U.S. Mission Geneva

U.S. Celebrates CITES 40th Anniversary


Ambassador Betty E. King delivered remarks at an event to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Convention for International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The U.S. Mission sponsored an exhibit and film presentation to mark the occasion.

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Job Announcement: USEFM Program and Liaison Officer

The Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (CSO) and Justice Rapid Response (JRR) is seeking an individual for the position of Program and Liaison Officer.

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U.S. Statement at the UPR of Serbia

We commend Serbia’s notable progress in protecting and promoting human rights.

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U.S. Statement at the UPR of Liechtenstein

We commend Liechtenstein’s strong commitment to the rule of law, democracy, freedom of expression, and the protection of religious freedom. We applaud the government’s programs on Holocaust education and public commemoration ceremonies.

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U.S. Statement at the UPR of the United Arab Emirates

We commend the UAE for improving some protections for migrant workers, including implementing procedures to identify victims of forced labor.

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Ambassador Kennedy’s Statement at the Conference on Disarmament Plenary


We begin the New Year with renewed commitment to the goal of a world without nuclear weapons – a goal which my President has made a hallmark of his international security agenda.

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USAID Representative Discusses Neglected Tropical Diseases with WHO

Kris Esther

The WHO report marks a new phase in the prevention, control and elimination of many tropical diseases. Globally more than 1 billion people, approximately half of them children, suffer from one or more painful and debilitating tropical diseases.

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U.S. Welcomes Efforts to Address Book Famine for Visually Impaired

In December 2009, the United States delegation came to the SCCR and said that we had concluded that it was the time to fashion new norms in International copyright to address what we believe is a legitimate concern, the book famine – the unjustifiable lack of availability of special format copies for visually impaired persons and for persons with print disabilities — throughout the world. We believe that the book famine exists and we believe our work here can go a substantial way – not all the way – to addressing the problem.

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Opening Statement at the 14th Conference of the High Contracting Parties to Amended Protocol II to the CCW

The United States continues to demonstrate its commitment to address the potential humanitarian consequences caused by landmine use

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Opening Statement at the Meeting of the High Contracting Parties to the CCW

The United States places great value in CCW as a framework that brings together States with diverse national security interests; we all share the collective goal of balancing military necessity with real concern for the humanitarian consequences of certain conventional weapons.

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