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Kapaa Beach

The Kapaa Beach Shoreline Protection Project is located on the east coast of the island of Kauai. The project was authorized in June 1975 under Section 103 of the River and Harbor Act of 1962, as amended. The project was completed in September 1976 at a cost of $189,700 (Federal $132,800; non-Federal $56,900).

The shoreline at Kapaa fronts public property and extends northward from the Waiakaea Canal to approximately 1,300 feet north of Moikeha Canal. A 25-foot-wide sandy beach extends along the 2,000-foot-long reach between the two canals. The project consists of the restoration of a 400-foot section of beach by placement of 6,000 cubic yards of sand, rehabilitation of a 150-foot section of Moikeha Groin, and 70 feet of revetment along the north bank of Moikeha Canal. The local sponsor is the County of Kauai, Department of Public Works.