United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Psychology Training

White River Junction VA Medical Center

Internship Program

The predoctoral internship at the White River Junction VA Medical Center (WRJ VAMC) in Vermont is fully accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the American Psychological Association. The most recent site visit was in October, 2009.

The Psychology Internship program at the WRJ VAMC is located in the Mental Health and Behavioral Science service. We, at the Mental Health and Behavioral Science service, are very proud of our tradition of integrating disciplines in the care of our patients. Psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, nurse practitioners and master's level mental health professionals work alongside each other in meetings, leading groups, collaborating on the care of individual patients and in developing treatment offerings. In our service interns literally work next to and collaborate with other mental health disciplines on a daily basis. As a result, interns become used to regular consultation with other staff and participate in inter-professional teams as a normal mode of professional practice.

Download the Brochure:
Microsoft Word Psychology Internship - White River Junction


Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in Primary Care and Mental Health

The Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship Program at the WRJ VAMC is designed to teach early-career professionals the knowledge and skills to function as independent, ethical, and competent psychologists consistent with the highest standards of practice. We emphasize the development of compassionate and humane approaches to the alleviation of human suffering and the enhancement of personal health and growth.

The primary goal of the psychology postdoctoral fellowship program is to prepare early-career professionals in the ethical practice of health psychology in Primary Care, a variety of other settings, and to serve as leaders in the integration of mental and physical health care. Our postdoctoral fellowship graduates are well prepared to begin working in a diverse number of environments including primary care settings, outpatient clinics, medical center-based care, or university-based health care settings. A second major goal is to develop health psychologists who will be scholars and practitioners. We train our postdoctoral fellows to be active, continuous consumers of the professional literature and to use this literature to inform their practice, providing effective, empirically-supported treatment for a variety of clinical conditions. The third major goal of our training program is develop psychology leaders who continue to expand the practice and application of psychological principles into existing and newly developing areas of practice including primary and specialty care medicine as well as patient safety and biomedical ethics. A fourth major goal of our proposed postdoctoral program is to train professional psychologists well-versed in the understanding and treatment of psychopathology with the ability to utilize multiple theoretical orientations (cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, humanistic-existential, etc.) in their case conceptualization and treatment. We believe that the ability to draw upon these rich bodies of knowledge will enable our postdoctoral students to more effectively conceptualize and treat a diverse group of patients with a wide range of clinical issues.

Download the Brochure:
Microsoft Word Psychology Fellowship - White River Junction

Contact Us

White River Junction
VA Medical Center

Robert Sokol, Ph.D.
Director, Psychology Training
215 North Main Street
White River Junction, VT 05009
(802) 295-9363 ext. 6961

Internship APPIC Match Number
Internship Applications Due

November 12

Fellowship Applications Due
January 5