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Census Bureau Tip Sheet

A product of the U.S. Census Bureau's Public Information Office

February 3, 2006 TP06-03



Decennial Census

We the People: American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States — A portrait of the American Indian and Alaska native population in the United States, providing data on the largest specified tribal groupings, reservations, Alaska Native Village Statistical Areas (ANVSAs) and areas outside reservations and ANVSAs at the national level. It is part of a special report series that presents data collected from Census 2000 on demographic, social and economic characteristics. (Tentatively scheduled for release mid-February.)

Surveys (other)

Health Status, Health Insurance, and Health Services Utilization: 2001 — How heavily do Americans use health care services? If you’re looking for an answer, this report may be “just what the doctor ordered.” It provides data on the frequency of visits to doctors, dentists and hospitals and whether or not people are taking prescription medicine — by characteristics such as self-reported health status, age and health insurance coverage status. (Tentatively scheduled for release mid-February.)


2002 Economic Census

2002 Economic Census: Subject Series — Fifty-seven reports for several industry sectors — all at the national level — are now being issued on a flow basis. These reports include information such as product shipments by contributing industries. All 883 geographic area series reports and 651 industry reports have been published. Available at <http://www.census.gov/econ/census02/>.

Economic Surveys

Annual Capital Expenditures (ACES): 2004 — ACES is part of a comprehensive program designed to provide more detailed and timely information on capital investment by nonfarm businesses. The 2004 estimates presented are based on data collected from a sample of 46,000 companies with employees and 15,000 businesses without employees. For those companies with employees, capital expenditures data are published for 136 industries. Total capital expenditures, with no industry detail, are shown for the businesses without employees. (Tentatively scheduled for release mid-February.)

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Survey: 2004 —A supplement to the Annual Capital Expenditures Survey, the ICT survey was developed to fill a void for data on e-business infrastructure investment by nonfarm businesses. ICT equipment is defined as computers and peripherals; telephones and telephone apparatus, facsimile equipment, and routers, etc.; electromedical and electrotherapeutic apparatus; and, computer software. The report shows noncapitalized and capitalized spending for 19 separate economic sectors based on the 2002 North American Industry Classification System. It covers purchases, and operating leases and rental payments for ICT equipment. For computer software, the report covers purchases and payroll for developing software, software licensing and service/maintenance agreements. (Tentatively scheduled for release mid-February.)



Profile America and Al Dia (Spanish) for March — Upcoming segments include “FM Radio” (March 1), “King Kong Premieres” (March 2) and “Women’s History Month” (March 4). The entire set of March daily features will go live on Feb. 28 at: <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio/>.

Recently Released

(Since Jan 20, 2006)


Decennial Census

Working Paper No. 81, Historical Census Statistics on the Foreign-Born Population of the United States: 1850 to 2000 — 2/02/06 — Selected decennial census data on the foreign-born population, with data for the nation's largest metropolitan areas and cities. The 1850 decennial census was the first to collect data on the nativity of the U.S. population, and this working paper has been updated to reflect information from Census 2000. Internet address:

American Community Survey (ACS)

New 2004 American Community Survey (ACS) Tables — 1/26/06 — Internet address:

Surveys (other)

Current Population Survey Data Collection — 1/31/06 — Internet address:

Survey of Income and Program Participation Data Collection — 1/24/06 — Internet address:


2002 Economic Census

2002 Survey of Business Owners: Women-Owned Firms — 1/26/06 — Internet address:

Economic Surveys

2004 State Government Finances — 2/02/06 — Alaska traditionally leads the country in per capita revenue and expenditures. Whether that trend continues can be found in this latest report for the 50 state governments. Detailed data is revealed on revenue by type and source, such as taxes, charges and federal aid; expenditures by function (e.g., police, fire and education); and cash and security holdings. Internet address:

2004 Annual Survey of Manufactures, Geographic Area Statistics — 2/02/06 — State-level data for industries down to the four-digit North American Industry Classification System level. Includes statistics on employment, payroll, value added by manufacture, cost of materials consumed, value of shipments and total capital expenditures. Internet address



Profile America and Al Dia (Spanish) for February — 1/31/06 — Internet address:

Black History Month 2006 Radio Features — 1/13/06 — Internet address:

News releases, reports, data tables and radio transcripts are available on the Public Information Office’s Web page at <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/>. Questions or comments should be directed to the Census Bureau’s Public Information Office at 301-763-3030 or 301-763-3691; fax 301-763-3762 or email PIO@census.gov.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office | PIO@census.gov | Last Revised: January 24, 2013