and school districts. Other tables include per-pupil spending and detailed spending on instruction, special education, school lunches, transportation and salaries. Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/education/cb10-96.html>.

Nonemployer Statistics: 2008 — June 24 — This report provides data on businesses without paid employees in nearly 300 industries for the nation, states, counties and metropolitan areas. Nonemployer businesses have no paid employees, have annual business receipts of $1,000 or more and are subject to federal income taxes. Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/business_ownership/cb10-93.html>.

2010 Capital Spending Report: U.S. Capital Spending Patterns: 1999-2008 — June 23 — This report provides a historical look at the capital spending patterns for structures and equipment by all U.S. businesses with and without employees at the national and industry sector level. Sector level data are available only for businesses with employees. Data from this report come from the Annual Capital Expenditures Survey. Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/econ/aces/report/2010/capitalspendingreport2010.pdf>.



Profile America and Al Día (Spanish) for June and July — Profile America segments included tempting the sweet tooth in “National Candy Month” (June 23), and the Philadelphian “First U.S. Zoo Opens” (July 1). Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio/profile_america/>.


2010 Census Quality Assurance -- It's in Our Hands — June 25 — This video explains about the three major quality assurance operations that will be taking place this summer. Internet address: <http://2010.census.gov/mediacenter/>.

News releases, reports, data tables and radio transcripts are available on the Public Information Office’s Web page at <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/>. Questions or comments should be directed to the Census Bureau’s Public Information Office at 301-763-3030 or 301-763-3691; fax 301-763-3762 or email PIO@census.gov.
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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office | PIO@census.gov | Last Revised: January 24, 2013