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Improving the understanding, detection, and management of kidney disease.

Getting Started with Kidney Sundays

Kidney Sundays Planning: A Checklist

Conducting a Kidney Sundays session is easy. Planning one can be simple too. This checklist will help you make sure you remember all of the important steps.

6 Weeks Before the Event

  • Recruit a Health Champion—the person who will conduct the Kidney Sundays session. You don’t have to be a health expert to conduct the session.
  • Talk with your faith leader about how to incorporate kidney health messaging at your place of worship.
  • Order FREE educational materials from the NKDEP Resource Center. Call 1-866-4 KIDNEY (1-866-454-3639) or visit the Resource Center to place your order. Larger orders require a small fee.
  • Decide if you would like to have a health screening as part of your Kidney Sundays session. If you do, now is the time to contact your screening partner to get on their calendar. Potential screening partners include:
    • Chi Eta Phi nursing sorority
    • American Kidney Fund
    • National Kidney Foundation
    • Local college nursing school/program
  • Begin to publicize the session for those who may most benefit from the information. Be sure to notify your health ministry, women’s and men’s ministries, and other groups to ensure their members attend the upcoming session.

4 Weeks Before the Event

  • Finalize the day and time for your Kidney Sundays session—taking into account your screening partner’s availability. Reserve the room(s) at your faith organization for the session.
  • Print out and make copies of fact sheets that you want to pass out at the session.
  • Arrange for tables and chairs for the day of the event. If you are going to have health screeners, be sure there is a table for them. In addition, be sure you have a sign in table and a table to display materials.

2 Weeks Before the Event

  • Be sure that information about the Kidney Sundays session is included in the Bulletin two weeks before the session. Continue to publicize the event. Be sure to announce if health screenings will take place.
  • Confirm that your Health Champion can participate.
  • Confirm that your screening partner has your event on the calendar. Also, make sure they have the directions to the event.
  • Ensure that you have received your NKDEP materials to hand out at the session.

1 Week Before the Event

  • Have the Kidney Sundays session mentioned during the Announcements and ensure the information is included in the Bulletin one week before the session. Encourage faith members to attend.
  • Review the Talking Points with your Health Champion to guide your Kidney Sundays session.

Day of the Event

  • Make sure the room is set up and chairs are arranged.
  • Display the NKDEP materials on a table.
  • Assist your screening partner with set up, if necessary.
  • Collect names and email addresses of attendees so you can follow up with them after the event. Have a sign-in sheet at the door.
  • Take photos during the event.

1 Week Following the Event

  • Send attendees an email using the suggestions included in the Toolkit to help support them. Take extra care to follow up with those you know may have diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, or a family history of kidney failure.
  • Display photos on faith organization’s bulletin board and share with the Make the Kidney Connection Facebook community.

Page last updated: April 25, 2012