ASAP Drug Test Coordinator

Installation Biochemical Testing Coordinator/ Drug Test Coordinator

Office: 730-4779/4765
Fax: 730-4791

The objectives of the Army’s Biochemical Testing Program are to deter Soldiers from abusing drugs (including illegal drugs, other illicit substances, and prescribed medication); facilitate early identification of alcohol and/or other drug abuse; enable commanders to assess the security, military fitness, good order and discipline of their units, and to use information obtained to take appropriate action (for example, UCMJ, administrative, or other actions including referral to the ASAP counseling center for screening, evaluation, and possible treatment); monitor rehabilitation of those enrolled for alcohol and/or other drug abuse; and collect data on the prevalence of alcohol and/or other drug abuse within USAG Red Cloud and the Army.

Army policy states that the minimum rate of testing is one random sample per active duty Soldier per year. Battalion commanders will randomly select and test 4 percent of their Soldiers each week. A brigade or higher commander may waive the weekly random drug testing for short-term field exercises, block leave, or other similar, short-term events. The decision to test and how to organize the testing event is made by the commander. The Unit Prevention Leaders (UPLs) are the unit drug and alcohol subject matter experts who are responsible for specimen collection and unit substance abuse training. UPLs are trained by obtaining certification through a 40-hour UPL Certification Course offered monthly at the ASAP office (see below for UPL Certification Course dates).

Department of Army civilians occupying certain sensitive positions called Testing Designated Positions (TDPs) are randomly drug tested. The goal of the Army’s Drug-free Federal Workplace (DFW) program is to ensure that workplaces are safe, healthful, productive, and drug-free. Objectives of the DFW are to assist in maintaining public health and safety, the protection of life and property, national security, and the internal security of the Army; deter substance abuse; identify illegal drug abusers; assist employees who are seeking treatment for illegal drug abuse; and assist in determining fitness for appointment or retention in TDPs.

The forensic toxicology laboratory tests for seven categories of drugs, as authorized by the Department of Defense. Every urine sample is tested for THC, Cocaine, Amphetamines, and Heroine. Tests for the other four drugs are done on a random rotational basis; these drugs include Opiates, Oxycodone, Oxymorphone, and PCP. Tests for Steroids are a probable cause test only.

Questions can be directed to the Drug Testing Coordinator (DTC) at 730-4779 / 4765

To make an appointment for the urinalysis test turn in call 730-4779 / 4765

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Date last updated: 5/12/2011 10:55:07 AM