Womack Army Medical Center
Site Map
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Breast Health Clinic
Breastfeeding Consultation
Childbirth Education
Defense & Veterans Brain Injury Center
Department of Ministry
Department of Optometry
Department of Pediatrics
Department of Social Work
Department of Surgery
Deployment Health
Directorate of Business Operations (DBO)
Emergency Medicine
Fisher House
Maternal Child Health
Medical Management
Nursing Research
Nutrition Care Division
Obstetrics/Gynecology (OB/GYN)
Occupational Therapy Services
OT for Mild Traumatic Brain InjuryExpand OT for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
OT for Warrior Transition Unit
Psychiatry Services
Hand Clinic
Hand Therapy Patient Education
Older Driver Education
Pre-Admissions Unit
Preventive Medicine
WAMC Sports
Women's Fitness


  1. Definitions/Concepts

a. Occupational Therapy (OT) is a rehabilitation and health promotion process designed to deduce and/or enable    compensatory strategies for behavioral symptoms, which have degraded functional performance.

b. Occupational Therapy is a referral service. Requests for service are communicated via SF 513 (Consultation Form) through CHCS and are accepted from the inpatient units.

 c. Occupational Therapy services and evaluations specific to the inpatient psychosocial population are conducted Monday, Wednesday, and Friday’s with the exception of weekends, holidays and training holidays.

d.  Occupational Therapy re-evaluations are conducted (A) when a change in the patient’s medical status is noted or (B) every three weeks, whichever comes first.

 e. Occupational Therapy treatment of psychiatric patients is conceptualized in terms of four major impairment levels with corresponding treatment focus areas.

Impairment                                                    Treatment Focus
Disordered thinking                                     Stabilization
Insufficient insight                                       Insight development
Inadequate coping skills                            Skill acquisition
Insufficient coping behavior habituation            Role reintegration

 f. While the Occupational Therapy process can be applied to any of these areas, the primary focus of OT intervention at WAMC is skill acquisition and role reintegration through successful group exercise experiences.

 g. The primary objective of Occupational Therapy intervention in the inpatient setting is for the patient to gain insight and self-awareness of abilities and acquisition of new knowledge regarding life skills and role dysfunction.

 h. Communication of patient treatment information will be provided via medical record documentation and participation in selected treatment planning conferences.

2.  Procedures

a. Patients will be screened to assess appropriateness of OT intervention. Any of the following paths may be used to initiate the OT screening process:

 b. OT initiated screening of medical records and brief patient interview, written or verbal communication with physician and subsequent written order.

 c.  OT Intervention

                      i.  A work potential assessment

                      ii.  Life Skills: Individual and Group

1.    Stress Management
2.    Anger Management
3.    Decision Making/Problem Solving
4.    Goal Planning
5.    Assertive Communications
6.    Process of Making Change
7.    Self Esteem
8.    Self-Awareness
9.    Vocational Planning
10. Relaxation Techniques
11. Relapse Prevention
12. Limit Setting/Boundaries
13. Reality Orientation
14. Values Clarification
15. Team Work/Building
16. Recreation & Physical Fitness
17. Meal Planning 7 Preparation
18. Money Management/Budgeting

For Information click on the following Links:
Postraumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD)

Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics:
ANAM Brochure
Army Move Brochure
Coping After a Suicide
Suicide Risk/protective Factors
Suicide Prevention Risk Factor